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春日养肝,不要错过了应季的超级蔬菜洋蓟 (Artichokes)






我做洋蓟很简单。除了洋蓟外面几层比较小的老叶片摘掉不要了,之后剥下的绿色叶片(剥至看到奶黄色的底部为止)用水煮十分钟当茶喝,叶片根部有一点白色鼓起的地方可以用牙齿刮了吃掉。这时就剩下洋蓟奶黄色的嫩部了,把顶部切掉后对半剖开,用小勺挖去中心的绒毛,冲洗干净后切成小块放进预先准备好的柠檬水里。最后把处理好的洋蓟和泡过洋蓟的柠檬水 (加多少水随意) 倒进锅里,加盖煮开几分钟后加少许盐调味就好了。我以前还会撒点黑胡椒。

















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  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 春日养肝,不要错过了应季的超级蔬菜洋蓟 (Artichokes) +2
    • 《打开心轮的神奇食物 - 朝鲜蓟(洋蓟) Healing Artichokes》

      English Text is further down

      1. 请每周四次晚餐享用朝鲜蓟,以获得好的疗愈效果。
      2. 享用朝鲜蓟最有营养的方式是蒸。一旦蒸熟和冷却后,剥掉叶子,叶子根部蘸你最喜欢的健康酱料,啃食每片叶子的底部的“肉”。接着取出朝鲜蓟芯并享用。
      3. 如果购买的是含有防腐剂(诸如柠檬酸)的朝鲜蓟芯,请将其浸泡在水中过夜,以去除这种玉米衍生物的刺激性。
      4. 晚餐时享用朝鲜蓟有助于净化肝脏,帮助肝脏在清晨很早的时间净化自己。为了获得最佳效果,请在晚上7点或8点摄入朝鲜蓟。
      5. 尝试与罗马生菜一起吃朝鲜蓟,两者一起可以帮助溶解胆结石和肾结石。
      二. 朝鲜蓟可以帮助改善或疗愈的疾病和症状

      Healing Artichokes

      With all the superfood talk we have today, artichokes should be right there in the top 10 list. Artichokes are one of the most abundant sources of nutrition, filled with phytochemicals such as lutein and isothiocyanates; vitamins such as A, E, and K; amino acids; and enzymes. They are B12-enhancing stars, wonderful for bringing balance to the gut. 

      Artichokes are a top antioxidant-rich vegetable that is high in fiber and low in fat making them an ideal weight loss food. Artichokes are also a natural diuretic which means they are able to help flush the body of edema and reduce bloating and overall water retention. They are a good source of folate, vitamin C, vitamin K, B-complex, potassium, iron, and antioxidants such as anthocyanins, quercertin, rutin, cynarin, luteolin and silymarin.

      Silymarin is highly beneficial for the liver and has been shown to regenerate liver tissue making them a great food for those suffering with liver problems or those trying to cleanse and detox the body. Artichokes are an amazing food for the liver and have many undiscovered properties that support liver health. To find out more, check out my book Liver Rescue. Artichokes also contain a compound called inulin which provides nutrition to the good health promoting bacteria in the intestinal tract. 

      This inulin also has been shown to help balance and stabilize blood glucose levels making them an excellent choice for diabetics. Artichokes are also known to aid digestion and improve gallbladder function which makes them good for those suffering with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or other digestive ailments. Artichoke leaves contain compounds that can reduce cholesterol by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, this means they have the ability to raise good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL). 

      This ability also helps to prevent excessive fatty deposits in the liver and blood which protects the body from arteriosclerosis. Artichoke leaf extract has been shown to kill off cancer cells and protect the liver from oxidative stress. Artichoke leaf extract is readily available in capsule form and can be found online or at your local health food store.

      Artichokes are also dense with minerals such as silica, which is one of the foundational minerals of our bodies that’s critical for our existence. Artichokes’ magnesium content gets attention, and rightfully so. There’s a bigger picture to what gives artichokes their sedative qualities, though: In addition to magnesium, artichokes contain sedation phytochemicals that calm all body systems, as well as a compilation of calming minerals. This mineral denseness corresponds with the dense organs and glands (such as the liver, spleen, pancreas, brain, adrenals, and thyroid) that artichokes nourish. Deep within these organs, we have foundational nutrient reserves, and artichokes are one of those foods that replenish our reserves to promote longevity. 

      Artichokes are incredible for the pancreas, making them an ideal food for people with diabetes, hypoglycemia, and other blood sugar imbalances. They are also one of the best foods for reducing kidney stones and gallstones, as well as calcifications and scar tissue inside the body. Artichokes are remarkable for protecting the body from the radiation of X-rays, cancer treatments, dental treatment, and common exposure. 

      Artichokes are meant to be taken seriously in our lives, and should be considered medicine—a medicine that tastes earthy, sweet, and delicious. Many people don’t bother with fresh artichokes, because they find their appearance off-putting and don’t know how to deal with them. Once you learn the art of preparing and cooking an artichoke, though, you’ll be bringing an amazing nutritional dish into your life. 

      Fresh steamed artichokes have a rich, nutty flavor that make them a delicious, satisfying, and guilt-free food. Try steaming 4-6 artichokes for 45min-1hr. Once cooled, the leaves can be peeled off and the heart can be scooped out. Place each portion in a ziploc bag and store in the fridge. This way you can have a healthy, nutritious, and low fat snack ready to eat right out of the fridge and on the go for you and your family all week long.


      If you have any of the following conditions, try bringing artichokes into your life: 

      Diabetes, hypoglycemia, kidney stones, gallstones, calcifications, internal scar tissue, shingles, osteomyelitis, thyroid disease, insomnia, carpal tunnel syndrome, bone fractures, cirrhosis of the liver, endocrine system disorders, fatty liver, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, interstitial cystitis, liver cancer, Lyme disease, optic nerve conditions, pancreatic cancer, stomach ulcers, systemic lupus, low reproductive system battery, mystery infertility, Achilles tendon injury, blood cell cancers such as multiple myeloma 


      If you have any of the following symptoms, try bringing artichokes into your life: 

      Blood sugar imbalances, food allergies, canker sores, rib pain, sleep disturbances, abnormal Pap smear results (i.e., abnormal cervical cells), food sensitivities, urinary urgency, bone density issues, bone loss, brittle nails, dysfunctional liver, electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), emotional eating, inflamed colon, liver congestion, nerve pain, stomach pain, mineral deficiencies, enlarged spleen 


      For anyone who is dealing with heart-related emotions—those who are downhearted, broken-hearted, ill-hearted, or coldhearted—artichokes are critical. Eaten on a regular basis, artichokes have the power to open up the heart chakra, and to ignite healing through this sacred channel. 


      Sometimes we put up armor in order to protect ourselves. Each experience of being hurt or taken advantage of adds another layer between the core of who we are and the outside world. It’s a necessary act that we learn from nature—a survival tactic. Just like the artichoke, though, if you take the time to peel back our armor, you’ll find that we all have soft, sustaining hearts under- neath. Artichokes teach us that while connection doesn’t always come easily—sometimes it takes work to peel back the spikes—it is worth the work to get to the tender, true, and loving centers of ourselves and each other. 


      * Consider having artichokes on the dinner menu four times a week for promising results.

      * The most nutritious way to enjoy artichokes is to steam them. Once they’ve cooked and cooled, peel off the leaves, dip them in your favorite healthy dressing, and nibble the “meat” from the base of each leaf. Next, scrape off the choke and enjoy the hearts.

      * If you buy prepared artichoke hearts that have a preservative such as citric acid, soak them overnight in water to get rid of this corn-derived irritant. 

      * Enjoying artichokes for dinner helps your liver purge and clean itself in the early hours of the morning, while you sleep. For best results, try eating artichokes at 7 or 8 in the evening.

      * Try eating artichokes alongside romaine lettuce. Together, they help dissolve gallstones and kidney stones.


      Preparing artichokes can seem daunting. All it really requires is hot water and some patience. When steamed until tender, artichokes are just waiting for you to pull them apart and dunk them into a luscious sauce of honey, olive oil, and sage. 

      4 artichokes
      1⁄4 cup olive oil
      1⁄4 cup honey
      1⁄4 cup lemon juice
      3 sage leaves

      Prepare the artichokes by cutting off the top quarter of each and removing the stem. Using scissors, cut the remaining tips off of each of the leaves. Fill a large pot with 3 inches of water. Place the artichokes in a steamer basket inside the pot. Steam the artichokes for 30 to 45 minutes, until the leaves are tender and easily removed. 

      To make the dipping sauce, combine all the remaining ingredients in a small saucepan over high heat. Stir continuously until the sauce begins to thicken slightly, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat and serve immediately alongside the cooked artichokes. 

      Makes 2 to 4 servings




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      第三本书 关于甲状腺

      第四本 -肝脏救援,肝脏问题是所有疾病的起源

      第五本 关于西芹汁是如何能够疗愈两百多种病症的。

