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起因是某大学到业界来收集反馈,以修正他们的computer related program. 以下是这个滑大毕业生的分享。给拿到UW SE 和 CS offer, 正在纠结(what a 甜蜜的纠结)的孩子一些新视角。

each prof has their own strengths and weaknesses, and likewise each program and course will too. The xxx school needs to decide which areas they want to focus on. It's impossible to "just make a good CS program" because the CS/SE landscape is too large. At UW, we have computer engineering, software engineering, and computer science. Though SE and CS look very similar from the outside, their fundamental principles are different: SE is more practical, forgoing theory; CS is very theory heavy, forgoing practicality. Which is better? Well you can't really compare them directly. They're both valuable in their own ways. I knew my theory was weak and engineering was "strong" going into uni, so CS helped to strengthen my weakness. Some people just want to build stuff and thought engineering would be cool or w/e. Some of the gripes I have towards some of my profs is that they were a bit stuck up or really siloed into their areas of expertise and would aggressively defend everything they do, waving off anything different or "better", which I would say is objectively toxic and unproductive. Nonetheless each prof having their own areas of strength will give the program one more strong point and expose students to that one area in depth.

后来还elaborated a little more about some prof siloed:

some profs were really siloed into their areas of expertise to the point where they're almost shunning/mocking real-life applications. Some were really good in their areas and a lot was learned, but to the people who didn't know more than what the profs said, they would've received lots of misinformation which needed to be unlearned.

also, my program was focused on theory, so it's difficult for me to say what practical aspects were missing, because that's not the focus.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 多大ES,滑大SE,CS,每年都会有家长上来幸福着也纠结着。其实以前这个话题每年都要讨论一轮,我翻到2019年的一个楼,纠结的可以点开链接看看大家3年前都怎么说的。还是那句话,孩子都这么出色了,放手吧,怎么选都不会错。😅 +3
    • 说地对。。。每个坛子都一样,纠结的人谈着纠结的话题,每天都能来一遍。 +1
      • 一句话,听娃的 +7
    • 成绩好,不等于孩子能够自己做出正确的决定。我当年就是选错了,学了CS。 +2
      • 你那个年代,不能转专业,不能跨学科学。。。现在这些都不是问题。。。
    • 一己之见,不太明白有些家长为何让网友帮自己娃选专业,不否认很多意见很有参考性,但是吃瓜群众毕竟不了解你家的娃,最后拿主意的还得是娃自己,所以娃要对自己要有充分的认知和定位是蛮重要的。 +7
      • 对,还得从娃的实际出发,结合娃的喜好和特点,选择相对合适的发展之路。娃的人生是长跑,现在才刚起步呢,不到终点怎知最终结果。 +1
        • 🤝
      • 这种情况基本上是娃明白该怎么选但家长不太懂。网上问问增加家长的信心。 +1
    • 培养孩子自己做决定的能力,要孩子把选择的理由说出来。只要不太离谱,孩子说了算。这些都应该在申请大学前都想好了。不应该拿到offer后再纠结。 +4
      • 都那么难申请的专业,全满分的也不敢说自己申请就能拿到,我认识的很多孩子,这几个学校专业都申请了,拿到再纠结也是甜蜜的烦恼啊😄 +3
      • 确实是这样,选啥只能孩子说了算。碰上倔的娃,家长怎么拉都没用。
    • 反正是挺省心的,上月在温哥华市Yale Town买了CONDO(2 2) ,面向海水的第二排楼,
    • 最近正巧跟一个滑大CS毕业生探讨过,有些关于这个专业的思考。 +1

      起因是某大学到业界来收集反馈,以修正他们的computer related program. 以下是这个滑大毕业生的分享。给拿到UW SE 和 CS offer, 正在纠结(what a 甜蜜的纠结)的孩子一些新视角。

      each prof has their own strengths and weaknesses, and likewise each program and course will too. The xxx school needs to decide which areas they want to focus on. It's impossible to "just make a good CS program" because the CS/SE landscape is too large. At UW, we have computer engineering, software engineering, and computer science. Though SE and CS look very similar from the outside, their fundamental principles are different: SE is more practical, forgoing theory; CS is very theory heavy, forgoing practicality. Which is better? Well you can't really compare them directly. They're both valuable in their own ways. I knew my theory was weak and engineering was "strong" going into uni, so CS helped to strengthen my weakness. Some people just want to build stuff and thought engineering would be cool or w/e. Some of the gripes I have towards some of my profs is that they were a bit stuck up or really siloed into their areas of expertise and would aggressively defend everything they do, waving off anything different or "better", which I would say is objectively toxic and unproductive. Nonetheless each prof having their own areas of strength will give the program one more strong point and expose students to that one area in depth.

      后来还elaborated a little more about some prof siloed:

      some profs were really siloed into their areas of expertise to the point where they're almost shunning/mocking real-life applications. Some were really good in their areas and a lot was learned, but to the people who didn't know more than what the profs said, they would've received lots of misinformation which needed to be unlearned.

      also, my program was focused on theory, so it's difficult for me to say what practical aspects were missing, because that's not the focus.

      • 过来人的思考,更贴近事实更有借鉴价值吧👍
    • 差别很大,不宜让孩子胡乱选择,人生最精力充沛的时间不宜浪费在以后根本用不到的行业知识上 +3
      • yes, just go us and earn 40W
      • 人生那么长。我支持孩子探索,寻求自己的兴趣。
        • CS/SE/ES,这三个专业的侧重点有很大的不同,学生应该在高中根据自己的特点就做好选择,以免将来走弯路。
          • 您这个就是怎么把自己磨炼成一个合格的螺丝钉。想挣大钱,还得当头,光靠干活走不到最后,也笑不到最后。
            • 自己的特点就不能是一个大榔头,想敲哪都能敲个实的?😂
            • 当头又怎么样?一群拉雪橇的狗,就是打头的狗待遇能高到哪里?真有本事自己开公司,那能挣大钱,不过更可能破产。
          • 我又要把自己搞成专家吗?她也不听啊。lol。我那么多人生经验,对她侃侃而谈。。。她也不听啊。。。
      • 这个就仁者见仁智者见智了,我本人非常欣赏ES课程设置,可能直观上貌似用不上,但开拓了眼界。人生选择比努力还重要,眼界高了,判断能力就强了,有助于做出更正确的选择。 +3
        • 世界变化快,简单编程会由AI替代,复杂的需要更多creativity的会需要复合型人才。 +4
      • 很多课程,貌似用不上,比如SE学了些物理化学,但我认为,这些东西是fundamental的,是用来开拓思维看世界的,所以还是要学的 +2
        • 是,有个很聪明的孩子从SE出来去CS就是因为不喜欢学化学,其实这些都是他们将来的工具,如果可以学,还是学了优势更大。
        • 明白人!