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Some examples of how major Wall Street banks and hedge funds use AI:

1. JPMorgan Chase
COiN (Contract Intelligence): JPMorgan developed COiN to automate the review of legal documents. It can interpret commercial-loan agreements, reducing the time spent on document review from thousands of hours to a matter of seconds.
LOXM: An AI program used for executing trades, specifically designed to optimize the execution of client orders by mimicking human market-making strategies.

2. Goldman Sachs
Marcus: A consumer banking platform that uses AI to provide personalized loan offers and financial advice. It leverages machine learning to assess creditworthiness and predict customer behavior.
SecDB (Securities Database): Although not purely an AI system, it includes machine learning capabilities to manage and analyze risks across various markets, allowing traders and risk managers to make more informed decisions.

3. Citigroup
Recommender Systems: Citi uses AI to provide personalized financial products and services to customers. The system analyzes transaction data to suggest credit cards, loans, and investment products.
Fraud Detection: Citi utilizes AI models to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions by monitoring patterns and flagging unusual activities.

4. Morgan Stanley
AI-Powered Wealth Management: The "Next Best Action" system uses machine learning algorithms to analyze client data and provide financial advisors with insights and recommendations tailored to each client's needs.
Aladdin Wealth Platform: Morgan Stanley uses BlackRock's Aladdin platform, which includes AI-driven analytics to optimize portfolio management and risk assessment.

5. Two Sigma
Quantitative Hedge Fund: Two Sigma is known for using data science, machine learning, and distributed computing to build quantitative trading models. The firm utilizes vast datasets, including financial data, weather patterns, and even satellite imagery, to inform its trading strategies.

6. Renaissance Technologies
Medallion Fund: Renowned for its use of sophisticated mathematical models and AI, the Medallion Fund employs machine learning and other advanced techniques to identify and exploit market inefficiencies. The fund is highly secretive but is considered one of the most successful hedge funds in history.
7. Bridgewater Associates
Pure Alpha Fund: Bridgewater uses machine learning and data analytics to understand macroeconomic trends and make investment decisions. The firm employs AI to develop and refine its "Pure Alpha" strategy, which focuses on global macro investing.

8. BlackRock
Aladdin: BlackRock's Aladdin platform integrates AI for risk management, trading, operations, and client service. The system provides real-time analytics and insights to support investment decisions and manage portfolios.

9. Citadel
Market Making: Citadel Securities, a leading market maker, uses AI algorithms to provide liquidity in various markets, including equities and options. The firm's trading algorithms analyze vast amounts of market data to price and execute trades efficiently.

10. DeepMind (partnerships)
Partnership with JPMorgan: DeepMind has worked with JPMorgan to develop machine learning techniques for predicting financial market trends and enhancing trading strategies.


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  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 警惕呵,花街对A I大厂没信心了,一顿乱砸




    Synovus Trust的高级投资组合经理 Daniel Morgan 评论称,AI技术代表着巨大的机遇,而且这个机遇还在不断增长。遗憾的是,前期的投资也是巨大且不断增加的。因此,投资者不禁要问:这些企业巨头能否从他们的投资中获得足够的利润增长增量?




    本周公布的Meta和微软均预计将增加资产支出。Meta强调,2025年的资本支出将大幅增长,基础设施成本是重要驱动因素,这将继续支持AI研究和产品开发工作。微软的投资者关系副总裁Brett Iversen表示,未来公司继续加大支出以满足“强劲的客户需求”,预计2025财年资本支出将高于2024财年。

    本周四亚马逊公布的三季度营业利润指引区间全体低于分析师预期,营业利润增长超预期大幅放缓,最低增不足3%。在利润因AI投入明星承压之际,亚马逊的首席财务官(CFO) Andy Jassy还在业绩电话会上对分析师表示:“当我们增加资本支出时,它实际上是一个积极的指标。”

    亚马逊今年上半年资本支出总计305 亿美元,大部分用于云业务部门AWS。Jassy称,亚马逊已经开发复杂的算法指导其投资决策,以便在不影响利润的情况下建立足够的产能满足需求。他承诺,这些投资是值得的,因为它们可以支持AI服务,也就是亚马逊此前称之为价值“数十亿美元营收运转率的业务”。


    Meta本次意外上调了全年资本支出区间的下限,理由也是AI投资。但Meta的二季度营收高于预期。Meta CEO扎克伯格认为,公司在AI方面的支出推动了广告定位和内容推荐的改进。他认为,Meta在AI方面的巨额支出是短期牺牲,以换取长期利益。

    • AI投入产出不成比例,又是一波羚羊和豹子比生存的大跃进。等这波热潮过去了,AI应用才可能真正铺开,到时候大家静下心来,想着既然都扔了这么多钱,好歹也得出点儿有用的。 +1
    • 并不耽误花街的各家投行包括对冲机构用AI来提高效率。包括算法及高频交易,风险管理,客户服务,合规监管,数据分析,等等各方面。不仅仅大厂要裁人,花街的工具成熟了以后,裁人也不会手软。 +1

      Some examples of how major Wall Street banks and hedge funds use AI:

      1. JPMorgan Chase
      COiN (Contract Intelligence): JPMorgan developed COiN to automate the review of legal documents. It can interpret commercial-loan agreements, reducing the time spent on document review from thousands of hours to a matter of seconds.
      LOXM: An AI program used for executing trades, specifically designed to optimize the execution of client orders by mimicking human market-making strategies.

      2. Goldman Sachs
      Marcus: A consumer banking platform that uses AI to provide personalized loan offers and financial advice. It leverages machine learning to assess creditworthiness and predict customer behavior.
      SecDB (Securities Database): Although not purely an AI system, it includes machine learning capabilities to manage and analyze risks across various markets, allowing traders and risk managers to make more informed decisions.

      3. Citigroup
      Recommender Systems: Citi uses AI to provide personalized financial products and services to customers. The system analyzes transaction data to suggest credit cards, loans, and investment products.
      Fraud Detection: Citi utilizes AI models to identify and prevent fraudulent transactions by monitoring patterns and flagging unusual activities.

      4. Morgan Stanley
      AI-Powered Wealth Management: The "Next Best Action" system uses machine learning algorithms to analyze client data and provide financial advisors with insights and recommendations tailored to each client's needs.
      Aladdin Wealth Platform: Morgan Stanley uses BlackRock's Aladdin platform, which includes AI-driven analytics to optimize portfolio management and risk assessment.

      5. Two Sigma
      Quantitative Hedge Fund: Two Sigma is known for using data science, machine learning, and distributed computing to build quantitative trading models. The firm utilizes vast datasets, including financial data, weather patterns, and even satellite imagery, to inform its trading strategies.

      6. Renaissance Technologies
      Medallion Fund: Renowned for its use of sophisticated mathematical models and AI, the Medallion Fund employs machine learning and other advanced techniques to identify and exploit market inefficiencies. The fund is highly secretive but is considered one of the most successful hedge funds in history.
      7. Bridgewater Associates
      Pure Alpha Fund: Bridgewater uses machine learning and data analytics to understand macroeconomic trends and make investment decisions. The firm employs AI to develop and refine its "Pure Alpha" strategy, which focuses on global macro investing.

      8. BlackRock
      Aladdin: BlackRock's Aladdin platform integrates AI for risk management, trading, operations, and client service. The system provides real-time analytics and insights to support investment decisions and manage portfolios.

      9. Citadel
      Market Making: Citadel Securities, a leading market maker, uses AI algorithms to provide liquidity in various markets, including equities and options. The firm's trading algorithms analyze vast amounts of market data to price and execute trades efficiently.

      10. DeepMind (partnerships)
      Partnership with JPMorgan: DeepMind has worked with JPMorgan to develop machine learning techniques for predicting financial market trends and enhancing trading strategies.

      • 他们就是资本,资本就是逐利的。 +1
    • 这波AI 淘金热能否淘到金子不好说,卖铲人是实实在在发了笔财。 +2
      • 确实如此,带动了一系列相关产业 +1