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UWaterloo Biomedical Engineering 2021 Class Profile 🎓


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 有家长了解Waterloo的bio engineering 专业吗?这专业未来的职业方向是什么?好像录取分数要求很高。谢谢
    • UW 的是Biomedical Engineering,应该是Bio Engineering的一个分支。是研究医疗器械/设备的,很好的方向。很有可能需要往上读。 +1
      • 带Bio的专业往上读的出路不会差,接触到的学带Bio的华二代不少工作收入都挺好,无一例外是高学历,科技大厂也招Bio科学家,小孩的师哥师姐就在Google。读博期间研究蛋白结构分子啥的都是在电脑上,也会写扣,自学的。娃也是bio相关毕业拿到药厂和大学教职好些offer. +2
        • 听你这么一说,原来生物比CS 还热呀
        • 好多生物博士会想办法拿个CS硕士。
          • 那倒不是,是因为研究需要,自学写扣蛋白结构分析需要吧。
            • 用软件分析生物样品,跟CS没关系。谷歌也招非CS的人,不是核心职位。 +2
        • 教职要博士吧?
          • 博士毕业
        • 你家娃博士毕业没做Post doc 就拿到好些个教职offer ?
    • 生物医学工程--- 和生物,医学,健康有联系的工程,管理,实验,研究方面的工作。
    • 带Bio 的专业都绕道走,毕业后找份年薪四万的工作都很难, 几百人竞争一个职位。 我说的是加拿大,中国跟美国可能机会多一些,但本科学历也没啥好机会 +9
      • Not sure where you got your data from. +2

        I see completely opposite. I have been in this field for long, big and boring companies such as GE, Siemens, J&J, Abbott Laboratories, Philips offer much much higher than 40K for Biomed Engeering undergrads. I worked a stint at several of them, hired many.

        I am now with a small but fast paced shop based off of Toronto, and there is a network of similar shops that I partner with. I think I am in a good position to tell you that the hiring is competitive so is salary. 40K? you made my grin, buddy.

        • 那你就给发10个Bioengineering 的工作上来看看,加拿大的,要本科生的 +1
          • I have no interest to convince you. I was simply stating what you said is downright inaccurate and you had no basis of saying "带Bio 的专业都绕道走,毕业后找份年薪四万的工作都很难, 几百人竞争一个职位"
            • 事实就是这样的,你到indeed 上以bioengineering 做Keyword 搜一下,全加拿大也就几十个工作, 每个工作都是不同方向,多数bioengineering 其实是生化细胞分子生物学方向, 70%都是教授类工作, 还有20% 是招博士后, 这就是Bio 最大的坑! 一将成名万骨枯! +1
              • No, disagree.
                What you said suggests you do not have a remote idea of what bioengineering is truly about and how it works with job market. And sorry we do not post job on indeed. If J&J tries to find a smart kid to run an AI algo. that simulates the protein secondary structure, they won't post job on indeed. If GE wants to find a pro for their next generation firmware installed in the MEG machine, they do not post job on indeed.
                • 如果工作都不Post 出来,那岂不是更难找工作了? 又不是每个人都有Networking +1
                  • We recruit talents directly from campus, we poach professionals through retained headhunting, we advertise the job opportunities via academic newsletters, we contact the head of research labs to acquire top students.

                    Another fact is there are many Bioengeering jobs won't appear with "bioengeering" used as the search keyword.

                    They will show as "medical imaging and machine learning specialist", "computational biologists", "bioinfomaticians / neroinfomaticians", "scientific programmers", "associated / laboratory scientist", "assay development engineer". I can keep this list going.

                    • 说了半天80%的工作都是CS 相关的
                      • Coding and general computing are just tools that by default we assume new grads already know and can learn with ease for them to do their jobs. +1
                        As interdisciplinary as Bioengineering is, most jobs in this field require more Bio and Engineering than CS. I do not know how you conclude 80% of Bioengineering jobs need CS? I am also not sure what you tried to convey. If you do not know something, do not pretend.
                        • 按你这么说什么专业都应该学coding咯。生物博士之所以没办法,只好自修,正说明这个专业不主流,对软件公司来说,没太大吸引力 +2
                          • I won't comment for all but careers in high tech,
                            including medical science and bioengineering would encourage their employees become compute literate or much beyond. I am not here to argue who is mainstream. Not sure what you mean by "对软件公司来说,没太大吸引力". Bioengineers most likely will not end up in Software shops anyways.
                            • 比如会计,保税,文案,图片编辑,cad。。。大量的软件,从业人员不用自己开发。是这个意思。小众领域,没搞头,软件公司不是不会做,没利润谁做哇
                              • That I disagree. There are very few, if there is ever any, software used in modern Medicine/Bioengineering/Biomed made by the big software shop for good reasons but not as you thought these are "小众领域,没搞头", quite laughable thoughts in fact.
                                • 实际情况是,生物博士自修了搞了自己的软件,也绝不想推广。一推广,自己的独特性就没了。所以都是各自在蒙头搞。我个邻居就在伯克利搞基因。国内五线学校毕业的。告诉我,当时生物博士都不会coding,他虽然专业差但是苦学coding,也就顺利顺藤进去了
                                  • No, this is because informatics revolution in Bio and Medicine picked up pace relatively late therefore global standardization in data management hasn't been fully established;
                                    the second reason is this is a highly regulated science, each geographical region has their own privacy concerns and ethical approval processes which are very expensive and lengthy to deal with. Both have been major impediments for big software shops stepping into the fields.
                                    • 所以说,特别困难。。。不是我们不想干,实在是干不了哇,所以不敢推荐。。。对先生还是很仰慕,但苦于疲于生计,不敢误人子弟哇
                                      • I am not here to recommend or sell, just trying to give some perspective. Biomed engineering is by no means an easy science. Depending on what you end up doing, the return can be quite rewarding and juicy for many.
                        • 你就列举几个这方面的工作就最有说服力了, +3
                          别总说只有内部招聘才有的机会。 Software engineer 在indeed 上全加拿大能搜出一万个职位,你说的Computational biologist 才几个? lab scientist 机会也很少,因为NIH 和CIHR 都大幅削减了funding , 你去搜下“生物千老“生物改行“ 看看有多少血泪控诉,我看过一篇讲的一个生物博士连Costco 的Croissant都舍不得买。。
                          • I now see your hidden agenda.
                            You try to approve CS is better than Bioengineering in terms of job opportunity or average salary but this is not what OP was asking for. There are of course way more IT jobs than Bioengineering but that do not grant you the right to lie about Bioengineering.

                            A PhD in Biology cannot afford croissant, this example is pointless perhaps you yourself also agree. I see CS grad serving dishes in Chinese restaurant but it doesn't mean CS has no hope.
                            • 只听说过一代移民转码转会计的,没听说过有转生物的 +3
                              • This cannot prove anything. The turnaround time for turning one into a registered accountant is much shorter therefore people can start making their ends meet. But how is this an evidence Bioengineering/Medicine is ranked as lower science?
                                • 知道一个二代娃家里一心想让孩子考医学院,可是娃却喜欢医学研究,多大免疫学博士毕业后去了温哥华一家小药厂加入的时候只有几十号人现在ipo上市一下子财务自由了,运气来了挡不住。
                                  • 搞研发的生物制药公司90%都是圈钱,烧完钱就关门了,90%的产品通不过临床试验。好多人买了这类公司股票都亏了个底掉 +3

                                    我同学夫妻俩都是生物博士,都在美国的生物药厂工作,每人都被lay off 过好几次, 他们俩个孩子一个学了医,一个学了计算机
                                    • 没办法,药品业界骗局太多,基本上是搞金融的在玩,不关技术啥事 +2
                                • biomedical engineering比Biological engineering强些,后者就是农业工程改个名 +1
                            • 二十年前生物博士找工作进药厂比现在容易得多,现在已经不是那个时代了。 基础生物医学研究也已经发展到一个瓶颈时期,现在需要的也多是计算机人工智能方面的复合型人才 +2
                              • 20 years ago, you probably were at school age so you knew Bioengineering was hot. Now you grow old but forget Bioengineering as a subject also has been evolving to become more interdisciplinary.
      • 也不行,有千军万马过独木桥的感觉。当年学生化的都至少是状元级别的。大学本科数学物理学少了,高中成绩再好也不好在硬核的工程科学混。
    • 慎重。上次看见三月底的数据,这个专业1b的实习率是28%, 比数学还惨。
    • 医疗仪器专业吗? 要求很高, 学的费劲, 就是市场一直不够好. 不需要了解UW, 回国内问问就知道了.
    • Biomed Eng. +7

      is far broader than just developing medical devices. This profession is the application of both biological and engineering principles to medicine. This certainly involves the research and development of devices (CT, MEG, EEG, MRI), and materials (e.g. biomarker, antibodies) but it also focuses on a much wider ranger of scientific areas, such as, software and algorithm (e.g., the software can detect and remove human skull from a MRI image), drug discovery, cognitive simulation, prosthetic limbs & artificial organs, tissue engineering, medical robotics, brain surgery (e.g. tissue spectrum analysis) etc.

      This is an excellent career / academic path, promising, challenging, and cutting-edge therefore, of course, competitive. Ontario is a tech hub for Biomed Eng., many start-ups are right in this arena and starving for young talents.

    • 需要有门路。我就知道有生物博士被律所雇了主要是打药品官司,收入很好。但是没路子,的确,太专了,一个萝卜一个坑,不好换工
    • 毕业后去药厂吧。
      • 加拿大的药厂,至少多伦多的药厂,几乎没有Bio 方面的职位。 Sanofi 可能有些需求, 多数也是要免疫学博士。Bioengineering 是个很大的领域,下面又有很多方向,具体到某个方向机会很少的,属于“又窄又专“ 的行业
        • 这样呀,我对这个专业不熟。难道是所谓的天坑专业之一?
      • 药厂?我知道学这个没找到药厂,找了个华人开的化妆品厂 +3
        • 多伦多的药厂招的Chemist 多是Chemistry,
          Chemical engineering ,pharmaceutical 专业的毕业生,做Formulation, Quality control。。学生物 出身的也有,我认识一个生物硕士又去Seneca 进修了两年Pharmaceutical technology 才进了大药厂,还有一个多大的生化 PhD 也是在Seneca 读了Regulatory affair 才进的药厂
          • 加拿大的药厂基本没有多少需要PhD 的创新研发职位,本科生进药厂收入也很低,跟码工没法比的 +3
    • 这是so far 看见最搞笑的争论 中英文无缝切换 +1
      • 这种理性争论是需要的,👍 +2
        • 是啊! 没有冷嘲热讽或气急败坏的争论永远不嫌多.
    • 分数不高了,今年不到95都有被录取的
      • 感谢大家的回复,得到很多信息
        • 这个专业可以进大医疗器械公司是不错的。比如飞利浦,西门子等 +1
          • 在LinkedIn 上看了一下西门子公司在加拿大的职位,technical 方面的职位要的都是EE 或ME 学位 +1
            • 90's西门子医疗在中国高薪招不到healthtech背景的医疗设备售后技术支持人员,
              不得不招EE、ME回来自己再培养。上海的大学与时俱进,开设生物医疗工程专业。但是没有一所学校开的出这么前卫的专业,最后是一所理工科大学和一所医学院联合搞了个计算机+医学双学位专业,取分极高。我们高中班级第一名考进这个专业。但是毕业没进西门子飞利浦,N年后辗转做了SAP consultant
      • 已经发Offer了?
    • 这专业本科不够用
    • 本科生学这种两面不靠的专业,蜻蜓点水,纯粹浪费时间。要么学生物,今后两条路:医生或者读博士,读博之后的路看论文与运气,分叉也很多。喜欢工程,学个金融工程,也比生物工程强。 +1
    • 自己看吧,这里的家长不推孩子这个,了解的不会多。 UWaterloo Biomedical Engineering 2022 Class Profile 🎓
      • UWaterloo Biomedical Engineering 2021 Class Profile 🎓
        • UWaterloo Biomedical Engineering 2020 Class Profile
        • 还想问一下,除了Waterloo的这个专业,还有哪几个学校的这个专业比较好,有什么差别吗?
          • 多大ES下面有这个专业
          • 非常传统的专业, 有这个专业的学校应该不少. 其他的我们都不知道, 因为同辈们有学这个专业的, 但是没听说谁真正干过.
          • 如果你孩子喜欢生物化学生命科学,
            不如考虑一下mcmaster 的iBiomed E。我家孩子高中好友HS落榜,把她调剂到iBiomed+HS,一年下来读得很挺开心的,放弃了HS留在iBiomed E。暑假coop是在学校做RA。WaterlooBME偏重机、电、计算机,孩子有两个朋友进去没多久就转到SYDE了,这两个专业前两年的课程几乎是一样的。
            • 她没修生物,进不了McMaster的这个专业
          • 多大UBC这方面比UW强多了
      • 多谢了