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I agree with you.

It's always self-introduction to begin with... Boring and wasting time. When that is done, the party is almost over... some people already fell into sleep ... -_-zzzzzZZZ
All those participants are adults ... not kids ... they will try to find and talk to people that they're interested in ... Not everyone wants to tell a lot of strangers about his/her background!
By the way, how many people were there? What kind of age groups? Can any other friend who was there at the party give us your feeling and thoughts about the party? I also would like to take the chance to give credits and support to the organizer(s)... it's always not easy.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / "Where fine fare and great friends are found"-本周五(8/5)晚上单身聚会快报名啊-不是单身的就别进来捣乱啦!!
    Time: 8:00pm Friday, August 5th, 2005
    Location: Fox and Fiddle, 1957 Kennedy Road, Scarbrorough
    Cost: everyone buys your own drink/food, cost can range around $10-15
    Parking: plenty of parking places at front parking lot

    Upon your arrival, ask waitress for table of "Single Friends"

    More info of the pub: http://www.foxandfiddle.com/location_kennedy.html

    Pls PM me here or send your confirmation to enjoylifetor@yahoo.com
    • I'm busy at this Friday...but you guys has same party on Sat?
      • No, we won't do same thing for two days in a roll. Sorry
        • 你给我发什么约会的信息了??还发了4个,我msn信箱不知道怎么进不去了啊,着急啊,你给我打电话吧。
          • 喂,我什么时候发给你约会的信息啦.饭可以乱吃,话可别乱说. 您老看来是老眼昏花, 要配眼镜了. 象你这样的"高人"
            我们玩不到一起的. 您还是做独行侠吧. 省的一出现被一堆砖头猛砸, 闹出什么事,多扫兴啊. 还有啊. 都说紫玫瑰多刺了, 你还是躲我远点, 要不恐怕就不只是变刺猬啦, 当心你马上变猪头!!!!
    • 我看不见你给我发信息啊
    • bao ming
      • Thanks for your confirmation, pls check your PM.
        • Very very appreciate your efforts. Thx for everything u made that gonna warm up so many lone hearts.
          • Hehe, Canadiankim, you are very welcome. Hope everyone will have fun tonight. C U there :)
    • 以上的楼主们如有空儿的话就好好学英语吧。。。 蹉跎岁月罪过啊。
      • you good, you good.
      • 不如先聊天,等晚一点,去蹦的吧
      • 您好,你很爱学习吗?我想请你做我的老师,专门监督我学习,因为我又好玩又好动。怎么样使我专心下来学习,你有高招吗?你想take这个chanllendge吗?
        • 看来你真的没看玩笑哦。能正切地拼写英文只得靠自己,其它的都好办。
    • 成功的聚会! 谢谢 purplerose 的 组织! 建议象自我介绍这样的传统项目大家还 是配合一点的好, 那些不想介绍自己的另类自己组织一个聚会好了。
      • 除了自我介绍的部分,希望你昨晚还玩的愉快. 对不起, 想不出来你是哪一位了. 马甲和真人对不上号啦. 呵呵. 昨天人多, 有些新朋友我没聊太多. 不过以后有机会的.
        我想可能是昨晚一开始有些人还是比较陌生, 所以不太好意思. 不过我看后来各"小组"好象玩的挺热闹的. 总之,谢谢你的参与. 希望下次还可以看到你.
        • suggestion: next time, ask participants to write down their 马甲on a name tag, unless they are willing to open the tap for those they've talked to.
          • Thanks for your suggestion,but I think not everyone wants to give out his/her nickname.
            • It's unnecessary that everyone must show their rolia pen names as long as they provide the participants with their English names or Chinese names.
              Congratulations, Rose. :)
              • you may be right. with the rolia ID, you can track down some history and know more about him/her. especially for some infamous ID, I'd 溜边儿走。。。
                • That was my concern as well. So I don't like to ask for their nickname, unless they don't mind. I still prefer to know their real name.
                • Sometimes, people show different aspects of their natures on line and in reality, and I do not think it is improper as long as they are healthy spiritually and mentally.
                  By not asking for their Rolia names, friends' privacy might be well protected, which in my point of view, is good.
              • Thanks Traveller. Why you never join us ?
                • Thanks, Rose, for asking. :) This time I didin't see your post till yesterday so that I missed it. I actually do not come to Rolia every day,
                  and I mostly make my plan a week ahead, so that I may not be able to catch up with some of yours. Well, I do feel happy for you all, though. :) Hopefully, you guys and gals will come up with more plans in the future.
      • good for you gals/guys. (i didn't go) just curious what type of self-introduction can be counted as "配合一点的好" :) some people are not necessarily shy, but they do get intimidated with all the probings.
        • 比如领导建议大家自我介绍一下,有的群众就说这个主意太傻,结果不了了之。其实 大大方方作个自我介绍有这么难吗?确实有些中国同胞接起电话都不愿意说自己是 谁。BTW,你好象也在场吧?
          • by the way, i ain't BTW :)
          • 晶晶, ji sui 了? :) jia li ji ge haizi 啊? ni fu mu ji sui 了, zuo shenmo de 啊? yadayadayada...
            i would imagine things like, they all legitimate questions, but sound ... it's not 人口普查, why not let people talk whatever with whom they'd like to
            • I agree with you.
              It's always self-introduction to begin with... Boring and wasting time. When that is done, the party is almost over... some people already fell into sleep ... -_-zzzzzZZZ
              All those participants are adults ... not kids ... they will try to find and talk to people that they're interested in ... Not everyone wants to tell a lot of strangers about his/her background!
              By the way, how many people were there? What kind of age groups? Can any other friend who was there at the party give us your feeling and thoughts about the party? I also would like to take the chance to give credits and support to the organizer(s)... it's always not easy.
              • When it comes to a big party, it's hard to make everyone satisfied.
                Yes, the traditional self-introduction is little boring, but it makes some ppl feel confortable though. Not everyone is brave enough to go straight to a stranger. They may like to be introduced and warm up first. So, traditional way is not a necessary bad start. It's just a way of ice breaking.

                Certainly, if anyone can suggest a better way of doing it , you are more than welcome to pm me. Greatly appreciated for your concern and support.

                Regarding the age range, I would say 30+. Some may younger, but majority are 30+, I guess.. Never really asked anyone about this sensitive question. Personally, we like to invite 30+ ppl to our events.
          • 文化的差异而易,没有好坏之分吧
            • yeah, but i admire people who are fond of getting overexposed.
        • if someone wants to represent me, he'd better get my approval and behavior himself :)