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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

请大家听听我女儿演唱的i dont wanna be you anymore

Billie Eilish
Don't be that way
Fall apart twice a day
I just wish you could feel what you say
Show, never tell
But I know you too well
Got a mood that you wish you could sell
If teardrops could be bottled
There'd be swimming pools filled by models
Told "a tight dress is what makes you a whore"
If "I love you" was a promise
Would you break it, if you're honest?
Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before
I don't wanna be you, anymore
Hand, hands getting cold
Losing feeling is getting old
Was I made from a broken mold?
Hurt, I can't shake
We've made every mistake
Only you know the way that I break
If teardrops could be bottled
There'd be swimming pools filled by models
Told "a tight dress is what makes you a whore"
If "I love you" was a promise
Would you break it, if you're honest?
Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before
I-I don't wanna be you
I don't wanna be you
I don't wanna be you, anymore
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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / 请大家听听我女儿演唱的i dont wanna be you anymore +2
    Billie Eilish
    Don't be that way
    Fall apart twice a day
    I just wish you could feel what you say
    Show, never tell
    But I know you too well
    Got a mood that you wish you could sell
    If teardrops could be bottled
    There'd be swimming pools filled by models
    Told "a tight dress is what makes you a whore"
    If "I love you" was a promise
    Would you break it, if you're honest?
    Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before
    I don't wanna be you, anymore
    Hand, hands getting cold
    Losing feeling is getting old
    Was I made from a broken mold?
    Hurt, I can't shake
    We've made every mistake
    Only you know the way that I break
    If teardrops could be bottled
    There'd be swimming pools filled by models
    Told "a tight dress is what makes you a whore"
    If "I love you" was a promise
    Would you break it, if you're honest?
    Tell the mirror what you know she's heard before
    I-I don't wanna be you
    I don't wanna be you
    I don't wanna be you, anymore
    • 很好听
      • 谢谢
    • 👍,唱得不错!女儿多大了,13岁,14岁?
      • 14啦
        • 听出来了!声音底子好,建议疫情过后,再找专业老师练练气和发声,会更上一层楼!😊
          • 几年前她童音不错,跟着一个专业老师上过一段时间,她嫌枯燥,就放弃了。几年不唱了。变声了,最近不知咋的,又开始自己唱歌了,但还是不喜欢上课,怕吃苦 :(
            • 变了声,这样的声音条件很不错!👍光打酱油无所谓,如果真有兴趣,以后找个适合的老师上上课会大有进步的,以后在学校露个脸啥的,一鸣惊人啊!呵呵😄
              • 以前是很纯净那种童声。现在变声了,但似乎还没全变,似乎还有些童音的影子,声音比原来厚实了。
                • 嗯,女娃过了15/16差不多就稳定了。你女儿的声音淸亮,甜美,纯净很不错滴!
                  • 谢谢夸奖。 看她自己的选择了。现在就是唱唱玩玩。
            • 现在不上课不打紧,师傅领进门,修行看自身。
              • 嗯. 现在网上视频多,跟着学习也不错。
    • 唱得棒!尤其副歌高音部分特别好
      • 谢谢称赞。
    • 听起来懒洋洋的,很松弛,真不错。有点阿黛尔的曲风。
      • 谢谢,过奖了。
    • 感觉更像norah jones, 唱的很好啊,声音也好听!
      • 谢谢夸奖。女儿问norah jones是谁,赶紧给她普及一下。
    • 以前在一个华人教会,有个估计也就是15,6岁的小菇凉领唱圣歌,真是余音绕梁。我觉得有唱歌天赋的去教会唱唱挺好,是个好舞台
      • 谢谢。
    • 女儿的音准很不错,看来是受过训练的,唱起来也很随意有味道。觉得唱歌要凭兴趣,随便玩玩也是一种乐趣
      • 谢谢,音准主要还是因为钢琴练了这么多年,她听音很准。
    • 不錯,有前途,好好培養👍👍👍
      • 谢谢。只要她又兴趣,我们当然乐于培养。
    • 好听,移二代,星一代。
      • 谢谢夸奖。
    • 好听,纯净的嗓音。觉得还可以再投入些感情。孩子还小,慢慢会从音乐中体会更多
      • 没错。小孩子无忧无虑,感情还很难深入进去。
    • 您女儿的乐感真不错!唱歌多有意思啊,多唱啊~
      • 是啊, 她现在比原来喜欢多了,可能就是大家的鼓励给了她自信吧。