It's really funny to read your posts. Too much garage.
I just don't know which company you work for. How do
you train youself like such a person??
What you said is not in the culture in here at all. I doubt
you have any meaningful work to do but just post so
many articles. In fact, research means STUPID. Do
you understand? If not, to pursue one PhD and understand
what I said in here.
Normal means the best thing in one's life! Understand??
I think you mean Garbage right? or Garage? me confused
leave her alone
RIGHT NOW I DON'T WORK FOR ANYBODY. 不过如果NORMAL是随大流的话, 俺不想那么NORMAL. 呵呵. 感谢你的"板砖", 请继续扔!(真心的)
Good job, buddy.
finally someone stands out and stops the garbage.
agree! JIAO3 ZI1 needs to improve her english. last time slimpiggy gave her an in-depth explanation of 'tax lien certificate', she could get it.
so I wonder if you are a consultant in NA, can you get what the client wants? besides, in which area you are consulting in? i don't see you have any specialized skills, computer, accounting, management, laws or what?
多嘴一句啊, 本豬可是不用GUEST ID 的啊? 本豬對較大姐可是敬佩非常啊, 只是對她家里有洋人這一點有意見
Thank you! Normally I would have to pay at least $100 for this much advice and analysis from a good psychiatrist. But...
Your pyschology is interesting also. From what I can see, Caucasian people have two arms, two legs and wear slippers just like Chinese people. That you somehow think that anyone could derive power or status from being in their circle is both odd and unusual.
It is really time especially for new immigrants to stop seeing the world as us and them, Chinese and "laowai", black and white. This breaks down the wall of seperation between people and especially in your case help you get over the fear you have of being in a foreign culture with people who seem to move through life with greater ease than you evidently experience in life.
I normally charge $110 for this much advice, but in this case I offer it for free.
can you tell me who is your client and who is willing to pay you so much for this kind of nuts? btw, can you make some breakdown in your sentence so everybody can understand your not-so-good english?
your english is far away from mastering stream of consciousness and writing another 'Ulysses', so start from the basics. I normally charge a zillion from my advice.:-)
I am much more in a Pynchon state of mind. I always avoid the writings of people with the initials JJ through JZ. By the way, do you charge a zillion for the stream or for the consciousness?
i charge for both. :-)
I will take two pounds of consciousness. No grey matter please.
sure. but... can you afford? you know what, better save the money for your mother so she will not have to work and be tortured by chinese any more.
另外,饺子的英语好不好,和你我有什么关系?至于吗?I don'r care.
显摆,做作?---- You guys are too critical, sigh.
I do not like you. i find you are jeaslous. I like Jiaozi, she did a lot for immigrant here. what did you do for other immigrants.
I do not like you. i find you are jeaslous. I like Jiaozi, she did a lot for immigrant here. what did you do for other immigrants.
1. jiaozi has a western husband: why is this wrong?
2. to be 本地化 , is there anything wrong with it?
3. are there anything wrong with money?
4.are there anything wrong with 东北乡下出身. why marry a western guy, in your eyes, means 发财. are there anything else between chinese girl and western guy except money in your eyes.
5. 俺故意在这里摆一个高姿态,告诉你们俺不怕你们骂,俺休养高: confused me more. it means jiao zi should argue with you here?
guest:包子,你的思想有一点点偏激, actually, you did not 就事论事,就人论人
i hope all the guys here would not be too critical about others. we help others, and respect any one else. that's it.
I feel this evaluation even worse. the following is chinese pinyin: xiao ren zhi xin.
He who can do as much as JiaoZi for the new immigrant community deserves my highest respect.
You can use spanish, french or some other language that you are sure chinese man can not understand.
what? you want to say Chinese men can not understant other Language besides Chinese and English? Men Men come come, Pick up your block! :)
Hi, I'm just kidding. lovely lily
How can everybody be right if everybody is wrong?
Like Socrates, I find good discussion stimulating and enlivening. Looking around the world, are there things that we should be directing our criticism to rather than each other?
NOW a moment for self-reflection and have a good day!
Hey, man, you are way ahead of the other fellows. They are still struggling with their identity. In such a new environment, that is the only thing they can hold on
1. They are afraid and haven't found ways dealing with that.
2. They lost their confidence and it makes them feel better to blame on the system, the other people and bad luck other than themselves.
3. They are confused and feel insecure.
Some people will eventully get out of the trap, some don't.
Poor Chinese people were exposed to only ONE voice, have never encountered multi-culture.