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华大网站上有,我选的是CS 的要求。要求高考成绩和高中毕业证书,高三一些课的成绩。Program requirements Senior 3 Mathematics. Senior 3 Physics,

Senior 3 Chemistry, and Senior 3 English, minimum 75% in each. One other Senior 3 academic course, minimum 75%. Overall 88% in five required courses. Learn more about the admission averages required to have a competitive application. General requirements Applying from a high school in China? If you’re admitted to Waterloo, you’ll be required to submit your graduation diploma and Gao Kao results through China Credentials Verification (CHESICC-Parchment Portal Service). Your official final high school transcript must be mailed directly to us by your school. Requests that are processed by CHESICC will be sent electronically to Waterloo. You will only need to have your school mail us your official final high school transcript.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 打听一下,
    请问国内高中生申请滑铁卢,要什么条件?用国内的高考成绩行不行? 在国内高二参加高考的成绩行不行?请知情人介绍一下
    • 记得以前首先要求雅思七分。国际学校毕业的可以用IB的成绩申请。
      • 不是IB。雅思应该可以。不知高中成绩如何提供?
        • 华大网站上有,我选的是CS 的要求。要求高考成绩和高中毕业证书,高三一些课的成绩。Program requirements Senior 3 Mathematics. Senior 3 Physics,
          Senior 3 Chemistry, and Senior 3 English, minimum 75% in each. One other Senior 3 academic course, minimum 75%. Overall 88% in five required courses. Learn more about the admission averages required to have a competitive application. General requirements Applying from a high school in China? If you’re admitted to Waterloo, you’ll be required to submit your graduation diploma and Gao Kao results through China Credentials Verification (CHESICC-Parchment Portal Service). Your official final high school transcript must be mailed directly to us by your school. Requests that are processed by CHESICC will be sent electronically to Waterloo. You will only need to have your school mail us your official final high school transcript.
          • 谢谢! 我自己只查到IB的。
    • 高二一般人不准参加高考吧,除非特批的。应该是高三正常高考出成绩6月底补交一下,省教育厅正规成绩。国际生6月底申请都来得及吧。滑大CS国际生学费非常贵,门槛应该比加拿大高中生低,但不知道这文凭在国内IT界认可程度有没有硅谷那么高
      • 谢谢。他们学校好像高二可以考。能读上就好,以后去哪再说。
      • 那你就搞错了,门槛不知道比加拿大高中生高到哪里去了,能入读滑大的,国内高考成绩都是一本线以上的,有的还高出20-30分,你拿加拿大生这种数理基础如何去比。 +2
        • 加拿大的优秀学生国内高出一本线无论多少分的学生都是远远不如的,不信你去多大CS、滑大CS问问,顶尖的学生清一色的加拿大本地学生,中国那种应试教育出来的分数就是在毁灭天性,不可能强于加拿大自然脱颖而出的学生。 +4
    • 有个公众号,值得跟一下,还有个微信群也不错,华人招生官坐阵


      • 谢谢
    • 听说过好像如果有高考成绩,要过一本线。
      • 省重点前几名,应该没问题。
    • 雅思成绩6.5分(写作和口语不低于6.5分),提供高考成绩,高中三年成绩单,高中毕业证或在读证明。通过OUAC 105通道提交。
      • 请问时间怎么安排?高三在读期间申请还是高考完申请?时间一般要多久?
        • 如果学生今年高三,10月底开始申请,陆续提交成绩单,1月13号OUAC关闭,提交语言成绩通常2月1日截止。剩下的就是补充材料了。
          • 就是说拿到OFFER时还没有高考,高考完后若成绩不理想就可能收回OFFER?
            • 没有高考的需要会考成绩,拿到的offer都是有条件录取的,最后成绩低于要求的,offer就不属于学生了。
              • 谢谢,明白了许多。