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如果不进入记录Ontario Student Record (OSR),就让它过去;如果进记录,3天内申请review, 同时找个英文好逻辑强的人帮你准备

Requesting a Review of a Suspension Decision

If the suspension is longer than one day, you may request in writing a formal review of the decision to suspend. This written request must be made within 3 days of receiving written notice of the suspension.

Even if 3 days have already passed since you received written notice of the suspension, you can still send in your request for a review of the suspension decision. If the written request is made promptly, some School Boards will still allow a formal review of a suspension decision.

When the School Board grants your request to review the suspension decision, a supervisory officer will be assigned to review the decision. The supervisory officer in charge of the review can decide to: Confirm the principal’s decision; Modify the duration of the suspension; or, Remove or modify the record of suspension from the student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR). Just because you request a review of a decision to suspend does not mean that your child will be allowed to return to school for the duration of the suspension. Regardless of the outcome of this review, the decision to suspend may still be appealed. Information about the procedures for appealing a suspension decision will be provided to you at the review.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 被诬陷,校长说是informal suspension,所以没有paperwork,也不能上诉。可以联系superintendant. 收到校长的电邮写的是In-School suspension。有人知道这是什么操作吗?
    • 其实,你可以问一问,这个会不会记档案。不记就闭只眼算了。 +4
      • 附议。
      • 没有paperwork那不就是没记录吗?不过需要确认是真的。
        • 她讲了要进student record.我感觉是故意骗你,反正口说无凭,发的电邮就是正式通知。你不知道,过了时间就不能上诉了
          • 所以你要抓紧时间是review还是appeal。别在网上花那么多时间了。网友能帮你的也很有限。能找到的话,找律师咨询一下也不失为一个办法。 +1
          • 之前看到过有免费的华语法律咨询单位,可以尝试先去打电话免费咨询一下。 +2



    • 我一开始就说你不需要律师需要一个好翻译。如果从开始就用合适的方式跟学校沟通后面的事可能不会发生。informal就是非正式的不留纪录的,效果就是“伤害性不大侮辱性极强”,对女孩子尤其。自己斟酌吧。 +5
    • 对的,请你找的专业人士帮忙起草一份邮件明确校方是否会留纪录,如果校长白纸黑字回复不留档,建议就此打住不纠结下去。至于娃是否会转校下回分解,如果转校,让专业人士看看娃的档案确认没有留档,档案会跟着娃去新校的。
      • 她说了要留档。所以我觉得是骗局
        • 既然要留档,不能appeal就奇怪了。
        • 不能光听,要正式电邮,或者约个时间,最好让专业人士陪你们和娃去学校走一趟,事情出了,目前你们和校长照面都没打过,有些事情见面说才能比较好交流沟通的,光靠邮件/电话是不行的,或许见个面互摆理据说开了,校长落应不留档,这事就算过去了。 +1
          • 她明确说了要留档,我电邮过去问informal suspension和formal suspension有什么区别,她根本不回答。她给我们的通知写In-School Suspension,其实就是Suspension. 就是欺负你不懂。如果你不知道的话,过了上诉期,你都没地申诉
            • 如果留档,支持你申诉,下面猫主席的链接很有针对性。抓紧时间,找对口的人办对口的事,去到要申诉的层面,网友意见有参考意义,但毕竟不是专业人员。
    • 劝你别再固执地认为是诬陷了,让它过去吧,感觉越纠缠下去,对你们伤害越大,时间,精力,内耗,甚至经济成本,如果你孩子还呆在学校,有什么好处呢。要是我,可以服软,和学校沟通,教育自己家孩子。感觉In-School suspension不会很影响升学的 我觉得 +11
    • 太欺负老实人了, 直接上律师拔,,,其他没路了 +2
    • keyword search就知道了,类似校内警告,把孩子与同班同学隔离开来。第一天就发现这位家长语言沟通的确不畅,中文描述差,何况英文呢,也许事件没你说得诬陷之类这么严重 +5
    • 如果不进入记录Ontario Student Record (OSR),就让它过去;如果进记录,3天内申请review, 同时找个英文好逻辑强的人帮你准备 +1

      Requesting a Review of a Suspension Decision

      If the suspension is longer than one day, you may request in writing a formal review of the decision to suspend. This written request must be made within 3 days of receiving written notice of the suspension.

      Even if 3 days have already passed since you received written notice of the suspension, you can still send in your request for a review of the suspension decision. If the written request is made promptly, some School Boards will still allow a formal review of a suspension decision.

      When the School Board grants your request to review the suspension decision, a supervisory officer will be assigned to review the decision. The supervisory officer in charge of the review can decide to: Confirm the principal’s decision; Modify the duration of the suspension; or, Remove or modify the record of suspension from the student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR). Just because you request a review of a decision to suspend does not mean that your child will be allowed to return to school for the duration of the suspension. Regardless of the outcome of this review, the decision to suspend may still be appealed. Information about the procedures for appealing a suspension decision will be provided to you at the review.

    • 学校明显没有证据, +1
    • 我觉得你打个电话去school board咨询一下能不能appeal。appeal的话,证据越多越好,仅仅凭着我孩子说没干过是不够的。给学校写邮件尽量客气,不要提被诬陷这个茬。查明真相,更好地帮助孩子才是目的。 +1
      • 证据都在他们哪里,她说不能给我,让我去问super要

        • 那你就问super要。IT方面的证据其实是在school board那里。我不太懂,或许你有权利到教育局要你的网上活动记录。你打电话到教育局咨询一下。

          • 但是我得要知道timestamp, 我的ISP才能帮我调记录

            • 不懂的话看有没有懂的朋友,或者是花钱找公司做 +1
        • 学校都是按程序做的,不要空口无凭说别人联合诬陷你家。不翻篇就只有appeal一途,你连肉联的人都说服不了,如何去说服学校的trustee们?说服了他们才能把受处分记录抹去。你得做足了功课才行。 +11
    • 建议:1,请律师告,不要在乎钱,请顶级大律师;2,制造舆论争取同情,到学校门口发传单、举牌抗议,用高音喇叭喊口号,说学校诬陷 +5
      • 这段子不错。 +6
        • 我是认真的。楼主要敢于斗争善于斗争,爱拼才会赢 +2
          • 我觉得你是认真地写段子,除非你是那种人说的【看热闹的不嫌事大】。 +3
            • 在北美,如果想象黑人姐妹那样,不占理还能赢case,就必须应用黑人姐妹的斗争经验:打种族牌,大喊大叫、大吵大闹……
    • ‘In-School suspension' 是学校纪律的一种正式处分,应该记录在案。会不会影响将来大学看具体情况了。帮你搜了一个:
      • 这是你至今为止最有价值的一贴。不过好像是说美国大学? +1
      • A suspension is a mandatory absence from school given to a student as a form of punishment. The student is removed from the classroom temporarily for a period of 1 to 20 days,
        depending on the severity of the incident. The student will not be able to attend class or participate in any school-related activities. Once the suspension has been served, the student may return to the school.
        The decision to suspend a student is made by the principal, or the vice-principal acting for the principal. Teachers cannot suspend students. A teacher must report any incident to the principal that he or she believes may warrant a suspension. The principal will then decide if the student should be suspended. When a student gets suspended, the principal will assign the student to a special program for suspended pupils.
    • Office里面呆着呗 不能上课
    • 跟校长约个时间,面对面地谈。negotiation,见机行事。如果没有paperwork,看起来没什么长期影响。谈一个双方都接受的结果。你退一步他退一步,尽量消除长期影响。很多事没必要分对错,解决问题为主
      • 在处分结论下达之前有用,现在已经太晚了 +7
      • 是要进记录的。她们并没有什么很实锤的证据,就搞出这么个东西。影响你的大学申请。

        • Suspension是校长说了算的。最好还是当面和校长交流一下。既然不能正式appeal,不要纠结证据,当面和校长问清楚细节和流程,看有没有别的办法撤销记录,态度认真诚恳一些,谈谈你的担忧和学生的行动以及保证,确保不会再发生
        • 学校一直让你联系superintendant,super怎么说? +3
    • 同情,但是你有誣陷你孩子证据吗?看文字,学校更有证据。 +4