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CAP administers High School/Cegep Prize Examinations in the provinces across Canada. ***************************************************************** CAP 2021 HS Prize Exam has been cancelled. As the CAP HS Prize Exam is administered in person, we have been monitoring student access across Canada with the hope that we could offer the exam in 2021.  As it is now clear that... Read more »

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 看这几天坛子里都是讨论推不推娃,我这里歪个楼,除了滑大的数学计算机竞赛,有没有物理生物化学的竞赛? +1
    • 有。不过好像没什么华人家长推,可能性价比不高吧。
      • 为啥?不是应该对申请工程专业有帮助吗?还是考工程专业比计算机专业容易?
        • 滑大cs 最看重数学成绩。物理化学生物不care的。可以拿其他水课提分。滑大cs是本坛第一热门话题
          • SE其实比CS更难进,名额也少。或许机会过少后反而没CS那么容易热.... +2
            • 工程科学类top6指定科目多,没cs容易提分 +6
              • CS指定的只有2门数学和英语,还有3门可以修其它容易拿高分的科目空间。而SE在2数+英语基础上再加物理化学共5门指定,几乎门门都是硬科,只有的1门其它的空间也被推荐选修电脑....
                • 剩下的一门大多数选数学或计算机。
            • 从coop和毕业后去向,SE要好过CS很多。 +5
              • 工程背景基础宽厚,高中能扛下几门硬科的绝大多数是凭实力,靠补习是不行的,那就是潜质.... +5
              • 我觉得SE和CS 的实习收入都高
                According to our co-op roles and responsibilities, you must receive some form of compensation for your co-op work terms in order to receive credit. This compensation varies widely depending on your employer, your program of study, your work term level or your overall work experience. We record and publish average earnings information annually in the charts below for students
                • 去美国的高端收入也一样
                  Average earnings for United States Work Terms in 2020* Faculty / program Work term 1 Work term 2 Work term 3 Work term 4 Work term 5 Work term 6 Faculty of Engineering Includes: Architecture Software Engineering $25.25 USD (average) Low: $15.00 High: $46.00 $33.55 USD (average) Low: $15.00 High: $53.10 $35.15 USD (average) Low: $15.00 High: $61.00 $38.60 USD (average) Low:
              • 本科差不多,读硕博CS前景好,ML,DL,Blockchain 等热topics离CS,Math 要近些
            • SE只收120人,好像5门指定。也coop,一般SE拿到offer的 CS也给了,两个offer。SE也很热,只是很自信的娃去读SE,嫌累的去读CS。 +3
              • 这话没有体现出这两个专业的各自特点,反而有挑拨嫌疑,该批评。
                • LOL,我看到的SE和CS双offer的不少,因为CS上学比SE容易,毕业跟CS相同工种的为了不累去读CS。哈哈哈,砸吧!我就是这么想的,去码工干活,还上实验室还大学物理不如去酒吧;)当然tops的top学个大学物理也不难
                  • 怎么会来砸?
                    SE是某著名对冲公司的Feeding School, CS不是的,所以SE的很容易去那里做SWE,收入就不说了,免得伤了别人的心。CS相对难去一些,但能去的学生,选择面又可能多一点。这体现了这两个专业的异同。
                    • 谢谢,SWE是啥?SE还每年2月开一介绍会要孩子们去,对冲基金我也觉得累,我一直试图找馅饼砸的地方。给娃;(
          • 所以生源不如SE好。 +6
            • SE的一般还有CS的offer
              • 那是,能拿下SE offer 的基本上也肯定能拿下CS,反过来就不一定,很多娃是两个都申请的....但往年的真实情况是CS offer发的比较早,SE相对晚一点,除非是提前录取.... +2
                • SE第一批2月初就发,发好几批。
                  • 那可能是最早的,记得滑大是4月底还是5月才开始大量发....
                    • 滑大cs4、5月发。滑大se 2月就有
        • 以华人移民的背景来说,孩子学习不错又愿意学理工科的,申CS容易提分,很多孩子努力一下都可以够得到,SE每年招100多人,机会太少,读起来又难,不具普遍性。反正身边二代拿到滑大CS offer的不少。当然他们的父母也大多都是搞电脑的。 +3
    • 请问想提高物理生物化学成绩,除了学好课本,还有什么其他资源?
      • 数理化紧密相连,把数学这个基础学扎实了。总之这几门都得花功夫做题。
      • 报个班吧,之前不是有人介绍某补习班年年出物理国家队吗
        • 奥校吗?还是别的补习班?能给个链接吗?
          • 真爱数理化,他就自己网上找资源自学了。
          • 八月份有个帖子说这个,你看
      • 数学搞好了,物理化学迎刃而解,如果不竞赛,竞赛的话物理化学生物全是赛大学课程,需要学习 +1
    • 钱景不如数学
    • SIN-
      The Sir Isaac Newton (SIN) exam is a test of high school physics and is offered by the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Waterloo to encourage the teaching of physics. The exam, although challenging, is meant to be refreshing and fun. Political and other topical humour have marked SIN exams for years. Students participate from across Canada, the USA and
      • 记下了,多谢
    • CAP:
      CAP administers High School/Cegep Prize Examinations in the provinces across Canada. ***************************************************************** CAP 2021 HS Prize Exam has been cancelled. As the CAP HS Prize Exam is administered in person, we have been monitoring student access across Canada with the hope that we could offer the exam in 2021.  As it is now clear that... Read more »
      • 多谢
        • CCC:
          Is chemistry one of your strengths? Test your skills and measure yourself against fellow students who share the same passion! What is the CCC? The Canadian Chemistry Contest (CCC) is carried out in conjunction with the Canadian Chemistry Olympiad (CCO). The CCC fosters an appreciation of chemistry as a career for talented young people and...