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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛随便copy and paste一段

In a data communications environment, the network can range in scope from a token-ring LAN to an X.25 or Frame Relay WAN. Thus, although some features are common to both LAN and WAN environments, there is also some variability. In general, a data communications network transports data by using variable-length packets. Although many WAN protocols are connection-oriented, some are connectionless. Similarly, many LAN protocols are connectionless, whereas others are connection-oriented. Because data communications networks were designed to transport files, records, and screens of data, transmission delay or latency, if small, does not adversely affect users. In comparison, in a telecommunications network, a similar amount of latency that is acceptable on a data network could wreak havoc with a telephone conversation. Recognizing the differences among voice, video, and data transportation, ATM was designed to adapt to the time sensitivity of different applications. It includes different classes of service that enable the technology to match delivery to the time sensitivity of the information it transports.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / Ha, Mr. Fullmoonnight, that you, but that paper was not written by me at all, but by Monica Boyd, a native English speaker from the University of Toronto in December, 2003.
    The title of the paper is "International Labour Migration of Women: Past, Present and Future Challenages in North America and Europe".

    She wrote this paper for the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women.
    • thank you...
      • This means that you do not know what native English is or what is not. OK, I have made my point here, and this is the end of my conversation with you about English. Thank you. :)
    • I just could not help bursting into laughter. What a bunch of self-assigned English teacher at Rolia. :) The End. :) Learn English by heart, not by mouth. :)
    • The address and email of Monca Boyd is University of Toronto, 725 Spadina Avenure, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2J4; monica.boyd@ytoronto.ca .
    • Those guys are busy finding native english teachers. Be prepared, they may fight back with stronger weapons later... but maybe after 10 years when they feel they've really masterd the Enblish Language...
      • The key is they "FEEL" they have mastered English.
        • Exactly. That's the whole point.
          • I just could not help feeling sorry for them.
        • 世界上很多东西都是互相学的。不可能从某个人学到所有的东西。如果你不能够接受别人的意见,你可以置之不理,也可以说出别人的意见的不对之处,何必要花这么大的周章呢?
          • I have already finished my conversation with him, because I have made my point, and whether he is willing to get the point is beyond my control. This statement of yours suits Fullmoonnight better.
          • I could not help bursting into tears. Why does he have to degrade himself this much? I admire him very much for his Chinese poems and writings, but he is not the right person for me to learn English. Sorry to say so.
            By "he has to degrade himself this much", I mean why he cannot write something about Chinese as a language, why he has to eveluate English, a language that he has no much idea of?

            I feel painful to see him making fool of himself.
            • I think it takes courage to expose one's weakness.
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I do not see how MR. FullMoonnight has degraded himself by posting the comments on your posts. Maybe that's what he knows ( to be honest, I have not read what MR. Fullmoonnight's correction on your post), but, that does not degrade himself. He is trying to express the idea in his own style, his own knowledge of english.

              The entire paragraph can be rewritten a million times, and they all will serve the same purpose -- communicating the same idea to others. It is not necessary for Mr. Fullmoonnight, or anybody else to have come up the same paragraph to express the idea. It is not practical because we are not machines, we are human beings and we all have our own thoughts and experiences. English is a tool for communication.

              Nobody knows everything about english. A native english professor will not know everything about english. it is just like a chinese literature professor will not all chinese literatures.

              you have right to choose whom you want to learn from. But, what's the purpose to post the other post? You literally asked Mr. Fullmoonnight to correct your english? why is that?

              well, maybe I should stop here.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • Many of his comments related to grammar, usage and linguistics are not right. He seems to learn English by asking his English colleagues. I know he has the freedom of speech, so do I.
              • In my view, Fullmoonnight's severe weakness is that he seems to think his opinions are completely right, and he cannot accept others' points in a civilized manner. I am tired. Thanks for your reply, and the end.
              • Indeed, it takes courage to explose one's weakness, but the point is that we know that may be his weakness, while he doesn't know, instead, he seems to take his weakness as strengthes,
                which is why he is degrading himself as that Sister Fu Rong (Fu Rong Jie Jie).

                I can point out his mistakes in English and Chinese at rolia, but I choose not to do so, because in my view, online chatting is just online chatting, which is not a writing competition.
                • Right and Wrong??
                  You are right about that we do not want to have any kind of competition here. But, again, English is not our first language, we are still learning it, including you, me, Mr. Fullmoonnight and everybody who wants to live in this society because we need to communicate with others. Without the ability to communicate with others, one would be phased out from this society.

                  You think that's his weakness, but, I do not think so because that's what he believes in and if it is wrong and nobody tells him, he will carry that believe with him forever. I have had numerous times that I think I am right, but, when I take them to my teachers, my coworkers, my bosses, they prove me wrong. yes, it is embarrassing, but, that's how we learn. don't you think so?

                  I do not think your attitude is right. By saying this, you know what mistakes Mr. Fullmoonnight has made, why don't you just point it out, as I said earlier. Remember, we are here to learn. Remember, giving will make you happy.
                  • This is not about right or wrong, but about whether we should comment on one's writings based on what the writer is or what the content is. Thank you for your reply, while you may not understand my point.
          • I should say that I don't understand why Fullmoonnight 花这么大的周章. Why cannot lostindarkness help Fullmoonnight get the point and have a sense of grace? I will not talk with him, because I am done.
            • please do not take it personally. After all, we are here to express our opinions. If you feel Mr. Fullmoonnight's comments have offended you, please take them easy. I do not think it is Mr. fullmoonnight's intention.
              • If his comments offended me, I would not have been here. He hasn't offended me, because whether my English is good or not, and how many scores I can receive is in my professors' hands, not his.
                I just don't understand and worry about why he cannot see his weakness, and why he has to be so stubborn. In my view, he seems to evaluate one's English as good or bad not completely based on whatever one writes, but on whom one is--Chinese or native speakers, which is extremely subjective.

                See, he thought of Monica's paper as mine, so that he "pointed out " many mistakes. If he really knows something about what real English is, he should know that writing is superior and wonderful. He made his coomments based on what the writer is, not what the contents are.

                And that is what makes me feel painful and confused.
          • I am sorry to have made someone lose his/her face, and I didn't do that with evil intention. Thanks for all your attention and input. I appreciate it. Take care.
            • it is a great pleasure to exchange ideas with you. I really appreciate your posts and comments, they also made me think something that I had not thought before. Thanks.
            • 你真是皮厚,就算我们都看得懂"lose face"可是英语就这么写也太不地道了,如果你坚持这种风格,我一定会"give you some color see see",哈哈~~
    • The paragraph that I quoted from Monica Boyd's paper, and was evaluated by Fullmoonnight is as follows:
      "Knowing the languages of the host society enhances the capacity to obtain information about the new society--information about schools, health care, legal rights and so forth. Language also is a form of human capital in that it influences where workers are hired, their job productivity and thus, under the assumptions of neo-classical economics, their wages. "

      By Monica Boyd, University of Toronto
      • 你无聊啊!我可没有自封为老师.不过我承认我犯了一个错误,那个in一直都搞不清该不该省.不过我改过的其它两个地方比原文更加容易懂了.我也承认capacity当capability用是我头一次见.
        • Bye-bye, Take care and the end.
          • 你的诡计并不能掩盖你的"英语毒药"帖"Mr. Fullmoonnight, that you, but that paper was not written by me at all, but by Monica Boyd, a native English speaker from the niversity of Toronto in December, 2003"烂啊!
            • The last one for you. Have a brand new and confident new year. Stay confident and best wishes.:)
              • hahahah,我就用你的英语毒药帖子回你一次吧"I just could not help bursting into laughter"
              • 没时间跟你玩,我们正如你的毒药帖子说的"Those guys are busy finding native english teachers"
              • 没声了?那我也就出去了,最后再用你的英语毒药帖子回一句:"Have a brand new and confident new year"
      • 建议多看看微软的帮助文件,其中的用词简单而精确,读起来也非常舒服。那个多大的学生的文章就不要拿出来显摆了。你知道吗,微软写帮助文件的都是PHD们,人家都不用大词和不确切的搭配。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛随便copy and paste一段

        In a data communications environment, the network can range in scope from a token-ring LAN to an X.25 or Frame Relay WAN. Thus, although some features are common to both LAN and WAN environments, there is also some variability. In general, a data communications network transports data by using variable-length packets. Although many WAN protocols are connection-oriented, some are connectionless. Similarly, many LAN protocols are connectionless, whereas others are connection-oriented. Because data communications networks were designed to transport files, records, and screens of data, transmission delay or latency, if small, does not adversely affect users. In comparison, in a telecommunications network, a similar amount of latency that is acceptable on a data network could wreak havoc with a telephone conversation. Recognizing the differences among voice, video, and data transportation, ATM was designed to adapt to the time sensitivity of different applications. It includes different classes of service that enable the technology to match delivery to the time sensitivity of the information it transports.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • I can't help feeling sorry for you, the end of the conversation with you. Fullmoonnight is a real man, and you? I am not so sure. By the way, that is not 多大的学生的文章, but 多大的 Professor 的文章. :)
          • 你就向这位多大教授发展吧,反正你的风格就是令人看着不舒服的书面英语。老狼是男人你就去追吧,估计人家也不会要你。
    • Asker 这坑挖得, 狼等一批英语高手全掉进去了. 难过ing...
      • Me too, crystal-clear. This is the last post for me to talk with him about English, I think I have made the point, and I truly wish he could have got my point.
      • Oops, crystal-clear, it seems that he has not got the point at all. Then, I just let it be. Best wishes.
      • capacity不知道增么用的人,很难说是英语高手
        • 有什么奇怪.因为以前没有见过样的用法. Dido的歌词:"I will go down with this ship".我当时问了3个英国同事, 都是33-36岁的人,只有一个人准确地告诉我了它的涵义.
          • 还真不知道这是什么意思。。。是“一条道走到黑”吗?
            • Ask Asker.
    • Please see here. (#2692717)
    • Asker, 放松. 干嘛上纲上线! 欢迎你对我的批评指正. 不过经过我对你的严格要求, 你目前的帖子可读性好多了[这就是我的目的] 这个lostindarkness的网友是谁啊? 挺帮我的! 还有,不要对我的为人发表没有根据的猜想, 我们又不认识!
      • 我从来就是针对事,不会针对人的,更不会针对我不认识的人。如果你有发现我有针对你的为人的话,我这说声对不起,我不是故意的。
        • 没有没有没有, 我觉得你一直都在帮我说话呐! 我本来想谢你呐,但是又怕别人认为我们是一伙的. 我非常诚恳地谢谢. 你的很多观点都是正确的.
        • 我是请ASKER不要对我的为人发表没有根据的猜想!因为她多次提到贬低身份啊,芙蓉姐姐啊!明显, 她想的太多了!
          • I apologize for that, while by "degrade or degrading" , I don't mean you 贬低身份, but that you make friends who like you disappointed by persisting in your comments, some of which may not be right.
            OK, we got to stop. Thanks.
            • Sure.
      • I could not help burst into smiles because of your sense of humour. OK, you got the credit. I am looking forward to reading more of your Chinese poems .
        • "bursting.."
    • 人心如此险恶!!!人家指出你英语不够好,就一定要挖陷阱证明对方的英语不够perfect吗?没用的,英语不是母语的老狼和native speaker有差距不能说明任何问题,只是通过这件事你让大家在你的语言水平之外又见识了你的阴险为人,恭喜你
      • 言重了!她只不过是女孩的任性罢了.不要想太多.
        • 太虚伪!
      • 能把"险恶"用在这, 还用在女孩子身上, 我服了你! 我觉得你根本就没有follow this topic.你没有发言权.
        • 发言权需要你批准是吧?失敬,你是教主吧?拜一个先
          • Knee down! Good boy. I can see your potential.
            • 逼真,宝玉
    • 真汉子! #2692643