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Provided certain conditions are met, you may deduct, for Canadian tax purposes, the contributions you make to a 401(k) plan in the US.

Are Your 401(K) Contributions Deductible in Canada?

You might recognize this situation. You are a Canadian resident working in the USA on a TN visa. Your employer offers a 401(K) plan that includes a matching contribution. You know contributing to the 401(K) plan lowers your taxable income in the US. Does the same hold true for your taxable income in Canada?

Provided certain conditions are met, you may deduct, for Canadian tax purposes, the contributions you make to a 401(k) plan in the US.

For example, let’s assume you are a resident of Canada who is employed in the USA and you contribute to your employer-sponsored 401(K). Under the US-Canada tax treaty, your contribution to the plan (up to your remaining RRSP deduction room) will be deductible for Canadian tax purposes. But you need to be careful because your 401(K) deduction on your Canadian return is limited to your RRSP contribution room minus any other RRSP contributions. So if you’ve made RRSP contributions as well as 401(K) contributions, then you may have to defer some of the RRSP contributions you made and deduct them in a future year.

In addition, keep in mind that IRA contributions are NOT treated the same way as 401(K) contributions and are not deductible in Canada.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 美国工签 / 来美工作一年,用报税软件预报了一下,发现要补1W多加币的税给CRA,有什么方法避税吗,比如抵扣之类?忙活一年,给美加两国政府打工了。谢谢! +1
    • 在加拿大上班也得报税,只要挣得多就行
    • open traditional IRA account, if you are contractor, open one for yourself and another for your wife, and buy the maximum. if you have 401k, only for your wife.
      • 401k 不能抵扣
        • 报加拿大税的时候401K不能抵扣?
          • If the amount on your United States W-2 slip has been reduced by contributions to a 401(k),

            457, or 403(b) plan, US Medicare and Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), you must add these contributions to your foreign employment income on line 10400 of your Canadian return. These contributions may be deductible. See line 20700.


          • 不好意思,我搞错了,谢谢!
        • 算作 Line 20700 – Registered pension plan (RPP) deduction? +1
          • 我是给老婆买RRSP抵扣,因为前些年积累了大量额度
        • Provided certain conditions are met, you may deduct, for Canadian tax purposes, the contributions you make to a 401(k) plan in the US.

          Are Your 401(K) Contributions Deductible in Canada?

          You might recognize this situation. You are a Canadian resident working in the USA on a TN visa. Your employer offers a 401(K) plan that includes a matching contribution. You know contributing to the 401(K) plan lowers your taxable income in the US. Does the same hold true for your taxable income in Canada?

          Provided certain conditions are met, you may deduct, for Canadian tax purposes, the contributions you make to a 401(k) plan in the US.

          For example, let’s assume you are a resident of Canada who is employed in the USA and you contribute to your employer-sponsored 401(K). Under the US-Canada tax treaty, your contribution to the plan (up to your remaining RRSP deduction room) will be deductible for Canadian tax purposes. But you need to be careful because your 401(K) deduction on your Canadian return is limited to your RRSP contribution room minus any other RRSP contributions. So if you’ve made RRSP contributions as well as 401(K) contributions, then you may have to defer some of the RRSP contributions you made and deduct them in a future year.

          In addition, keep in mind that IRA contributions are NOT treated the same way as 401(K) contributions and are not deductible in Canada.

        • If you make any contributions to a 401k, you have to include those in your foreign income and then report them on RC 268. You'll get the deduction for them, but they'll also lower your RRSP contribution room.
    • 主要在美国的话,应该先报加拿大再在美国结算拿回扣啊
      • 你肯定加拿大先交了5万的税,然后美国只要交3万的话,美国不用交,美国还反你2 万
        • 这些说法都是不懂税法的产物。法律条文是没什么空子的,很多人说的那些空子如果不是自己瞎编的,就是利用两边信息不对称。
      • 你这会害死人的,我可不上当! +2
    • 看你胆子有多大了啊
      • 要按照法规行事,不要靠侥幸
    • 改成加拿大非税务居民,主要条件是至少deemed美国税务居民。但要注意在这之后的每年要停止RRSP和TFSA的供款。以后回加拿大的时候,再改回税务居民。 +2
    • 明年按非税务居民报 +1
      • 两边都按税务居民报税,有可能领退休金时可以两边都领多一些。如果算下来不用补税太多也许是值得的。
        • 那当然,事情总是有利有弊。比如我加拿大有生意当然愿意给加拿大交税
        • 这种做法是不合税法的,当然CRA的人也不懂

          For example, Canada has a tax treaty with the United States (U.S.). Individuals who are considered residents of both Canada and the U.S. will be considered residents for tax purposes in the country in which they have established the strongest ties. If they have stronger ties to the U.S., they will be deemed non-residents in Canada for tax purposes and their salary and remuneration will not qualify for federal or provincial/territorial film and media tax credits.


    • 全家搬美国,当非税务居民 +2
    • 请看相邻贴的讨论,401K抵扣要符合Cross-boarder Commuters 标准。也就是两边跑,不过并没有说要每天汽车通勤。
      • 不用。
        • RC268 Employee Contributions to a United States Retirement Plan for Cross-Border Commuters, 其他人不能在加拿大抵扣401K
          • 理论上是这样,但是这个很难核实,实际上很难操作
            • 这有什么难的,CRA要求你提供美国海关出入境记录就行了,一年只出入几次的就不合格
              • 想简单了不是,开车出入的如何拿到记录? +1
                • 你想什么呢,开车出入境也要过关, 当然有记录,I-94出入境记录网上都可以查得到的
                  • 用长发哥的话说是,懂的都懂,不解释 +1
                    • 只要不是不懂装懂就行,政府能查到的东西多了,能侥幸一辈子不被查也是本事
                • 有记录的,网上可查
                  • 加拿大海关服务还有付费查询,5刀服务费网上订购就可以把过去的所有出入境记录打印出来寄到家里。当你把护照交给海关时,他一扫所有记录都有了。
              • 我每个月飞机通勤至少一次。一般在加拿大工作。难道不符合?
                • 符不符合取决于CRA的auditor,也许一个auditor说符合,另一个auditor就说不符合. 不过common sense是必须要从加拿大这边通勤过去。你这么远程上班,必须2边报税,不合算。
                  • 合算不合算看各人情况。我加拿大有公司生意当然合算。
                    • 能否展开说说,共享一下知识?你人在美国,但在加拿大开公司做生意?
                      • 技术咨询,当然在美国也可做。只要你有客户。
                        • 税务方面有什么优惠吗?按自雇报还是有限公司?像你这种情况从税务上说,公司开在加拿大好,还是美国好?
                          • Canada LTD
                            • Thump up!
          • 不同意。条文的原话不是“cross border". 讲的是“commutes or otherwise travels to the united states...".
            • RC268是专门给 Cross-Border Commuters的,其他人不能填这个表格,不能填就意味着不能报 +1
              • 都什么年代了,现在已是WFH时代,还Cross-Border Commuters。你以为是煤矿或汽车工人? +1
                • 人家本来就是特指那些需要经常过境工作的人,不是给普通TN用的,你们为了能抵扣401K硬往上靠,然后再说人家说的不对。
    • 请问W2收入报什么地方,是哪个Line number?
      • See here: