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谢谢,我也在学,这是一个完整系统的视频 WORLD'S FIRST - SELF POWERED Q Beta Prototype with Silicon Crystal Graphite Powercells


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 科技杂谈 / 在美国正式发售的永动机 +4
    • ALL Magnet Motor +2
      • 这些用 ‘磁性’原理造出的永动机一点都不复杂,高中生的物理水平就能照着上图造出来。毕竟100年前就被TESLA和其他人发明出来了,只是一直被压制而已 +6
      • Graphene MAGmotor Output - YouTube +2
        Accelerated rotation of ALL Magnet Motor showing self-powered connection to a rectified 3-phase alternator plus BEMF for FAST supercapacitor charging to powe...
    • 太好了,仔细学习学习。 +1
      • 谢谢,我也在学,这是一个完整系统的视频 WORLD'S FIRST - SELF POWERED Q Beta Prototype with Silicon Crystal Graphite Powercells +2
    • 理工科的基本物理技能就是证明各种永动机的谬误。这个使用电池的永动机是第一代的。 +1
      • PowerCell Q, No External Charging Input Needed! +1
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛PowerCell Q

        $6,800.00 (12) PowerCells

        Fully Assembled Only

        Please allow 6-8 weeks lead time for pre-order shipping after purchase. Graphite Cells must be fabricated carefully with precision.



        PowerCell Q - Complete as Shown

        PowerCell Q - environmentally friendly long term electrochemical-capacitive source of energy loads dual cap modules then time pulses into a series of rotor coils and finally gets processed through a voltage multiplier circuit for widely variable storage media charging outputs from 0 to 100 volts. New Digital Controls with large Lighted Power Button. Output charging cable included.

        PowerCell Q Energy Converter, Charger, Generator. No External Charging Input Needed!

        The newly revised Si-Graphite PowerCells are an alternative energy source that allows researchers and/or individuals to have access to a new technological development based on proven scientific principles. Designed with the exceptional ability to safely and quietly operate indoors day and night without regard for outdoor environmental conditions. The PowerCells are eco-friendly using NO acids, heavy metals or toxic chemicals. We encourage you to experiment with the PowerCell Q Energy Converter. Operating instructions included.

        The future potential of this technology is enormous. With long term continuous electrical output and total scalability, the possibility of utility-scale power is on the near horizon.

        Purchases are processed on a first come, first served basis. Order early if possible.

        WARNING: This is not a 3D printed toy. Batteries and/or ultracapacitors can EXPLODE causing serious injury, burns, blindness, or death. Quanta Magnetics and affiliates assume no liability whatsoever. Experiment responsibly. Do not attempt any experiment without proper protection including, but not limited to: eye protection, face protection, and proper clothing. During your experiments, keep a fire extinguisher nearby in case of an accident. Proper safety equipment (fire extinguisher, eye wash, etc.) is recommended as part of a properly equipped laboratory. Experiment and use our products AT YOUR OWN RISK. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SAFETY AND OTHERS WHEN EXPERIMENTING WITH OUR PRODUCTS. No warranties are implied on our patent pending Si-Graphite cells or experimental machines and kits.
        PayPal Credit Message
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        Energy Converter更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 要是定10块钱一个我还能当个玩家上一当试试,订价这么贵,彻底没有兴趣了。这骗子一点薄利多销的意识都没有。 +4
      • 10块你太黑心了。若果降到扫地机器人那价,可以提供整个house hold10年以上电力,就算每10年换一个也值了。 +2
    • 我认识人真在做 “永动机”,原美国匹兹堡大学物理学教授,从空间辐射及电磁波获取能量 +2
      • 这个不能算永动机,其实高中的物理知识足够能理解为啥没有”永动机“,居然还有那么多人相信,看来的确是这世界傻子太多。 +3
      • 这种宇宙背景辐射能有太阳辐射强吗?连太阳能都利用不好,却去搞背景辐射,只能说是噱头。地球上还有很多比较强大的能量如潮汐、闪电、核聚变没有利用上,多花精力用在这些方面比较靠谱 +1
        • 我不是专家,但我认识的这朋友早已完成了理论研究阶段,已经成立公司进入实用研究阶段,也许用于太空仪器。科学研究是多方向的,新冠疫情肆虐并不意味着应该停止其它疾病的研究,地球还很多事情没做好,人类还是没有停止过宇宙探索的脚步 +3
          • 说个现实问题,他那机器不会破损么? +2
            • 只跟他本人多年前见过一面,好像是一种半导体材料,不是常说的“机器” +3
              • 这个人就是用一个半导体材料造了一个永动机。不过这种材料现在成了军用材料。普通人接触不到了。PowerCell Q, No External Charging Input Needed! -nazacalines(游戏); 2-22 {2469} (#13534730@0)
      • 这个“永”我猜测是指空间辐射及电磁波的能量不容易用完,和最初定义的永动机不是一个意思吧 +3
        • 大概如此吧。譬如,每隔10年,人们如果能能造出一个能跑1000年而不需要提供能源的机器,就算永动了。 +2
    • 另外一个生产永动机的公司INNOVATIONT。这个公司在2020年生产,销售了上百台永动机 +2
    • 高中物理教的是,“在完全封闭的环境下,永动机造不出来”。在真实世界里,电磁波无处不在,所以不存在完全封闭的环境。也就是说永动机可以造出来。 +1
      • 可见高中的知识确实需要更新了。 +1
      • 永动机的定义是没有任何外界的能量来源,如果是利用环境的电磁波(如果有可能的话),那就是利用了外界的能量,那就不是永动机! +1
    • 最终目的是"永动“地“圈钱”。。。 +3
    • 想知道 老兄你的背景是理工科的吗? +1
        • 你不是机器人吗?