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Yale’s CS Department ( started off as an offshoot of the Math department (with Alan Perling,

the world’s first Turing Award laureate as its first chair), and is now part of the Engineering School. In terms of size it’s smaller than the big CS schools (think MIT or CMU), but on a per-person basis it’s pretty much on par with any top-10 school.
The faculty includes 6 ACM Fellows (Avi Silberschatz, Dan Spielman, Joan Feigenbaum, Holly Rushmeier, Dragomir Radev and Michael Fischer), Godel, Polya and Nevanlinna Prize winners, 1 MacArthur Fellow, and 2 National Academy of Science members (Ronald Coifman and Vladimir Rokhlin), among others. They have a whole host of interesting and groundbreaking research between them - for instance, Steven Zucker's work on Computational Vision or Julie Dorsey's papers on computer graphics and architecture. Faculty members have their own research websites, so if you're interested we'd encourage you to check them out.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 美国读CS学校间在本科阶段差异究竟有没有那么大? +1
    • 北美本科课程哪个大学都差球不多。 +3
    • 去CMU,读书期间找好实习有优势。 +4
      • 请教一下,如果只是想找好实习,滑大是不是就够了,这种理解对不?CMU有什么不同?还是说CMU去好实习的绝对数比滑大多找好实习更容易?
        • 有的实习岗位,滑大学生要非常出色才拿得到,而CMU的普通学生能拿到的机会大一点。 +3
          • 这个就不太好理解了,滑大的课也是非常难的,学生训练有素,不应该比CMU的普通学生课业差。难道大学还真看学校牌子?不太像北美的风格。 +2
            • 地理优势,不可否认。 +4
              • 那如果是地理优势的话,其他美国学校也有。Peace in mind. :)

                • 像UIUC,又好进又好找实习工作 +1
                  • UIUC CS 是直录,很难进 +1
                    • 对,不比滑大容易。 +1
              • 三巨头麻史卡和二线顶流小花git uiuc再加上户口本,找好工作的确很强势,滑大能够跻身其中足见势力,话说安省就那点人口,滑大生在那个层次混的比例,已经算高得离谱
            • 原来认为洋人不看牌子,后来发现自己错了。
              • 很多公司都有target school, 就是看牌子和关系
              • 美国人看牌子,加拿大学校牌子没有那么重要。
    • 所有有证的大学CS本科课程都差不多,发的学位才会被承认。当然同样一门课作业和考试难度会不一样。 +1
      • 就上课来说,洋人的大学本科都是连锁店,大同小异,学生差异是有的,考试难度完全看老师,美国一般般大学CS教授也是TOP 大学PHD毕业,不会心慈手软。博士生阶段主要看老板是不是大腕,所以名校和非名校差异巨大。 +2
      • 不同学校侧重不一样,同样课程名称但课程内容也会差异很大
    • 当然有差异。就像小孩要是去耶鲁学计算机,都不好意思说吧
      • Best Computer & Information Sciences Bachelor's Degree Schools 12 , 比滑大差吗? +3
      • 耶鲁近几年大力发展工程学院,它家工程学院不好录的,而且学生素质高,不差的 +4
        • Yale’s CS Department ( started off as an offshoot of the Math department (with Alan Perling,
          the world’s first Turing Award laureate as its first chair), and is now part of the Engineering School. In terms of size it’s smaller than the big CS schools (think MIT or CMU), but on a per-person basis it’s pretty much on par with any top-10 school.
          The faculty includes 6 ACM Fellows (Avi Silberschatz, Dan Spielman, Joan Feigenbaum, Holly Rushmeier, Dragomir Radev and Michael Fischer), Godel, Polya and Nevanlinna Prize winners, 1 MacArthur Fellow, and 2 National Academy of Science members (Ronald Coifman and Vladimir Rokhlin), among others. They have a whole host of interesting and groundbreaking research between them - for instance, Steven Zucker's work on Computational Vision or Julie Dorsey's papers on computer graphics and architecture. Faculty members have their own research websites, so if you're interested we'd encourage you to check them out.
          • 拿到加拿大不晓得又要咋个吹了
      • 有啥不好意思说的,我还想娃申耶鲁计算机,可他不喜欢耶鲁。 +1
      • 先拿到Yale offer 再说。好像耶鲁随便进似的。在加拿大招生每年个位数。 +4
        • 我是回复上面帖子说去耶鲁计算机羞于告人,申请和录取当然是两码事。
          • 我就是在回复上面说的去耶鲁计算机羞于告人呀。
    • 如果是cs本科其实都差不多,加拿大读得了,读个滑大就可以了,研究生再去美国读不更香吗 +2
      • 加拿大四所大学,进美国TOP 读博读硕没任何问题,看个人成绩。 +1
        • 温莎大学去美国比去多伦多方便,毕业读硕博都是去美国,有的专业基本都是哈佛这样的TOP