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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

转发:高中生online tutoring volunteers,可以发义工证书。感兴趣的同学请直接申请。

Students Support Students is a non-profit organization that connects high school students with elementary students for tutoring & learning opportunities. Our mission is to help students increase the participation, effectiveness and diversity in their learning experiences by assisting them in their journey of learning.

Our organization's tutors will work with the Executive Team to provide tutoring for elementary school students. Tutoring for Students Support Students comes with many benefits. By being a part of the organization, you can experience working in a professional environment, and also working in a leadership position. You will also get to engage in a positive academic environment where you can have a role in helping others learn, all while you’re in high school. As a volunteer based program you can also earn volunteer hours for tutoring and planning lessons, and it can contribute to your resume.

The application deadline is Tuesday, August 9th, 2022. The link is: https://forms.gle/N6frWhAqXxWYDRZ28


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 转发:高中生online tutoring volunteers,可以发义工证书。感兴趣的同学请直接申请。 +2

    Students Support Students is a non-profit organization that connects high school students with elementary students for tutoring & learning opportunities. Our mission is to help students increase the participation, effectiveness and diversity in their learning experiences by assisting them in their journey of learning.

    Our organization's tutors will work with the Executive Team to provide tutoring for elementary school students. Tutoring for Students Support Students comes with many benefits. By being a part of the organization, you can experience working in a professional environment, and also working in a leadership position. You will also get to engage in a positive academic environment where you can have a role in helping others learn, all while you’re in high school. As a volunteer based program you can also earn volunteer hours for tutoring and planning lessons, and it can contribute to your resume.

    The application deadline is Tuesday, August 9th, 2022. The link is: https://forms.gle/N6frWhAqXxWYDRZ28

    • 小中们做volunteers, 清一色都是给小朋友上课,太缺乏特色了。这样的证书申请美国大学,要么零作用、要么负作用;申请加拿大大学,估计也好不了多少 +3
      • 我邻居家男孩子的义工简历是非洲支教,帆船俱乐部,老爷车车展,URBAN FARM(他的专长是卖大麻,就在我家后巷) +2
      • 都这么功力吗?做义工不都是为了申请大学用吧~~ 这些高中生已经做了三年,疫情期间开始的。 +4
        • 某program不少学生确实需要做这个tutor义工增色。属于双赢吧。 +3
          • 谢谢您的支持
        • 是啊!做义工是因为有人需要帮助,孩子喜欢就好,没必要个个都要高大上。 +2
      • 我也觉得做volunteer给小孩子上课不好。没有想到升学。我个人认为volunteer或者打工,最好在一个比较正规的组织做。孩子学习跟成人/authority打交道更重要。义工不单是为了义工证书。做义工帮助别人的同时,也尽可能提高自己。 +3
        • 大家各取所需吧 。我转发一下,不喜欢的请略过,感兴趣的就直接联系 。 +7

          另外,多说一句,没有反驳您的意思,仅仅是分享一下。但是维护小朋友的课堂纪律、让小朋友focus就需要一定技巧;另外一些小朋友有特殊需求、Autism, ADHD, 语言障碍, 这些高中生也会提供一对一服务。有些义工高中生还为此参加了专门的培训,有certificate. 夏天的时候还参与组织了社区义卖,给医院捐款。去年50多个高中生一起做了很多有意义的事情。这个组织就是致力于鼓励高中生参与社会活动。大家没兴趣的话,看一眼就略过,别放心上😀
          • 我朋友给我分享她女儿在ymca打工的经历,我才有了这些想法。不清楚你贴的活动的具体内容,回答唐突了
            • 没事没事,咱们都是就事论事,希望为孩子们好。欢迎交流。只要不是特别卷,我完全没问题😀
        • 高中生自己办个组织,然后各方面沟通,打广告,我觉得也是锻炼能力的一种有效手段。而且管小孩子难道不要跟孩子的家长交流么?这不就是跟成年人打交道么?
          • 是的,什么义工都是对孩子们的锻练。我一朋友女儿,现在是加国某省某厅长助理。高中大学一直经营一非营利组织,主要是帮助低年级低收入的学生学习生活等。有可能是明日政坦新星。 +2
            • 这个好
      • 太夸张了,还零作用负作用?
    • 给补习学校免费打工吧 +2
    • 很赞!持续长久性也是一大亮点。当年的可汗也是因为信念和坚持才有今天的骄人成果,惠及世界无数的学童。 +3
      • 谢谢支持。这些高中生就想做一个长期的“高中生帮助小学生”的组织,除了补习,还打算搞其他活动。Chair & Executive也不是固定的,12年级毕业了,就把位子传给新的“高中生”,希望他们能做的长久。 +2
    • 感兴趣。。。这家有自己的网站吗?Google不到。。。谢谢。 +2
      • 有网站。 +1
        这些高中生不收学费,只收一个很少的注册费用来cover Google classroom, zoom之类的,所以没钱做www那种网站,所以Google不到。她们去年的网站做的也挺好,但被一个。。。不说具体的了,今年要转到另外一个网址,新的已经注册好,高中生义工们在加紧工作,希望开学前做好。