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A Chinese father who reportedly tutored his son daily for a year went viral for bursting into tears after his son scored six out of 100 points on a math exam. The child’s parents from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, received his test score on June 23. Upon learning that their son had only received six points for his final math test, the father burst into tears, as seen in a video posted to Weibo by Qilu Evening News.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 当父母的真心不易。 +3
    A Chinese father who reportedly tutored his son daily for a year went viral for bursting into tears after his son scored six out of 100 points on a math exam. The child’s parents from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, received his test score on June 23. Upon learning that their son had only received six points for his final math test, the father burst into tears, as seen in a video posted to Weibo by Qilu Evening News.
    • 从国内亲友的经验,感觉国内的父母确实比俺们这里的爹妈压力大,呵呵
      • 要送孩子留学?
        • 从幼儿园大班开始奏有压力了,既便不缺银子,要送留学也起码得等到初二/初三,中间7-8年时间,每年考几个6/100,爹妈早崩溃了!😅
          • 国内老百姓装疯卖傻,遇到孩子教育问题立刻看出精明了。
    • 娃妈在后面大笑😂,人不可与天斗,后天怎能与基因争
    • 豹兄,你就偷着乐吧
      • 老大太不知心了,压力大啊。
    • 国内关于这个报道也挺有意思:“孩子妈妈称,以前孩子考试都是四、五十分或者八、九十分,这次期末才6分”。我其实不太明白那个或者是怎么成立的。这次是故意的吧。 +1
      • 现在高考人数要缩减了,分流提前了。数学是最容易拉开差距,淘汰学生的学科。所以不太奇怪。看今年出这么难的高考题就了解了。也可以让这里孩子考下国内的高考。
        • 今年全国卷1数学真心难,据说迄今为止尚无满分的报道。以前每个省都有几十个满分。
    • 平常心。 有些孩子天生是学霸好学自觉, 有些孩子天生不是学习的料, 非要抬高对自己孩子的期望值, 就是让自己不开心 +3
      • 不仅有学霸,也有刘邦马云
    • 基因问题是没法改变的。所以找老婆最好测一下智商 +2
      • 看看父母什么学历和工作,基本八九不离十了。
    • 跳CN塔,我需要排在他后面。 +1
      • 你舍得CN塔的门票钱吗? +1
        • 他害怕了,明知道国内的人过不来没法跳CN塔
    • 感觉很多类似视频就是骗流量的。 +7
      • 都是骗电击的 +2
    • 国内高考就是变态考试, 毁了好多孩子 +1