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你有点晕!York CS归York CS, 和 Shopify 的Dev degree 不挨着,约克/Carleton只是Shopify合作的大学而己。申请Dev degree要从Shopify的dev degree申请网站上申,是给应届高中毕业生申请的一个特别program, 和大学里的coop完全不是一回事。

Company Description: Shopify’s mission is to make commerce better for everyone. From building a new product feature for our commerce platform, to helping a merchant troubleshoot an issue over the phone, we want to empower our ecosystem through our work.Having a unified vision, a north star, is vitally important to ensure that we are all headed in the same direction. No matter the size or experience, we want to power every merchant’s experience. This is why we're all here.Shopify is now permanently remote and we're working towards a future that is digital by default. That location you see above? Consider it merely an example of hundreds of potential locations across North America where Shopify is hiring. Learn more here: https://www.shopify.com/careers/work-anywhere Job Description: Shopify's Dev Degree program is a computer science degree unlike any other. Our innovative work-integrated learning model provides hands-on experience across a breadth of disciplines and teams, giving you the confidence to jump-start your future. Throughout your journey, our technical mentors and support team will guide, evaluate, and provide actionable feedback, so you can confidently grow. What you’ll do as a Dev Degree Intern:In your first year, you'll take three university courses and spend ~25 hours/week at Shopify. In year one, you'll focus on learning the tools and technologies that will prepare you to join Shopify development teams.In year two and onwards, you'll continue to split your time between university and Shopify. Each term, you'll take three university courses and spend ~25 hours/week at Shopify. Throughout these years, you'll spend your time at Shopify working on a development team and learning while doing. We support your growth, so five hours of your weekly Shopify hours are dedicated to personal development.You can learn more about life as a Dev Degree student and our approach to development and success.Information about our applications process and more can be found on our Admissions and FAQ pages. Qualifications: Dev Degree is an education opportunity; no qualifications in computer science or software development are needed to apply! We look for passionate, driven people looking to continually grow and have an impact on the world.Experience and skills that are important for success in Dev Degree: Curiosity and passion to constantly learn new things; Shopify changes fast, and we need the people who work here to be able to change and learn fast tooThe willingness to fail and learn; we believe that learning by doing is a great way to grow, even if that means facing failureThe skills and awareness to manage multiple priorities; Dev Degree interns balance Shopify, university, and their own needs throughout the programAn interest in computer science and software development; Dev Degree is a work-integrated learning program for those aspiring to build software. Additional Information: The final deadline to submit your complete application is February 13th, 2022, at midnight in your local time. Learn more about our Admissions Process.We know that applying for university programs can be both exciting and time-consuming, and we truly appreciate your effort. Tristan is an actual real live person (👋🏻) and is looking forward to learning more about you through your application. 👍 📖-- Our belief is that a strong commitment to diversity & inclusion enables us to truly make commerce better for everyone. We encourage applications from Indigenous peoples, racialized people, people with disabilities, people from gender and sexually diverse communities, and/or people with intersectional identities. Please take a look at our Sustainability Reports to learn more about Shopify’s commitments to our communities, and our planet: https://www.shopify.com/about/environment#SustainabilityReports At Shopify, we understand that experience comes in many forms. We’re dedicated to adding new perspectives to the team - so if your experience is this close to what we’re looking for, please consider applying.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 请问 York 大学的 CS 要交补充材料吗?要网上面试?那个 shopify 的面试就是 York CS 的面试吗?谢谢。 +3
    • 约克CS已经发offer了吗? +1
      • 我们申请过程还没整明白 😓 不太确定是否已申请完整。这里关于 York 的信息不多,搜到一个 Shopify 相关的帖子很吓人,只招 10 个?是说 York CS? +2
        • 差不多吧,york的dev可能10个都没,不公开人数,进了才知道。carleton的dev能招10-15?绝对是全加最难进专业,没有之一。认识唯一一个进去的是能拿schulich奖学金的。 +3
          • York CS 专业 的 coop 就只有这个 internship 吗?其他未选进去的学生就没有 coop 机会了?
            • 你有点晕!York CS归York CS, 和 Shopify 的Dev degree 不挨着,约克/Carleton只是Shopify合作的大学而己。申请Dev degree要从Shopify的dev degree申请网站上申,是给应届高中毕业生申请的一个特别program, 和大学里的coop完全不是一回事。
              Company Description: Shopify’s mission is to make commerce better for everyone. From building a new product feature for our commerce platform, to helping a merchant troubleshoot an issue over the phone, we want to empower our ecosystem through our work.Having a unified vision, a north star, is vitally important to ensure that we are all headed in the same direction. No matter the size or experience, we want to power every merchant’s experience. This is why we're all here.Shopify is now permanently remote and we're working towards a future that is digital by default. That location you see above? Consider it merely an example of hundreds of potential locations across North America where Shopify is hiring. Learn more here: https://www.shopify.com/careers/work-anywhere Job Description: Shopify's Dev Degree program is a computer science degree unlike any other. Our innovative work-integrated learning model provides hands-on experience across a breadth of disciplines and teams, giving you the confidence to jump-start your future. Throughout your journey, our technical mentors and support team will guide, evaluate, and provide actionable feedback, so you can confidently grow. What you’ll do as a Dev Degree Intern:In your first year, you'll take three university courses and spend ~25 hours/week at Shopify. In year one, you'll focus on learning the tools and technologies that will prepare you to join Shopify development teams.In year two and onwards, you'll continue to split your time between university and Shopify. Each term, you'll take three university courses and spend ~25 hours/week at Shopify. Throughout these years, you'll spend your time at Shopify working on a development team and learning while doing. We support your growth, so five hours of your weekly Shopify hours are dedicated to personal development.You can learn more about life as a Dev Degree student and our approach to development and success.Information about our applications process and more can be found on our Admissions and FAQ pages. Qualifications: Dev Degree is an education opportunity; no qualifications in computer science or software development are needed to apply! We look for passionate, driven people looking to continually grow and have an impact on the world.Experience and skills that are important for success in Dev Degree: Curiosity and passion to constantly learn new things; Shopify changes fast, and we need the people who work here to be able to change and learn fast tooThe willingness to fail and learn; we believe that learning by doing is a great way to grow, even if that means facing failureThe skills and awareness to manage multiple priorities; Dev Degree interns balance Shopify, university, and their own needs throughout the programAn interest in computer science and software development; Dev Degree is a work-integrated learning program for those aspiring to build software. Additional Information: The final deadline to submit your complete application is February 13th, 2022, at midnight in your local time. Learn more about our Admissions Process.We know that applying for university programs can be both exciting and time-consuming, and we truly appreciate your effort. Tristan is an actual real live person (👋🏻) and is looking forward to learning more about you through your application. 👍 📖-- Our belief is that a strong commitment to diversity & inclusion enables us to truly make commerce better for everyone. We encourage applications from Indigenous peoples, racialized people, people with disabilities, people from gender and sexually diverse communities, and/or people with intersectional identities. Please take a look at our Sustainability Reports to learn more about Shopify’s commitments to our communities, and our planet: https://www.shopify.com/about/environment#SustainabilityReports At Shopify, we understand that experience comes in many forms. We’re dedicated to adding new perspectives to the team - so if your experience is this close to what we’re looking for, please consider applying.
              • 谢谢。我是担心York会不会像以前有些学校,说的是提供Coop但却是单次的Internship而且Internship只给少数优秀学生。不过昨晚查了官网,知道York CS 确实是分成两种。
            • 你家孩子应该知道,Shopify不是coop,是另外申请的特殊program, 只是在约克和卡尔顿读而已。单单York的cs应该很容易申请到的吧, 不用sa, 面试也是optional的
              • 单单York的cs也不好申请,到现在都没消息呢
                • 好像我们缺乏对 York 计算机专业的了解,至少我个人之前有点小瞧它了,要认错。
                  • 和shopify无关,单纯york的CS不会太难进,90分+应该有戏的,看reddit上就知道了。
                    • 够90了,还没消息。愁
                      • 可能2月底发的都算early offer, 得远远高于分数线才成。90 should be enough, be patient.
                      • 可能要三月初吧,网上有个娃说去年85-89分,3月收了offer,等着吧。
                      • 早发都是高分,够90一定会来 ,只是稍微晚点
                        • 谢谢,其他几个烂校早都发了offer了,没想到约克还抻着
                          • 意思是York也是烂校之一 ?😁
                            • 除了多大华大,其他的大学的排名没什么实际意义,特别是对CS这种主要靠自学的行业来说。
                    • 很多90+的家长是不是也会小瞧了 York 的 CS? 我今天才知道 York 和 Caleton 的 CS 学术水平远远在 McMaster 之上(注意是说 CS), McMaster在CS方面和Ryerson差不多,但是Ryerson的COOP又更占优势。 +1
                      • 每个娃每个家长看的重点都不一样,对于俺们家而言,不管最后娃选哪家,适合度最高的奏是最好的。
                      • 麦马CS的分数线比约克可是高了好多,Macleans排名也是麦马高啊。
                        • 麦马分数线估计是借助其工程和学校排名高,分高的都报他学校而且confirm的也多,那是人们不了解其 CS。 麦考林排名只是其一家数据,2021 York 计算机都没进前 20, 有点胡扯。 +1
                          • 每个人对于选择学校都会做仔细的研究,去卖马的学生很多分数是达到滑铁卢多大的要求的,把卖马作为退而求其次的选择自然有道理,毕竟已经这么多年的常态了,不会都是傻子。
                      • 只是好奇您结论的出处。
                        • 我新手,学习和搜索,论坛发言都是仅供参考,我也是依据人家提供的信息
                          • Shopify的Dev Program不跟正常大学的节奏,这种节奏不具普遍性,而且每年收不到30人,没有代表性,是特别的存在,就不要拿出来比了。大学挑娃,娃也可以反挑学校。找到合适的就好,排名看多了,啥意思也木有。
                            • 我并没有以shopify做依据。你说的普遍性是指什么?如果说麦马的cs强过york,是什么普遍性依据?以过去麦马工程学院底下搞个30人的cs,有没有可能其工程专业的学术被当作cs的学术,然后麦考林拿去做了排名依据?
                              • 俺早你来肉脸几天,见过不少掐架口水仗因学校龙虎榜而起。听劝吧,争介些个毛意思木有,反正俺和娃都不太care排名,那里要俺们,那里适合俺们奏去哪里。呵呵
                                • 嗯,我在这个龙坛发了些帖的主要意思也是不能看排名。上面说的麦考林排名其实是答复前面人问的。还有学术水平,也是答复另外贴里有人提到的所谓学术水平,那些搞排行榜的都是一言堂,学术水平数据根本不拿出来给大家看。我们自己找数据看。
                                  • 一线的多滑争了十年有余,浪费的口水都汇成大海了,也木有标准答案,因为根本就是见仁见智的比较,各家的视点解读要求不一,比较的结果当然不同,所以还是根据个人情况,各取所需吧。
                          • 看过dev degree的介绍,日程有点太紧张了,其他学校的coop是实习和学习分开,dev degree是每天在上课和实习之间穿梭,不是太缺钱的不推荐。
                            • 俺家娃去年还打算报个名玩玩看看会不会有神迹!后来思前想后,脚得就算是天降神迹也不太适合自己,所以顺坡下驴,不了了之,虽然俺们也 +1
                          • 对,大家都一样,搜集信息,然后各自判断。就是纠正一点,那个shopify合作办学在华人圈很有名,但名额有限,最开始吸引了很多需要经济支持的优秀学生。
          • 申请滑大的信心牛蛙很少去投那个的,拿到相比滑大 CS简单多了,申请人多优势不一定代表实力强。要看谁申请
            • 你是说滑大比dev难?
              • 就是,比“滑大 CS简单多了” 这句不知道凭什么来的,滑大是难,但成绩好你家长准备得早有竞赛一般就能去,但还真不一定能被dev瞧上。
      • 稍早前听到已有学生拿到了 York CS 的早 offer
        • 我们这儿有12月就搞定了这个 caleton。
          • 我这答复人家问 York CS 来了offer没有。