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我家老二一门心思要读律师,两年前录取了渥太华大学,商科和法律的连读专业,B.commerce & JD. 读了两年business,今年九月正式入读法学院,成为法学院一年级新生。





Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 说说渥太华大学法学院连读的录取 +4


    我家老二一门心思要读律师,两年前录取了渥太华大学,商科和法律的连读专业,B.commerce & JD. 读了两年business,今年九月正式入读法学院,成为法学院一年级新生。




    • 谢谢!很好的信息。渥太华对年轻人来说无聊了点,其他挺好 +1
    • 这个课程的好处是少读一年拿JD,但不好之处是用法语学common law实在是小众,未来职业成长空间受限。 +8
      • 这我还没想过,学的课程一样的,职业怎么受限呢、会有哪些职业只招英语学的?毕业证都一样吧。
        • Common law英美的海洋法,所有案例都是英文的,大陆法是法语的,可这课程毕业也不能直接去魁北克考Bar。这课程毕业估计进政府容易,进Big law firm难。我瞎猜,没有找数据 +4
          • 哦,这我就放心的,法语授课,学的是common law
            • 正是这个别扭,因为将来绝大多数文书都是英文的,用法文学的自然不如用英文学的。 +5
              • 管它的,我就想着,把法语学好了,也算多一门技术 +1
    • 这是一个lawyer写的:和我想象的情形差不多 +2


      I am a lawyer. The only reason you should be choosing UOttawa's direct entry JD program is if you plan on living in Ottawa in the long-term. Law school rankings do exist and many employers would not hire you from this program. The only jobs that I've seen people in this program get are largely in Ottawa as well.

      Getting a 3.7+ GPA (A-) in your last two years of undergrad is far easier than maintaining a 3.7+ GPA in your first two years. Universities use the first two years of undergrad to weed out a lot of students. Class averages are typically in the C to C+ range for first and second year courses, while class averages for third and fourth year courses are in the B to B+ range. I went to law school with Queen's commerce graduates and the grading system in this program is very fair, especially in upper-year courses. It is not a difficult program to do well in.

      You may not want to work in the business field, but you should know that many of the jobs in the legal field are in corporate areas of law. See the list of employers that participate in the law school recruitment process here - https://ultravires.ca/2022/12/toronto-summer-2023-2l-recruit-numbers/. Over 90% of these employers are corporate law firms and having a Queen's commerce degree will be a benefit when applying to these firms.

      In all honesty, why are you not willing to give yourself a chance to try and get into the top law schools in Canada? You are closing many doors before even giving yourself a chance to see if you can do it. It is not that difficult to get into Western and Queen's law. Even TMU's law school is doing pretty well now in the job market. You can always apply to UOttawa's law school in the future too. At the end of the day, you are competing for jobs with many people in their mid-late 20s and 30s (the average age in first year of law school is 25-27). You would be at a huge disadvantage in the job market as a law student in their low 20s doing one of these undergraduate/JD combined degree programs.

    • 恭喜升入法学院!10%这么难啊?
    • 恭喜!谢谢分享。