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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

here is another article for telephone killer (cold) call.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Conversation Steps

Say "hello" and acknowledge (and note) the name of person you are speaking with.

"Hello, my name is .... And, your name please?"

Tell why you are calling and who you wish to speak with. If you are conducting a follow up call, quickly describe previous communications.
"I am calling about the marketing assistant position and I would like to speak with the director of marketing, please."


"I saw on the Internet that your firm offers wonderful entry-level sales options. Is there a specific person who could tell me more about these positions? Good. That person's name, phone and fax number is? Does he/she have email?"

Assess status of your candidacy, confirming whether your fax or mailed documents were received, and, focus on identifying appropriate next steps. Be assertive about this -- request an appointment for a job or informational interview. If the person you are speaking with cannot schedule one, request suggestions for next steps, additional resources or referrals.

"I e-mailed a resume to ... of your human resources office. Can I speak with Mr./Ms. ...? I would like to confirm that the resume was received and clarify next steps. Ask to see the appropriate person, "I'd like to schedule an appointment with Mr./Ms. ..."

Request an appointment for an employent interview or information conversation. If the person you are speaking with cannot schedule one, request suggestions for next steps, additional resources or for a referral.

"Yes, I understand that decisions regarding formal interviews won't be made for a few weeks. In the meantime could you refer me to someone who is in a sales position? I would like to informally learn about what it is like and ask questions about their experiences. Who would you suggest I speak with?"

Thank the person you are speaking with and confirm spelling of all names, mailing and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers.

"Thank you so much. You have been very helpful. If I have additional questions would it be appropriate to call you again? Again, Mr./Ms. .... is the best person to contact and their phone and fax number is... Is that correct?"

Create additional outlines and rehearse with friends and family. Let common sense be your guide, but start now!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 在家找工作,最怕接电话,也知道要准备一张写好的纸,但接的电话太少,真郁闷,能不能大家一起分享一些问题及参考答案,祝大家早日成功,ME TOO.
    • I have a article talking about the telephone interview
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Improve Your Telephone Interview Performance
      by Dave Dolak, Sr. Consultant, DMD Enterprises.
      Have you had any telephone interviews lately? How do you think you performed? Could you have done better? This month, I want you to maximize your opportunities during telephone interviews. You can drastically improve your presentation over the telephone by practicing!

      There are many aspects that you can practice in preparation for telephone interviews. First, hone your speaking skills and be aware of your vocal patterns. Enunciate your words so you speak very clearly. Try this:

      Put a pencil between your teeth and start talking out loud. Speak the answers that you would normally give during an interview. Difficult, isn't it? If you are doing this right, you will notice that you are forming your words carefully, speaking more slowly, and consciously enunciating every word. Now remove the pencil and speak with that same level of awareness. It will be a pleasure to be able to speak without any obstacles in your way, however, keep speaking as though the pencil were still there. Perform this simple exercise before your next telephone interview and you will be speaking more clearly.

      Possibly the best way to improve your vocal presentation is to have a friend or family member hold a mock interview with you. Have them ask you typical interview questions and then answer them Simple, right? Sure it is.. but I want you to record the entire session on tape. Any old cassette tape recorder will do. Answer each question as though you are in an actual interview. When finished, play back the tape. When you are listening, you will become very aware of any imperfections in your speech pattern. Do you have any "uh's" or "err's"? Do you use throw-away phases such as, "frankly..to be honest..actually..needless to say"? If so, eliminate these immediately from your vocabulary. Learn to speak as concisely and as clearly as possible. The more you practice, the better you will become at telephone interviews.

      Practice these two simple drills and you will drastically improve your telephone interviewing performance. Not only will you be speaking more clearly and professionally but you will also find that your everyday speech will improve and be much more effective. Who knows, you might even get that job a little faster!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • an article about some mistakes that ruin your resumes
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Make These Mistakes
      And Kill Your Search


      As a professional resume writer, I’ve seen the same mistakes time and again. A substandard document can prevent you from being called for a job interview, and some mistakes can severely damage your career.

      If your resume isn’t perfect, you’re not alone. The following are six mistakes that ruin most resumes and how you can prevent them.

      Mistake #1: No Objective or Summary

      By not describing what job or field you want to work in, your resume starts off on the wrong foot. You force the employer to read it all the way through to figure out what kind of job you’re suited for. You create more work for a busy reader.

      "It’s important to tell the reader what you want to do," says Mike Duthoy, president of Diversified Employment, a recruiting and job-placement firm in Golden Valley, Minn. "After interviewing and hiring 14,000 people over nearly 30 years, I know that employees perform better in jobs they enjoy and are qualified for. Make this clear in your resume’s objective," he says.

      If you know the exact job title you’re applying for, include it. Start the resume, for example, as follows:


      Marketing Manager whose 10 years of sales, marketing and management experience will add value to operations.

      If you don’t know the job title, start your resume:


      Seeking a position where 10 years of sales, marketing and management experience will add value to operations.

      Beginning your resume with a clear objective or a focused summary tells readers exactly what you want to do for them. This message establishes rapport, sets the stage for the rest of your resume and will improve your results.

      Mistake #2: Focusing on You and Your Needs

      This is the worst and most common mistake you can make. Employers don’t want to hire you. They hate hiring. They only hire employees when they have problems to solve. Employers don’t want to spend a lot of time hiring, just as you wouldn’t want to spend more time in a dentist’s chair than you had to.

      Your resume must answer quickly the question on every employer’s mind: "What can you do for me?"

      Most resumes don’t. Too many start: "Seeking a position where I can utilize my skills in an atmosphere with potential for career advancement…."

      "This is a critical error," says Mr. Duthoy. "Avoid coming across as someone who uses employers as a springboard to better jobs."

      Employers have their own problems. Most could care less about your career aspirations or desire to make more money.

      Consider the following objectives:

      "To obtain a long-term career with an organization which has a strong background where I can grow professionally and be rewarded financially."

      "A position in sales and marketing where my talents can be utilized to increase market share and company profits while pursuing new opportunities for career challenges with a company who places high priority on customer satisfaction, initiative and quality performance in the realm of product and channel management."

      Resumes should tell employers how candidates can add value to their operations or contribute to efficiency as in this summary:


      Seeking a position where 10 years of sales, marketing and management experience will add value to operations.

      What hiring manager wouldn’t want to talk to a candidate who’s offered to add value to his operations? You also could say: "will contribute to operations" or "will add to profitability." The wording doesn’t matter. What matters is your focus on helping the employer meet his goals.

      Mistake #3: Focusing on Duties and Responsibilities Instead of Results

      While what you’ve done at each job is important, what you accomplished and how you made yourself valuable to past employers is even more significant.

      Review your daily duties. What were the positive results when you did your job well? How did sales, revenue or efficiency increase? Write down these results and include them in your resume. The more specific, the better.

      Instead of: "Responsibilities included implementation of policies and procedures, training of new employees, interfacing with subordinates and vendors and light correspondence."

      Try: "Worked with staff and vendors to increase product turnover by 15% and sales by 23% in five months. Also trained 14 new employees, five of whom were rapidly promoted."

      Be sure you can prove everything you claim.

      "Results are the bottom line," says Sharon Kirchner, owner of Career Strategies, a career counseling and coaching firm in Edina, Minn. "During my Fortune-500 career, I found that the people who move up in a company are the ones who can communicate their results and achievements, as opposed to just listing job duties."

      Mistake #4: Too Many Big Words

      Don’t hide behind your vocabulary. When your resume isn’t clear and to the point, the reader gets bored and pitches your resume in the trash.

      Write as if you were talking to a class of sixth-grade students. For example, instead of saying "implemented," try "adopted" or "set up." Never "utilize" what you can simply "use." Don’t "interface" with people -- "work" with them. Instead of using "impact" as a verb, try "affect" instead.

      Mistake #5: Errors in Spelling and Punctuation

      Using your word processor’s spell-checker isn’t enough. You must read through the resume once for accuracy, checking numbers, dates, city names and other facts, a second time for missing or extra words and a third time for spelling.

      Show your resume to several friends and ask them to read it out loud. Listen to where they pause; this could mean you’ve written something confusing or inaccurate. After you get their feedback, revise the resume so that it’s error-free.

      Mistake #6: E-Mailing a Garbled Resume

      Growing numbers of candidates e-mail resumes to employers, which poses its own problems. Your resume may arrive garbled and unreadable. If your resume can’t be read, how can you be hired?

      While most people send their documents either as an attachment or in the body of an e-mail message, I strongly suggest that you do both.

      First, send your resume as an attachment. Almost all e-mail programs let you send attachments, which are documents that ride along with your e-mail message. When the reader gets your e-mail, he can open the document you’ve attached. Save and attach your resume in rich text file (RTF) format, which is readable by nearly all word processors.

      Attachments aren’t foolproof. They may get scrambled during transmission and become impossible to open. Or the reader may not have the same word processor as you, preventing him from reading your attached resume. Or you could run into the Mac/PC problem -- if your resume was written in a Macintosh format, it won’t be readable by a PC and vice versa.

      To make sure everyone can read your resume, copy and paste the text of it into the body of your e-mail message. In your word processor, highlight the entire text of your resume and copy it into the clipboard. Switch to your e-mail program and paste the text into your message.

      If you use both methods, you can be certain that one way or another, your resume will be read.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我也和你一样,我被LAY OFF 了,已经面试了五次都不行.什么时候能拿大OFFER 啊.这里被LAY OFF 的人多么?
      • relax, the day is coming.maybe is sixth. could you share one common question in your interviews.
    • here is another article for telephone killer (cold) call.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Conversation Steps

      Say "hello" and acknowledge (and note) the name of person you are speaking with.

      "Hello, my name is .... And, your name please?"

      Tell why you are calling and who you wish to speak with. If you are conducting a follow up call, quickly describe previous communications.
      "I am calling about the marketing assistant position and I would like to speak with the director of marketing, please."


      "I saw on the Internet that your firm offers wonderful entry-level sales options. Is there a specific person who could tell me more about these positions? Good. That person's name, phone and fax number is? Does he/she have email?"

      Assess status of your candidacy, confirming whether your fax or mailed documents were received, and, focus on identifying appropriate next steps. Be assertive about this -- request an appointment for a job or informational interview. If the person you are speaking with cannot schedule one, request suggestions for next steps, additional resources or referrals.

      "I e-mailed a resume to ... of your human resources office. Can I speak with Mr./Ms. ...? I would like to confirm that the resume was received and clarify next steps. Ask to see the appropriate person, "I'd like to schedule an appointment with Mr./Ms. ..."

      Request an appointment for an employent interview or information conversation. If the person you are speaking with cannot schedule one, request suggestions for next steps, additional resources or for a referral.

      "Yes, I understand that decisions regarding formal interviews won't be made for a few weeks. In the meantime could you refer me to someone who is in a sales position? I would like to informally learn about what it is like and ask questions about their experiences. Who would you suggest I speak with?"

      Thank the person you are speaking with and confirm spelling of all names, mailing and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers.

      "Thank you so much. You have been very helpful. If I have additional questions would it be appropriate to call you again? Again, Mr./Ms. .... is the best person to contact and their phone and fax number is... Is that correct?"

      Create additional outlines and rehearse with friends and family. Let common sense be your guide, but start now!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net