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Kindly reminding

It seems to me that you are a good guy with responsibility and success. Believe it or not, everybody, no matter boys or girls, can be successful after several years hardworking. HE/SHE can have a house, car, etc. I know a girl who is a waitress and has worked several years in Canada and now she got her house and new car just by working.

But my friends, it is totally different thing when talking about looking for true love. From what you said, it seems that only a unmarried (maiden/virgin) girl who would like to marry to a divorced man with a child can be a good girl. And she has to love children. That is too much for girls. If you can (this is totally personal choice) change a little bit, you will find a lot of good girls for you to think about.

I like your says "与自己最亲的儿子相依为命加拿大". To be honest, I believe that my son gives me a great happiness which is much greater than I can give him. He is my pround and I owes him a lot a lot!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / 多伦多还有未婚的好女孩吗?

    • 这是甚么话,"好女孩",你没感觉的就不是好女孩?
      • 经典!!!
    • This is FATE . Not matter how good you are , for this issue , in Canada . hei hei //
    • sorry, buddy. looks like you are an unlucky man!
      there got to be some "good single girls" in Toronto (out of a population of 4 millions!!!). but somehow they all missed you (or you missed them all).
      seems like you need to somehow adjust yourself a little bit.
      good luck.
    • 我在找多伦多未婚的坏女孩,最好她把我骗上了床,然后再和我分手,让我天天沉寂在往事的回忆中。
      • LOL! :)))
    • Kindly reminding
      It seems to me that you are a good guy with responsibility and success. Believe it or not, everybody, no matter boys or girls, can be successful after several years hardworking. HE/SHE can have a house, car, etc. I know a girl who is a waitress and has worked several years in Canada and now she got her house and new car just by working.

      But my friends, it is totally different thing when talking about looking for true love. From what you said, it seems that only a unmarried (maiden/virgin) girl who would like to marry to a divorced man with a child can be a good girl. And she has to love children. That is too much for girls. If you can (this is totally personal choice) change a little bit, you will find a lot of good girls for you to think about.

      I like your says "与自己最亲的儿子相依为命加拿大". To be honest, I believe that my son gives me a great happiness which is much greater than I can give him. He is my pround and I owes him a lot a lot!
    • don't be too particular,sir,life is life :)
    • 你为什么对那些女孩没感觉啊, 她们怎么不够"好"啦?
    • 降级标准吧, 你也不小了, 没什么资格要求什么了, 尤其在北美 .... 别受打击啊.
    • 自己是离婚的,还这么老,还要找未婚女士。嘻。
      • 而且也挺矮的,嘻嘻
        • 用不了也给我找一个,我要求20-60都可以
      • age and marriage history should not stop a divorced man seeking for a single girl.
        there are so many examples out there.
    • 您都38了,还带个孩子,还要找未婚的“女孩”,脑子进水了吧?你以为你是谁?知道为什么找不到了吧?先找个镜子照照
      • hiahia!
      • 腰带鼓的话,83也有未婚的好女孩。主席说得好,枪杆子里出政权啊。
        • 如果哪个未婚女孩看上了你的腰包,83 ?你能禁折腾几年? 然后您老一嘎嘣, 这女的拿着您的钱照样找年轻的帅哥!!这就叫“好”女孩?如果这叫好,估计这世界上就没有不好的女孩了
        • 再说,83 的枪?估计连臭子都放不出来?还有什么政权可言,就等人家接管吧。
      • 难道已婚的 ? 那是第三者 .....
    • 年年征, 月月征, 您老也不嫌累.
      • LOL! 估计房子还没有pay完
    • 嗯,看了楼上这么多发言,结论就是:男人离婚带个孩子找对象,比女人带个孩子还困难,就不要想什么未婚女孩了,连徐娘都瞧不上你。
      • 此兄在很多地方征了很长时间, 还在"征", 估计他本身也有不小问题.
      • 离婚带个孩子没啥,但自我感觉这么好,对别人要求那么高,这才是遭鸡蛋、西红柿暴砸的关键原因。你的结论不恰当,要按同等条件来对比:试想一个离婚女人带着孩子,还在这里悲叹在多伦多找不到“未婚的好男孩”。。。其结果如何。。。
        • 我知道,在这里的人,素质修养高低参差不齐,尤其是在北美这地方,变态的人也确实不少,所以,不管你们说什么,我都不会介意的!谢谢大家的关注,也谢谢那些善意的朋友的忠告!!!
          • 支持
            • 快40的有儿子还想找女孩,这位仁兄和杨老有一拼。找个好女孩做你干女儿或者儿媳妇可能比较容易。
              • 反对
          • 我觉得人都有自己的追求,保持梦想,总会有实现的一天!
            • Simply NOT realistic .
              • Realistic life is Simply life, everything will come to simple at the end~ From born to dead!
            • 看来我也要梦想一把。老娘年近花甲,儿孙满堂(包括老伴前妻的儿子和孙子),老伴去世后留下不少车子,房子。现想在多伦多寻找一个好男孩。唉,想当年豆蔻年华,嫁了个年近不惑的有钱老伴。是时候来弥补一下年轻时的遗憾了。
              • 有一首歌是这样唱的——There can be miracles when you believe, 希望你美梦成真哦~
          • 我觉得你很有勇气,支持一把.让小女子们说去吧.
          • 倒是觉得你挺变态的
      • 其实,无论男女带孩子再找都不容易。但这正是区别好男人/女人的一个准则之一,因为他/她有责任感。知道如何善待与人。我觉得中国同胞在找爱的时候参杂太多其他的东西。正是这些东西使我们缺少光彩。
        • Good for you! When can people stop looking at all the "conditions" and start looking for someone they like first, then think about the other factors.
    • 征不征婚,是征婚人的权利,跟不跟,是对方的权利,有权不用,过期作废
    • 人生有梦就有希望:-)
    • 戒个??自己的离异带小孩,要求别人是未婚的,有点苛刻吧。。。要求单身是不是合理点?
      • 大家也太打击人了嘛,人总要有个梦想嘛,4张找2张也不是没可能
        • how much money the guy need to have to be considered as "qian duo"? how good the guy has to be in order to be considered as "ren hao"?
          too subjective and not quantitive -- how can the guy be measure with such evasive criterion?
          • 先给个“未婚”,“好女孩”的定义
            • why should I define the meaning of "never married" and "good girl"?
              I did not set the condition. I am just asking a question as to the standard of "qian duo" and "ren hao".
              • 对比一下扬爷爷吧,人家是8张找2张呢
                • I thought a "man" is (should be) heavier than money and more solid than fame.
    • 有点不切实际, 未婚,哪里可能有好的.