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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 安省又发钱了,catch up payment,每个娃200刀用于补习,哈哈
    • wtf link plz +1
      • 你家超龄了吗?俺家的貌似还阔以搭个顺风车,呵呵。


        • 到21岁? 我还以为我家高中生超龄了呢
          • 普通娃$200到18。$250到21是给特殊需要的。
            • 有钱拿就好,貌似还得申请,要是自动给该多好
              • 白高兴一场,确实到18,但仅限18的高中生,还真是要申请的。
            • 对,special education中不包括gifted class的学生。网上申请都写明了。还有,信息会连接到各个教育局的数据上去会需要进一步验证,资金才能被批准。记得以前填写信息,随便就可以submit了。
              • 疫情时是不是发过对娃的补贴?好像是个娃就有,直接到帐的?不太记得了。
                • 对,有个2次还是3次。
                  • 有吗?一点没印象了
              • 这个special education涵盖的范围不是很清楚.gifted是专门说不包括,但其他的special programs比如STEM,ARTS等也是school board提供的,又包括吗?
                • 俺的理解是针对弱势学娃的,比如自闭症,阅读障碍… +1
                  • 你的理解应该是对的,但它这个问题问得不准确,容易误导
                    • 教育局网站上都有详细的定义The vision the Toronto District School Board’s Vision of Learning is that students with special education needs are welcomed,
                      included and supported within well-resourced neighborhood schools. TDSB also recognizes that some students with unique strengths and needs may require more specialized or intensive programs and supports. It is our goal that these intensive support programs will be available in sites that are equitably located throughout the District. We are committed to make, where possible, facilities fully accessible to students, families, staff and community members. Policy on Accessible Education for Students with Disabilities.
                    • 强调的是special needs而非special program, 而且范围到21岁,明显是照顾弱势学娃。 +1
                • STEM,ARTS不是special education。给你看看YRDSB的special education的定义

                  Special Education

                  Special education is available to all students who need additional supports and services. We work together with families to provide all of our students with opportunities to learn and grow.

                  Our programs are individualized. Schools work collaboratively with families to develop programs that meet each student’s strengths, needs and interests. We are committed to providing the most appropriate educational opportunities and experiences for our learners.

                  We offer caring, supportive learning environments. We focus on ensuring all of our students feel supported, welcomed and safe at school. We aim to develop inclusive learning communities that promote respect for differences and diversity. We recognize, value and validate all children...every single day.

                  We are here to help. We work together with families to support students, and have information available to help you understand the process and available supports. If you have any questions, you can also speak with your school principal.

    • 要发票吗? +2
    • 今天宣布的 +4
      Apply for direct Catch Up Payments to get $200 to $250 to help pay for student learning supports to help fill gaps that may have emerged because of COVID‑19. As a parent or guardian, you can use this one-time funding for things that best suit your child’s needs like tutoring services, supplies and equipment. These Catch Up Payments are available to parents to help their child get back on track during the 2022–23 school year. Apply now
    • 今天新闻说到EQAO, 是不是成绩太差了,政府也觉得要补了。😆
      • 惊闻安省EQAO数学创新低,六年级及格率为47%,九年级及格率52%
        Newly released results from Ontario's standardized tests — administered in the spring after a two-year break during the COVID-19 pandemic — suggest that students are struggling in math, with a majority of Grade 6 students failing to meet the province's bar.
        • 越来越不行了。EQAO在龙潭太低级了吧,估计没人在意。
        • 疫情闹的,网课效果不佳
      • EQAO那么简单,成绩还那么差。
    • 最近新来的真不少,刚有个新来的家长在学校群里问这个补助是不是真的,怕被骗😅
    • 这是进一步鼓励学校老师躺平?
    • 学校要罢工,省政府先买通学生?
    • 听说今年安省教师可能会罢工,有谁知道消息准确吗
      • 罢就罢吧,公校全关闭,退税,改上私校。 +1
        • 没钱上私校的上私立网校