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That's what the QA should do.

QA should design different data pattern, try to exploit your program. If the QA can't reproduce the error, fire them.

What I am trying to do is:
1, Read the program to find out the problem. That's very hard, you have little chance to find that out by reading the source code.
2, Give different data set, find out in what condition you see the error message again. Usually this is the job of QA.

Once I read a novel, saying that in the design of DEC, the development team submit the product to QA team, and if the QA team find bugs, they send it back without any report. The development team must find out bugs themselves and improve the program before resubmitting.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 专业技术讨论 / 正在找一个公司软件产品的bug。请大家出出主意。
    有一个用户提出的urgent bug,经理让我修复。问题是:在自己的机器上根本不能复制这个错误。 尝试了很多次, 运行的结果都正确。但是客户总说他们在生产机上运行出错。经理不允许debug生产机(虽然这样很容易发现错误在哪里)。又不允许把数据库里的数据导到我的本地机上/。。甚至不允许我启动生产机上的log文件。在这样的情况下,哪位DX还有好办法发现错误所在?谢谢。
      • 不知道。最起码是很难。
    • What kind of product? What kind of bug?
      • web-based product. bug 是用户不能正常地删除三条记录(可是,奇怪的是。 一共让它删掉四条记录,第一条是正确地被删除掉了。
        (当然不是简简单单地delete 四条记录) 而是通过四个相似的文本文件读入,然后,根据文本文件中的信息,标志些信息。后台有一个Deamon程序在再根据标志信息定期删除一些信息。))我的机器上可以正确地删除四条记录。完完全全同样的操作。
        • File permission?
          • 谢谢回答。不会的。同一个File其它的记录可进行读出并根据读出的记录插入相应的数据到数据库中。
        • Timing problem? Where do you keep the flag or marks? How do you know whether the flag is marked? How long will the flag last?
          • Flag is stored as a field in a table of the Database.
    • your software does not generate its own log file?
      I take it that you are the 3rd level help desk support.
      least there should have some addtional data can be made available to u.
      Was it an error or application failure?
      if it is an error, work with the original develop team in this particular case. b4 doing this, consult ur manager and QA team lead.
      if u r the developer, you should have known this would come back and bite u , :D,
      • Log file(for developer) shouldn't be allowed on production. Sometime we can develop a backdoor program to dynamiclly turn on/off development log file on production. But you have to get management approvel, or get fired.
        • Right.
        • yes, if the product runs ok, there should be no logs regarding to the normal cases.
          however, when there are errors, there should be an log file or should I call it an .error file, it should dump least some information to help track/fallback the transaction.

          BTW, what happened with LZ's case, I want to know the solutions.
    • You have to ask QA to help you to set up similar business test case first. Data might cause the error due to your programming defect. For production, there is no way to let you to 'Debug', 'Log' etc.
      • Yes. But I can not copy the data on the product machine to my machine because of security rules, so even the QA can not reproduce the problem on her machine.
        • That's what the QA should do.
          QA should design different data pattern, try to exploit your program. If the QA can't reproduce the error, fire them.

          What I am trying to do is:
          1, Read the program to find out the problem. That's very hard, you have little chance to find that out by reading the source code.
          2, Give different data set, find out in what condition you see the error message again. Usually this is the job of QA.

          Once I read a novel, saying that in the design of DEC, the development team submit the product to QA team, and if the QA team find bugs, they send it back without any report. The development team must find out bugs themselves and improve the program before resubmitting.
          • Thanks for your response. The QA can not reproduce the problem.
    • maybe because the sql where condition is same for the first deleted record and one of thoese tree recoreds. Details inside
      1. Using the wrong deleted recored reverse back the condition or keyword could cause this operation.
      2. Check the text file if there has some releated infomation.
      3. Check those 3 right deleted records, to see if possible one of them could has same keyword with the record which was deleted wrong.

      Take some assumptions, try do not guess. Thinking from differnet ways
      • What do you mean keyword here? Thanks.
    • Is there any record in other table depends on the record that you can not delete? like foreign key.
      • Thanks. No, there are no such tables.
    • 我的经验是反复仔细读删除纪录的这段程序,找出可能的错误。
      • 还没有看出来。
        • 换个人看。自己的错误往往自己很难发现。
    • 握手。我遇到过同样的事情,我不得把近百万的record input into my test server.finally, we trap the error. Simply speaking, the error can happen only when number of record exceeds a certain value. debug is expensive.
      • Thanks. You are luck. My manager does not allow me to copy the records on the product machine because of the security reason.
        • 全是信用卡账号?那你不发了。
          • 好悬没cc number, 也没发了。再支一招,shundown product server for system service at christmas eve, and wish you have a 有意义的圣诞夜
    • Look through the "product" computer, it may have different setup.
      • Next time, the program should have more "Exception Management ",
    • you should provide a bit detail about your problm, such as file record sample and logic, otherwise, it is very hard for other to help
      BTW, ask you customer to provide full log. It is unreasonable for you not to be able to get the log files., you can ask them to remove any sensitive information they concern about. Bottom line, you NEED log file to troubleshoot/debug!