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惨, “‘Burned human remains’: Body of missing Ontario real estate agent identified”

York Regional Police say the burned human remains that were found in Parry Sound have been identified as those from a missing Ontario real estate agent.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 惨, “‘Burned human remains’: Body of missing Ontario real estate agent identified” +1
    York Regional Police say the burned human remains that were found in Parry Sound have been identified as those from a missing Ontario real estate agent.
    • 这只是冰山一角,家属追的急才报出来。要是孤家寡人,等着碰巧破案吧。
    • two of the teens have been released on bail, while the other remains in custody awaiting a bail hearing in the coming days, Gill said. 法治国家。 +2
    • 这是跟她有多大的仇呀 +1
    • k,teenage 能有什么仇。就是谋财害命 +2
      • 仇富
    • 我滴天,Three teens, two 17-year-olds and one 16-year-old, were charged.
      • 新闻里说However, none of the charges are related to the killing of Mui.
        • 看来又放了,这是多大的仇呀,昨晚还看一个案件,美国一名校娃把他妈杀了为了拿遗产,看得我目瞪口呆的
      • 他们是使用了MUI的信用卡被控罪
        • 杀她的人不会去用信用卡的
        • 这几个teens是傻瓜蛋。
          • 有前科的,也不是好人
        • 说不准
          • 能被保释,就说明不涉杀人
            • 目前没证据而已。杀人都能保释,何况。。。
              • 警察为什么大动作搜查一家物业,有些细节没有公布,警察有怀疑对象,没有证据
                • 原来如此
    • 这几个teenage是啥族裔?
      • 综合现有信息,这几个小孩并非凶手,族裔并不重要。
        • 有无这种可能:那几个年轻人本来是想抢她的新奔驰,结果下手太狠给杀死了,然后车也不敢要就放弃掉,但拿了她身上的钱物/信用卡去花,处理掉尸体,统一口径说信用卡是捡到的...
          • 不排除,但我估计可能性极小。
    • 英国的今天就是加拿大的明天。经济糜烂,民怨累积都是社会动荡的火种。任何社会事件都有可能成为导火索。今天的单一刑事案件,将来会是大暴乱的起因。
      • 明天什么时候到来?你能赶上吗?