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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

五年级的小朋友老师发了这个HEALTH CURRICULUM 提纲,着重强调了从五月份开始会有这些内容,如果家长不认同,不想让自己的孩子参加,也给了链接可以填写EXEMPTION, 大家都怎么看呢?

The topics related to Human Development & Sexual Health in Grade 5 extends on the work begun in
Grade 4 and will cover the following:
● factors that may affect the development of a person's understanding of themselves and their
personal identity, including their sexual orientation (for example, body image, self-acceptance)
● the reproductive system, and how the body changes during puberty
● the process of menstruation and sperm production
● describe emotional and interpersonal stresses related to puberty

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 五年级的小朋友老师发了这个HEALTH CURRICULUM 提纲,着重强调了从五月份开始会有这些内容,如果家长不认同,不想让自己的孩子参加,也给了链接可以填写EXEMPTION, 大家都怎么看呢?
    The topics related to Human Development & Sexual Health in Grade 5 extends on the work begun in
    Grade 4 and will cover the following:
    ● factors that may affect the development of a person's understanding of themselves and their
    personal identity, including their sexual orientation (for example, body image, self-acceptance)
    ● the reproductive system, and how the body changes during puberty
    ● the process of menstruation and sperm production
    ● describe emotional and interpersonal stresses related to puberty
    • Leave the kids alone! 左疯毒手伸向孩童。我接孩子时,常拿时事点评,比方说这个ncaa最新"女子"游泳冠军,这都是病人。 +2
    • 老师不都说了,家长不认同可以不参加,所以没啥好犹豫的
    • 如果家长不能讲这些内容,我感觉还是要跟着学校上,如果他们从别的小孩嘴里听到这些内容,就even worse。 +5
    • 看自家孩子发育程度。女孩子五年级差不多可以考虑上,男孩子有不少这个时候还迷糊。如果没有上,家长得考虑自己给孩子补上这些知识。这些知识对孩子成长挺好的
      • 我其他的话题觉得没问题,唯一比较CONCERNED的是SEXUAL ORIENTATION, 不知道会不会太成人,会太有引导性。 +1
        • 小孩不在学校学也会从其他同学那里学,架不住学校里总是有早熟的孩子,三年级的时候就从偷看黄片的同学那里知道了,现在小学高年级正好正经学学,什么东西被当成学习看待对孩子就没有吸引力了 +1
    • 政府的专业人士研究多年,比你们闭门瞎想不知高明多少。不要螳臂挡车,影响孩子人生 +3