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Five Hundred Miles (原唱 Justin Timberlake) by 香片

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Five Hundred Miles

If you miss the train I'm on,
You will know that I am gone.
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles,
A hundred miles, a hundred miles,
A hundred miles, a hundred miles.
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles.

Lord, I'm one, Lord, I'm two.
Lord, I'm three, Lord, I'm four,
Lord, I'm five hundred miles
Away from home,
Away from home,
away from home,
Away from home, away from home,
Lord, I'm five hundred miles
Away from home.

Not a shirt on my back,
Not a penny to my name,
Lord, I can't go home this a way,
This a way, this a way,
This a way, this a way,
Lord, I can't go home this a way.

If you miss the train I'm on,
You will know that I am gone,
You can hear the whistle blow
A hundred miles.

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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / Five Hundred Miles (原唱 Justin Timberlake) by 香片 +4

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    Five Hundred Miles

    If you miss the train I'm on,
    You will know that I am gone.
    You can hear the whistle blow
    A hundred miles,
    A hundred miles, a hundred miles,
    A hundred miles, a hundred miles.
    You can hear the whistle blow
    A hundred miles.

    Lord, I'm one, Lord, I'm two.
    Lord, I'm three, Lord, I'm four,
    Lord, I'm five hundred miles
    Away from home,
    Away from home,
    away from home,
    Away from home, away from home,
    Lord, I'm five hundred miles
    Away from home.

    Not a shirt on my back,
    Not a penny to my name,
    Lord, I can't go home this a way,
    This a way, this a way,
    This a way, this a way,
    Lord, I can't go home this a way.

    If you miss the train I'm on,
    You will know that I am gone,
    You can hear the whistle blow
    A hundred miles.

    • 这一版曲调很轻快,有初到北上广的年轻人满怀激情,信心满满要改变命运的期待。
      • 我觉得我也是唱得灰头土脸的呀, 哈哈哈
        • 真想唱好要变性
    • 沙发丢了 ,哈哈! 这首歌唱的节奏感很强,香片总是很谦虚,E文歌唱的也很好听啊!👍
      • 谢谢新衣。不是谦虚,这首慢,相对容易一点
    • 很好听啊,香片英文歌也唱得不错!最近K歌上很多英文歌伴奏下架了,像Gaga的都没有了
      • 谢阳光。我没有注意到英文歌下架,但很多原唱没有

    • 超级豆也刚唱了,这歌翻炒程度很高。第一首E歌要大大鼓励,已经灰常不错了,阔以再放开些,不是母语我唱歌都把嘴巴抡圆了唱,以前开始也是有些青涩。期待能听到更多E文日文外文歌。现在就是觉得粤语最头疼😊
      • 超级豆唱过?欸,我怎么没听到,一会儿翻翻。唱这个歌,给我紧张得,太多 一百啦,要是钱多好。哈哈哈
        • 他好像给删掉了:)那试试【If I had a million dollar】:)
        • money, money,money,must be funny
          • 对对,记得这首
            • 唱得很好听啊。这首歌是据说啊,世界上唱的人最多的歌之一。青山同学估计日子过得比较好,所以唱不出太沧桑的感觉。相反是满满的幸福感。
              • 这,你都能听出来,厉害!谢谢啦
                • 离开解封就500 miles
                  • 快了快了
    • 香片第一首E歌就这么棒!
      • 味道很正。
      • 谢谢飘雪。这首容易,别的不太敢试
    • 很棒👍 青山的唱功很厉害, 一定练过运气发音。
      • 谢谢,过奖了。没有特别练过, 但以前曾经参加过诗班,应该有帮助
    • 大爱这首英文歌,每次听都觉得很温暖很亲切,赞香片E歌首秀,好听!
      • 谢谢风华! 这首歌的情感表达很特别,我也是好喜欢
    • 好听!
      • 谢谢,Linda! 期待你闺女的新歌哦
    • 你的歌都会听, 期待下一首E歌。想听实话吗?我更喜欢你的中文歌🌺
      • 我也是觉得。 这首歌自己唱得都拘谨呐