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周末 再来凑凑热闹: 关于IT人要不要知道Accenture的问题, 俺以前真不知道Accenture, 听说过名字而已, 看了这几天的讨论, 认真查一查, 结论: 它是个IT公司, 但远不是Top player, IT弟兄知不知道都没关系. 理由:

1. IT界比较持久且广为接受的softwaremagaine (softwaremag.com) 2004年排名, 虽然Accenture排第六, 在oracle前面, 但是看营业领域, System Integration Services (真就是哪位XD说的, 什么都做), 在此领域它排第三, 要是在加上IBM和EDS, 它恐怕只能算第四或第五, 紧随其后的HP, 做的也是这个. 而Oracle是DB的老大, 或老二(就算IBM在DB上超过了它). 在IT业界, 老大老二能生存, 老三老四随时会S掉. (俺搬家的时候, 旧书送人, 老掉牙的Unix, DirectX的书都送出去了, 就剩下几本Informix的原版书没人要, 丢垃圾桶里了, 想当年也是紧随oracle之后的DB公司啊, 不知道当年山景城总部现在还剩几个当年的人. )所以与其花时间去了解Accenture, 还不如吃透IBM的技术.

2. IT面太宽, 都快包罗万象了, 有的领域跟IT服务不相关, 知道Accenture对事业前途绝没有帮助.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 专业知识杂谈 / 周末 再来凑凑热闹: 关于IT人要不要知道Accenture的问题, 俺以前真不知道Accenture, 听说过名字而已, 看了这几天的讨论, 认真查一查, 结论: 它是个IT公司, 但远不是Top player, IT弟兄知不知道都没关系. 理由:
    1. IT界比较持久且广为接受的softwaremagaine (softwaremag.com) 2004年排名, 虽然Accenture排第六, 在oracle前面, 但是看营业领域, System Integration Services (真就是哪位XD说的, 什么都做), 在此领域它排第三, 要是在加上IBM和EDS, 它恐怕只能算第四或第五, 紧随其后的HP, 做的也是这个. 而Oracle是DB的老大, 或老二(就算IBM在DB上超过了它). 在IT业界, 老大老二能生存, 老三老四随时会S掉. (俺搬家的时候, 旧书送人, 老掉牙的Unix, DirectX的书都送出去了, 就剩下几本Informix的原版书没人要, 丢垃圾桶里了, 想当年也是紧随oracle之后的DB公司啊, 不知道当年山景城总部现在还剩几个当年的人. )所以与其花时间去了解Accenture, 还不如吃透IBM的技术.

    2. IT面太宽, 都快包罗万象了, 有的领域跟IT服务不相关, 知道Accenture对事业前途绝没有帮助.
    • 赚钱是硬道理,哪怕什么都不知道,有人愿意付钱就行。那才是大牛。 打工不就是为了賺钱嘛!!在网上吹牛就是另外一回事了,hehe.
      • SHOW ME THE MONEY is always true. it's also true that one can only have enough profit when there're no/few competitors. With a bunch of competitors around, there's no other choice but to cut profit.
        • That's about you. you make things happen(ed) differently, you make different volumn money come to you than others. How to make/made things different than others? That's your strength as consultant/other competetors.
          • 多谢提醒, 让我想到一个更重要的问题: 人均产值. 按software magzine报的产值和雇员人数粗算, Accenture在前10名里面偏低, 仅高于HP和 Hitachi. 要想多赚钱, 傻瓜也知道最有效的途径是什么.
    • I wish you know a bit more about what is IT consulting.
      • good stuff and good to know. thanks.
        • Accenture's been going a lot down in the last few years. It ranked at Number .5 among all consulting firms ( including management consulting etc.) in2002 but only at Number 13 this year.
      • 它有自己的产品吗?
        • 有, 已经到了有即是无, 无即是有的最高境界. Service就是它的产品----IT业的顶尖咨询公司之一.
          • 这个尖得足够大
      • PF, 您连这DD都知道. 看看这名字Most prestigious --"These firms were selected because of ... their interest to job seekers" !!! 第1, 7, 9, 13, 24去年都NR???? 而且"IBM Global Services"是IBM多大的一个部门啊?
        • OO, 敢情是招工广告发得多啊~
          • 又琢磨半天了, interest to 是谁对谁感兴趣啊? 按常理应该是job seeker对公司感兴趣才对啊.
    • 你看看你看看,瞧你说的多么地书呆子气!:)Accenture是IT咨询公司(只提供服务不搞产品),其前身是安达信咨询公司(Andersen Consulting),属于传统的“五大咨询”之一。AC及对应的审计公司因为安然事件倒台后,就变成了现在这个。
      • 没有产品怎么服务?难道....???
        • 我的天,连这都成为问题;)想想看,难道只有产品的厂家才能服务?你真的不知道服务和咨询的概念??
      • Do a little research on the company's history then you would know what you were talking about.
        • no need buddy. it's all in my mind. if you think i said something wrong, spit it out, instead of accusing vaguely. :)
          • i probably made a mistake in stating that Accenture came out AFTER the Enron scandal. ;)
    • 什么叫IT?
      • Not kidding – Information Technology.
      • 挨踢
    • Accenture has not skills at all. Simir with IBM Global Service. I am now working with an Accenture consultant, an idiot who bill 180US dollars per hour.
      Accenture was a spun off from Anderson solely for ripping off investors (because the Anderson accoutnign firm can not go public).
      • One bad apple does't mean anything. A few mistakes in your posting doesn't imply that you are incapable. The one you are working with may be just an analyst. Consultant's billing rate should be higher than $180..
      • that sounds like a very junior consultant's rate (or lower). in general, big-company consultants are more or less useless. that's one of the reasons why i "fired" one of the big-4's. ;)
        the spinoff of a consulting firm from its parent accounting/auditing firm is a good thing if the parent firm is big with many clients. because you don't want to have the same firm audit the work done by themselves (consultants). ;)
        • If it were the true picture, consulting industry would have lost ground years ago. If you knew how much leading companies spend on consulting services, you would have stopped making such remarks.
          • dont get offended even if you work in this industry. ;) and dont be naive thinking that leading companies spending big $$ in consulting means something. that's just part of the money-rotation game.
            what they buy is really the brand name mostly. tell ya the truth, i do NOT 看好 these big firms doing biz in tech fields! feel free to critique ;)
            • There are different schools of thinking. Going extreme either over or under-estimate consulting business wouldn't affect the reality. Companies have to make a profit and there is no company would spend money and get nothing on ROI.
              • 1) i'm not nagative on consulting biz in general! i'm negative on IT consulting by traditional "big-name" firms. 2) name-branding is a lot of times a warranty for returns.
                • As you said "name-branding is a lot of times a warranty for returns". Brand name comes from long standing industry reputations. And a brand name cannot be built in a day.
                  • ok, one more try be4 i give up :)....the big-named firms have misused/abused their brand names for something they are not good at (like the cutting-edge technology).
                    • Then they might be very good as they have repeat customers all the time and often charge them big money. I give up now.
                      • good you give up, and same here. as it seems a long way for you to get the point through short postings like these. good night!
    • 就算Accenture排不上咨询业的前5名, 也不代表大家不应该认识它吧. 你的结论太绝对了
      • 前几天的论断好象是: 做IT的要是不认识Accenture, 就说明水平不行