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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

你的观察正确,2024年是增加了2个外省名额, 11个了。11个外省大学毕业的尖子去跟魁省的高中/预科的小朋友做同学。

Canadian (Non-Quebec) Resident Overview An applicant is eligible to apply as a member of this category if he or she (a) is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada who is not a resident of Québec, (b) will have obtained, before July 31 of the entering year of medicine, an undergraduate (Bachelor's) degree for admission as per the Degree requirements and (c) and adheres to all other general and educational requirements. Applicants in this category can apply to the MDCM, or MDCM & Ph.D. programs. Because these programs have MDCM as a foundation, applicants need only submit one application to their preferred program. There is no quota for joint program applications. Important dates The following dates are for the Fall 2024 entry and are subject to change without notice. There is no admission for winter or summer sessions. Application opening date: September 5, 2023 Application deadline: November 1, 2023 Target date for sending preliminary selections: January 25, 2024 Interview dates: February 20 to 23, 2024 Related ► For more important dates, see: Important Dates Key numbers and statistics The following is presented as reference only. It does not offer any predictive validity. Anticipated number of seats available for Fall 2024: Up to 11 seats* Average number of applicants: 331 Average number of interviewed candidates: 43 Average GPA of interviewed candidates: 3.95 Special notes *The number includes seats for candidates from all pathways open to their residency cohort, with the exception of pathways with supernumerary seats (see our statistics for more information) The Minister of Health and Social Services of Quebec requires Canadians from other provinces or territories and foreign nationals holding a study permit who wish to register for medical school in Quebec to sign a contract in order to register in a medical training program in Quebec. If you are granted an offer of admission, your registration will be conditional upon your agreeing to the terms of the contract, which stipulates that if you choose to stay in Quebec to practice there is a return-of-service clause or a fine. Interview sessions will be shared among International and In-Province (University-Level) Quebec applicants. Applicants should have a degree grade point average (DegGPA) of 3.8 or greater to be considered competitive. A DegGPA below 3.5 will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. Priority is given to those with higher DegGPAs.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 帮朋友问一下,between McGill Bio Medical and McMaster Life Science, 选哪个更好?
    • McGill,因为能进McGill医学院
      • McGill是不是跟多大一样,压分压的厉害?
        • 都有钟形曲线,能进则进
      • 想多了,除非魁省人。 +3
        • 你大概学校名字搞错了吧?
          • McGill 麦基尔有错吗?
        • 以我有限的观察, mcgill医学院非魁省学生远不止9个。 +1
          • 反正很难。。。我认识2个去读本科,最后进医学院的。一个没考进加拿大医学院,去美国医学院;一个读完研究生,才进了麦吉尔医学院。。。
            • 医学院都很难。如果一定要把入学难度分等级的话, mcgill 肯定属于第一梯队。
              • 正确,McGill是世界顶一流的医学院,加拿大其他的都在百名开外,和印度医学院一个级别
          • 你的观察正确,2024年是增加了2个外省名额, 11个了。11个外省大学毕业的尖子去跟魁省的高中/预科的小朋友做同学。 +1
            Canadian (Non-Quebec) Resident Overview An applicant is eligible to apply as a member of this category if he or she (a) is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada who is not a resident of Québec, (b) will have obtained, before July 31 of the entering year of medicine, an undergraduate (Bachelor's) degree for admission as per the Degree requirements and (c) and adheres to all other general and educational requirements. Applicants in this category can apply to the MDCM, or MDCM & Ph.D. programs. Because these programs have MDCM as a foundation, applicants need only submit one application to their preferred program. There is no quota for joint program applications. Important dates The following dates are for the Fall 2024 entry and are subject to change without notice. There is no admission for winter or summer sessions. Application opening date: September 5, 2023 Application deadline: November 1, 2023 Target date for sending preliminary selections: January 25, 2024 Interview dates: February 20 to 23, 2024 Related ► For more important dates, see: Important Dates Key numbers and statistics The following is presented as reference only. It does not offer any predictive validity. Anticipated number of seats available for Fall 2024: Up to 11 seats* Average number of applicants: 331 Average number of interviewed candidates: 43 Average GPA of interviewed candidates: 3.95 Special notes *The number includes seats for candidates from all pathways open to their residency cohort, with the exception of pathways with supernumerary seats (see our statistics for more information) The Minister of Health and Social Services of Quebec requires Canadians from other provinces or territories and foreign nationals holding a study permit who wish to register for medical school in Quebec to sign a contract in order to register in a medical training program in Quebec. If you are granted an offer of admission, your registration will be conditional upon your agreeing to the terms of the contract, which stipulates that if you choose to stay in Quebec to practice there is a return-of-service clause or a fine. Interview sessions will be shared among International and In-Province (University-Level) Quebec applicants. Applicants should have a degree grade point average (DegGPA) of 3.8 or greater to be considered competitive. A DegGPA below 3.5 will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. Priority is given to those with higher DegGPAs.
    • McMaster
      • 能说下为啥选吗?
        • Mcmaster,1.学费2.读McMasterLS曲线求国想读医学院的学友多,3.利用McMsster research资源4.离家近,家长容易关照。5.拿高GPA容易点
          • 谢了
    • 安省学生申请McGill 医学院去年开始需要通过法语考试了,因为那个新法案。想申医觉得应该选卖马。
      • 啊? 不知道考试难度如何?
        • 不清楚难度,我们直接放弃了,因为没时间准备考试。
    • 如果法语不错,可以选McGill。
      • McGill 是英语大学,以前对法语没啥要求或帮助。不知道那个新法案有啥变化。。当然蒙特利尔有法语大环境
        • 能挑战McGill的小天才们会被那个法语考试难道?基本上是我们英语4级水平
          • McGill本科不难进吧? +2
    • 读McGill也能考安省医学院吧,BioEngineering进可攻,退可守,相比LS而言就业出路好很多 +1