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The author of the book, ‘How I Braved Anu Aunty & Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company,’

Varun Agarwal is also an entrepreneur and a film-maker. Coming from a time in India where parents would force their kids to become future engineers and doctors, Varun also went through the painful drag of completing his engineering.

Despite the pressure of the parents and society to follow the crowd and get a job,Varun came up with an idea of selling school merchandise throughout the country and ended up featuring among the top entrepreneurs in the nation.

Varun has also worked as a film-maker with the Oscar winner A.R. Rehman at the age of 21 years only.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 如果只想赚钱,那就学习一下这几位。。。都是高中大学开始。。。里面唯一的女生,当初只有15岁,现在20。。。年龄跟龙潭娃差不多大吧?。。。
    It is never too early or late to become successful in your life. Here are 16 famous entrepreneurs who started young.
    • 你家的一展歌喉,有可能成为天后。其他人忙于刷题,哪有时间不务正业去创业? +1
      • 别刷题了。。。给娃注册一个公司,谁家娃似乎已经注册了,来分享一下。。。
        • 你要注册联邦还是安省公司?带名字的好。
          • Ontario
        • 安省注册数字公司,名字自己随便取,这个很简单基本上半天就能搞定,比较耗时的是品牌注册,加拿大现在差不多要2年多。
    • 这个需要背后的强大资源支持。 +1
      • 老黄历了。。。现在都在网上,成本很低。。。
      • 没去看过social media,硅谷大盗?都是娃自己去游说筹集资金的。
    • 龙潭里面的娃个个都想成为他们其中的一个。不过真的能出一个还是半个就得打一个很大的问号了。这里顶多也就出一个20W,最多40W的娃,不过也没看谁晒出娃的工资单过。
      • 出一个就行。。。
        • 这论坛都20年了,有出过一个么?
          • 出没出过和咱吃瓜群众有啥关系,又不请我们吃饭
            • 可以让富豪们捐款。这天天在家里蹲着,你还喜欢吃饭?我都能不吃就不吃,天天想着怎么减肥呢。
    • 第五个印度小哥的父母像不像龙潭的推爸推妈?

      The author of the book, ‘How I Braved Anu Aunty & Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company,’

      Varun Agarwal is also an entrepreneur and a film-maker. Coming from a time in India where parents would force their kids to become future engineers and doctors, Varun also went through the painful drag of completing his engineering.

      Despite the pressure of the parents and society to follow the crowd and get a job,Varun came up with an idea of selling school merchandise throughout the country and ended up featuring among the top entrepreneurs in the nation.

      Varun has also worked as a film-maker with the Oscar winner A.R. Rehman at the age of 21 years only.

    • 心不要太大,赚个把亿美刀就够了。
    • 他們可不是普通人,不可比。
    • 硅谷那个女巴菲特如果没出事儿的话,肯定也在这里面。还有前阵逮起来的在那个龙潭有很多校友的印度娃,说不定也能进去。可惜财迷心窍了。 +1
    • 如果只想赚钱,应该让娃回中国。。。据说,一些做网红直播的大学不用读,不少人每年赚几千万上亿的的。。。 +1
    • 小概率事件拿出来讲没有意义,中国十几亿人出了个姚明,担忧有多少中国人能够去NBA甚至进入全明星? +3
      • 机会总是有的,试了不一定成。。。不试,肯定不成。。。
        • 支持你娃去试,工作都是手停口停保个基本生活费,发财还要靠投资或者开公司。
        • 当然应该试,不过不是为了试而试,也要根据情况考虑试的成本,这不是每个家庭都能承担的。富裕家庭的孩子有更多的选择也就是这个道理。
    • 你娃的歌声很好
      • 谢谢。。。
        • 弄好了歌,能配一耳朵,好听
        • 直播唱歌… 这个赚钱快超级快
      • 哪里👂?😅
        • 我刚来的时候,小猪贴过一次,我很意外在肉连听到这么好听的声音。等着她配一👂