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胡说八道论Matrix I& II: 关于一个system developer成长与幻灭的故事

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛最近一朋友心情很好,打电话要请我看电影,因为不用我掏钱买票,我的心情也因此很好.为防止朋友反悔,就立即逼他带我去了famous player.看的是Matrix 2: reload.
因为到得早,所以找了个好位置, 一边等电影开始,一边纳闷为什么广告宣传上说5.15公映, 但加拿大却今天5.14就开播了?莫非是因为北美东西时差的缘故?
电影持续了两个多小时,倒确实颇有感官被电影的音响视觉轰炸了一通的味道,看着电影里的酷男靓女飞墙走壁,无所不能, “可上九天揽月,可下五洋捉鳖”,颇有希腊神话现代城市版的味道.但看完后却觉得心里有些空, 没有看Matrix I 时振奋的感觉.我想这除了跟这一部Matrix流于浮华的特点有关外,也与我理解Matrix的方式有关.
我一直认为Matrix 是某个下岗在家的IT人员因为找不到IT工作,不做编程做编剧时写得作品.因为Matrix第一集反映是一个典型程序员的精神幻想: 现实工作中被琐碎而永远变动的客户系统需求弄得烦不胜烦,所以写代码之余幻想有一个程序的世界,该世界的所有实体都是程序对象(面向对象编程Object-Oriented Programming), 但因为bugs的永远存在(软件工程的基本概念),所以系统并不完美,最后加上了些测试修复程序(电影中的黑衣Agent),我很怀疑写Matrix剧本的前程序员代码写得不很漂亮,老是被项目组中的代码测试员纠住不放,所以怀恨在心,在Matrix剧本里影射出来,例如Matrix中的地下抵抗组织成员(象征programmer)老是被黑衣Agent(象征软件测试人员)追着痛揍, 但最后其中一个程序员(neon)通过勤学苦练加天份, 成功地发展为developer并当上project team leader,随后报仇痛揍黑衣Agent(象征programmer反抗软件测试人员). 所以Matrix第一集故事随很奇幻,但归根到底其实讲述得是这么几条道理:
1: 在任何项目组中, 程序员和软件测试人员都是天敌,而且基本上程序员都被软件测试人员欺负得苦不堪言.
2: 男程序员和女程序员的恋爱关系何以帮助男程序员提高编程水平, 并成功地由programmer晋级到developer
3: 程序员天生对编系统工作深恶痛绝, 哪怕水平高得象故事结尾里的neon一样成为上帝级的程序员,也不会好好干活,反而老想crack,让系统死机.

因为Matrix第一集讲述的是一个program developer成长为system developer后吃香的喝辣的故事,所以作为一个尚在学校读computer science的预备役程序员,我觉得这部电影很是让人振奋,令我想起了IT辉煌时期system developer的幸福生活.

但我也同时发现了Matrix I忽略了几个基本事实:
1: 在软件项目组中, developer不是最powerful的,最powerful的是system architecture.
2: 软件测试人员中也有做到team leader的.

果然,Matrix II随后讲述了一个system developer面对以上残酷事实无奈地精神幻灭的故事, 话说北美IT衰退以后, 广大程序员都集结在一个叫梦肥死的地下洞穴城市, 等待IT业的二度复兴.…….

(不写了,睡觉去了)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 休闲娱乐 / 胡说八道论Matrix I& II: 关于一个system developer成长与幻灭的故事
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛最近一朋友心情很好,打电话要请我看电影,因为不用我掏钱买票,我的心情也因此很好.为防止朋友反悔,就立即逼他带我去了famous player.看的是Matrix 2: reload.
    因为到得早,所以找了个好位置, 一边等电影开始,一边纳闷为什么广告宣传上说5.15公映, 但加拿大却今天5.14就开播了?莫非是因为北美东西时差的缘故?
    电影持续了两个多小时,倒确实颇有感官被电影的音响视觉轰炸了一通的味道,看着电影里的酷男靓女飞墙走壁,无所不能, “可上九天揽月,可下五洋捉鳖”,颇有希腊神话现代城市版的味道.但看完后却觉得心里有些空, 没有看Matrix I 时振奋的感觉.我想这除了跟这一部Matrix流于浮华的特点有关外,也与我理解Matrix的方式有关.
    我一直认为Matrix 是某个下岗在家的IT人员因为找不到IT工作,不做编程做编剧时写得作品.因为Matrix第一集反映是一个典型程序员的精神幻想: 现实工作中被琐碎而永远变动的客户系统需求弄得烦不胜烦,所以写代码之余幻想有一个程序的世界,该世界的所有实体都是程序对象(面向对象编程Object-Oriented Programming), 但因为bugs的永远存在(软件工程的基本概念),所以系统并不完美,最后加上了些测试修复程序(电影中的黑衣Agent),我很怀疑写Matrix剧本的前程序员代码写得不很漂亮,老是被项目组中的代码测试员纠住不放,所以怀恨在心,在Matrix剧本里影射出来,例如Matrix中的地下抵抗组织成员(象征programmer)老是被黑衣Agent(象征软件测试人员)追着痛揍, 但最后其中一个程序员(neon)通过勤学苦练加天份, 成功地发展为developer并当上project team leader,随后报仇痛揍黑衣Agent(象征programmer反抗软件测试人员). 所以Matrix第一集故事随很奇幻,但归根到底其实讲述得是这么几条道理:
    1: 在任何项目组中, 程序员和软件测试人员都是天敌,而且基本上程序员都被软件测试人员欺负得苦不堪言.
    2: 男程序员和女程序员的恋爱关系何以帮助男程序员提高编程水平, 并成功地由programmer晋级到developer
    3: 程序员天生对编系统工作深恶痛绝, 哪怕水平高得象故事结尾里的neon一样成为上帝级的程序员,也不会好好干活,反而老想crack,让系统死机.

    因为Matrix第一集讲述的是一个program developer成长为system developer后吃香的喝辣的故事,所以作为一个尚在学校读computer science的预备役程序员,我觉得这部电影很是让人振奋,令我想起了IT辉煌时期system developer的幸福生活.

    但我也同时发现了Matrix I忽略了几个基本事实:
    1: 在软件项目组中, developer不是最powerful的,最powerful的是system architecture.
    2: 软件测试人员中也有做到team leader的.

    果然,Matrix II随后讲述了一个system developer面对以上残酷事实无奈地精神幻灭的故事, 话说北美IT衰退以后, 广大程序员都集结在一个叫梦肥死的地下洞穴城市, 等待IT业的二度复兴.…….

    (不写了,睡觉去了)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 有点意思。
    • goood
    • :D:D:D 你还是讲I讲得比较多嘛。我马上要出发去看Matrix II了。
      • 如果讲2太多了,我怕你找我要退票钱
    • 不由得让我想起了那个微软程序员暴打测试人员的故事
      • what story, More detail
    • 梦肥死是引路人吧
      • 脸flash.....
    • haha,真好玩。
      • 由此及彼,可见2是测试员的梦想(或反击),那么3就应该是最后的大决战了?!期待ing~
    • :D:D:D up 1 down.
    • 好玩的视角!一鼓作气接着说啊,别偷懒......
    • 写的生动有趣,很有想象力,羡慕不已
    • wonderful!!
    • 看来语言影响了我们对电影的理解。MATRIX I 反映的是HACKER和系统安全管理员之间的斗争。那些AGENT更象杀毒软件。MATRIX II还没看
    • Never heard about such "program developer" and "system developer". Can you point me to anywhere in the internet has this definition?
    • 看来能看懂matrix的人不多,看看里面这篇洋人写的
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I think this is what is the matrix. Since we are humans we believe that the movie must be about people. But actually it is about software and mainframe code. The main computer has been caught in a loop cycle for 5 iterations, and it is trying to find a variance that will break this cycle by utilizing a random bit anomaly piece of software (Neo), to allow it to fully complete its cycle. It has tried this before, but has always failed and in its attempts. It is trying to factor in all variables of its program to make absolute sure of complete success before it attempts to actually implement the complete procedure, like an good piece of software (debugging iteself - "it is the why that is important"). Beta software waiting to go gold. The only factor that was not counted on was an anomaly of two programs intersecting and one becoming a self-replicating virus bent on absolute destruction (Smith), and the anomoly (Neo) complementing his program with protectorate software. This is a brilliant movie, that once you wrap your head around, is really just an ultimate version of Tron with no human watchers (Jeff Bridges), of a computer SuperNoc running through a simulation with all possible factors being worked first, before it initializes the program for real. If Neo completes his role and meets his ultimate purpose as software, then our hero allows the computer to see all variances that it will need to contend with, so that it can fully implement the real program on our world. Matrix - main base operating system. Zion - secondary operating system for software that can no longer can function in main sytem - but can be utilized to build new a matrix system. Neo - Random bit anomaly software for breaking loop cycle ?utilized by the Oracle and Architect software to be a random variable to upgrade itself ?upgraded with protectorate code from Smith (Anti-Virus). Trinity - complement software to aid in Neo's completion of purpose. Morpheus and crew - collector programs for mainframe to try to enable the end of the loop cycle. Architect - Mainframe operating system. Oracle - old Macro Software that has been part of all 5 iterations of the loop and can see all variances. Oracle's Protector - Mainframe hard code software. Merovingian - old Neo that did not fully implement objective in beta 5.0. Merovingian's wife - old trinity code. Twins, and Merovingian's guards - old base black ice protector code. Head Counselor in Zion - Advisor for Mainframe that advises Neo along his upgrade to not touch the main bios (engineering) systems. Key Maker - come on now, to easy, a simple keygen. Smith - self-replicating virus - now capable of moving to either system ?infused with anomaly code from Neo. I truly loved this movie and it is so amazingly deep compared to the first if you know what it really happening. I hope this helps anyone who walked out of the theater like 95% of the crowd I saw it with, scratching their heads thinking, "What the f**K, that was stupid I don抰 get it." I am stating that what I am saying is absolute, but if you watch the movie and listen to what they all truly are saying it seems pretty obvious. Be wary all, your hero is our destruction, enjoy ?All your base are belong to us更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 这不是更看不懂了
      • 看完了,对结尾有点迷惑 -- 新系统套旧系统?这篇文章真是解惑,但更猜不出结局了。期待3。
    • 有见解。这是IT行业大滑坡下的北美,指导程序员改行的电影---写剧本!