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无意推销这本书《Get Trump: The Threat to Civil Liberties, Due Process, and Our Constitutional Rule of Law》,但仅仅这本书在亚马逊网站的说明文字就已经很好描述了当下发生的事情。

In Get Trump: The Threat to Civil Liberties, Due Process, and Our Constitutional Rule of Law, Alan Dershowitz—#1 New York Times bestselling author and one of America’s most respected legal scholars—analyses the unremitting efforts by political opponents of Donald Trump to “get” him—to stop him from running in 2024—at any cost.

Alan Dershowitz has been called “one of the most prominent and consistent defenders of civil liberties in America” by Politico and “the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer and one of its most distinguished defenders of individual rights” by Newsweek.

Get Trump makes clear that unconstitutional efforts to stop Trump from retaking the presidency challenge the very foundations of our liberty: due process, right to counsel, and free speech. Those who justify these dangerous departures from the rule of law argue that the threat posed by a second Trump presidency is “different” and “immediate,” while the departures from constitutional norms are longer term and more abstract.

Dershowitz explains that defenders of Trump’s constitutional rights—even those like him who oppose Trump politically—are sought to be silenced; their free speech rights attacked, their integrity questioned, and their careers threatened. Much of the media substitutes advocacy against Trump for objective reporting, while many in academia petition and propagandize against rights they previously valued—all in the interest of getting Trump.

The essence of justice is that it must be equally applicable to all, Dershowitz notes. No one is above the law but digging to find crimes in order to influence an election does not constitute the equal application of the law. In order to assure equal application in comparable situations, he proposes two criteria for indicting a likely candidate of the opposing party: the Richard Nixon standard and the Hillary Clinton standard—and most recently, the Joe Biden standard.

Get Trump warns that regardless of whether this anti-democratic effort to stop Trump from running succeeds or fails, it is likely to create dangerous precedents that will lie around like loaded weapons ready to be deployed against other controversial candidates, officials, or citizens about whom it can be argued that the danger they pose “is different.”

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 无意推销这本书《Get Trump: The Threat to Civil Liberties, Due Process, and Our Constitutional Rule of Law》,但仅仅这本书在亚马逊网站的说明文字就已经很好描述了当下发生的事情。 +6

    In Get Trump: The Threat to Civil Liberties, Due Process, and Our Constitutional Rule of Law, Alan Dershowitz—#1 New York Times bestselling author and one of America’s most respected legal scholars—analyses the unremitting efforts by political opponents of Donald Trump to “get” him—to stop him from running in 2024—at any cost.

    Alan Dershowitz has been called “one of the most prominent and consistent defenders of civil liberties in America” by Politico and “the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer and one of its most distinguished defenders of individual rights” by Newsweek.

    Get Trump makes clear that unconstitutional efforts to stop Trump from retaking the presidency challenge the very foundations of our liberty: due process, right to counsel, and free speech. Those who justify these dangerous departures from the rule of law argue that the threat posed by a second Trump presidency is “different” and “immediate,” while the departures from constitutional norms are longer term and more abstract.

    Dershowitz explains that defenders of Trump’s constitutional rights—even those like him who oppose Trump politically—are sought to be silenced; their free speech rights attacked, their integrity questioned, and their careers threatened. Much of the media substitutes advocacy against Trump for objective reporting, while many in academia petition and propagandize against rights they previously valued—all in the interest of getting Trump.

    The essence of justice is that it must be equally applicable to all, Dershowitz notes. No one is above the law but digging to find crimes in order to influence an election does not constitute the equal application of the law. In order to assure equal application in comparable situations, he proposes two criteria for indicting a likely candidate of the opposing party: the Richard Nixon standard and the Hillary Clinton standard—and most recently, the Joe Biden standard.

    Get Trump warns that regardless of whether this anti-democratic effort to stop Trump from running succeeds or fails, it is likely to create dangerous precedents that will lie around like loaded weapons ready to be deployed against other controversial candidates, officials, or citizens about whom it can be argued that the danger they pose “is different.”

    • 压迫越深重,反抗越激烈。如果川普当选,难以想象会以什么样的激烈手段报复。以后像韩国一样,总统下台就进监狱。 +2
      • 川普已经就这个问题回应了:他将以美国的成功来进行“复仇”。 +8
        • 如果真是这样,那老川简直可比《悲惨世界》里的冉阿让,人格从苦难里升华。谁知道呢,每次到了关键时刻,上帝都会眷顾美国。 +4
          • 他的伟大显然超出了许多人的想象。 +7
      • 👍👍👍
      • 与反疫苗一样,先要找个所谓名人来镇场子,其实一龙更有名,他说了不用在老川身上纠结嫖娼这类小事
        • 反疫苗,就是政治正确。
          • 草根斗士可比老川惨多了,老大至今没有工作,车队头领都在监狱里待着
            • 老大现在快成了Hippie,整天逍遥快乐似神仙。
            • 起码还健康的活着, 不用在"安乐死"和"生不如死"之间做选择. +3
    • 一个谎话连篇狂登小报的二流花花公子,他上台之后就永远不打算离开白宫。不能只许他不停起诉别人,不许别人起诉他。犯罪是犯罪,选举是选举,两回事。如果真是选他做总统,那也是天亡美国。 +5
      • 简直是丧心病狂的谎言 +6