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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 科技自然 / 码农倒计时再次被加速, 今天发布的: Introducing Devin, the first AI software engineer And setting a new state of the art on the SWE-bench coding benchmark,Meet Devin, the world’s first fully autonomous AI software engineer. +1
    • 初中级码农的噩梦,天才级无师自通小小神童天生码农的福音,时代最强音,之后,不读CS没学历但地下室点PIZZA打游戏啃老顺便写点代码的宅男们有福了,再也无法被埋没了 +2
      • 现在的问题是:谁都不承认自家的娃会是初中级码农;谁都不认为自己正在做的梦是噩梦 :-) +1
        • 哈哈,都挺傲娇的 :) +1
    • Andrej Karpathy 对此的评论:In my mind, automating software engineering will look similar to automating driving. E.g. in self-driving the progression of increasing autonomy and higher abstraction looks something like:

      1. first the human performs all driving actions manually

      2. then the AI helps keep the lane

      3. then it slows for the car ahead

      4. then it also does lane changes and takes forks

      5. then it also stops at signs/lights and takes turns

      6. eventually you take a feature complete solution and grind on the quality until you achieve full self-driving.

      There is a progression of the AI doing more and the human doing less, but still providing oversight. In Software engineering, the progression is shaping up similar:

      1. first the human writes the code manually

      2. then GitHub Copilot autocompletes a few lines

      3. then ChatGPT writes chunks of code

      4. then you move to larger and larger code diffs (e.g. Cursor copilot++ style, nice demo here https://youtube.com/watch?v=Smklr44N8QU…)

      5.... Devin is an impressive demo of what perhaps follows next: coordinating a number of tools that a developer needs to string together to write code: a Terminal, a Browser, a Code editor, etc., and human oversight that moves to increasingly higher level of abstraction.

      There is a lot of work not just on the AI part but also the UI/UX part. How does a human provide oversight? What are they looking at? How do they nudge the AI down a different path? How do they debug what went wrong?

      It is very likely that we will have to change up the code editor, substantially. In any case, software engineering is on track to change substantially. And it will look a lot more like supervising the automation, while pitching in high-level commands, ideas or progression strategies, in English.

    • 感觉这种东西得微软那种级别的公司卖,才有人敢买。
    • 准备试用一下,看看能不能取代印度的部分CODING MONKEY。感觉比微软的垃圾POWERAPPS要强一些,到时候和大家汇报。对了,看FOUNDER是亚裔,支持一下。 +1
      • 怕只怕既然AI了,干脆全外包给MONKEY,香蕉价更低😄,👍
        • 据传闻现在印度政府对AI怕得要命。
    • 即使不能完全取代人工写码,AI 能大大提高写码的速度,是不需要很多码农了。 +1
      • 程序员的工作机会会大大减少。
    • 要是有养老机器人就好了。
    • AI软件工程师震撼硅谷!手握10块IOI金牌。不过这个应该没有宣传的那么厉害,如果按照自动驾驶的分类,这个相当于L2至L3水平,距离L5还还很远