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Now let me focus on your "contents and ideas", it's not necessary to put "Chinese" in the sentance,

because we were just chatting for fun, and in that case, anybody, regardless of his/her nation, might deduce that you are a student. Unfortunately, you take it as something particular to Chinese, Chinese male, to be more precisely. I guess that was a refection of something deeply in your heart which nobody can change, BUT, you were using it at the wrong time in the wrong place.

You really shouldn't put such a could-not-be-more-common topic on a racial level. It remind me of "陈水扁" and "族群分裂".

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / 觉得水就是世界上最最重要的,
    • In my view, air is the most important. Without air, you have no breath, meaning you are dying. Once you are dead, what do you need water for?
      • You really really enjoy arguement. When each time there is an opinion, whatever it is a joke or it is a theory, I always see your different opinion. Are you are a socialist?
        • 年轻 + 自以为成熟的自然表现。 不过很喜欢她上次她给老狼下的那个套:)
          • Who told you I am young? Gee.. :)
            • OK, it's a natural result of "old" + "naive", happy? :)
              • Not happy or unhappy, but your answer is possible. Haven't you ever seen a 80 year old lady is involved in a teenager-style innocence? I love that kind of people who are never too old to be young.
                • The terminology for that definition is "老天真". So you are still young, T or F?
                  • Gee, again, the answer is blowing in the wind. I think this is the best answer to almost any type of questions. :)
                    • So far, I've identified you as female, young, student of U of T, majoring non-science subject, what else can you share with us? :)
                      • Your information is 90% wrong. Just because I quoted a UofT professor's essay doesn't mean I am in UofT, right? Gee, why do Chinese guys see things in this way? :)
                        • 90% wrong? How did you get this conclusion, student of U of T only takes 25%
                          • Sorry but I am poor at math.
                            • good good study, day day up !!
                        • To be honest, I don't like the word "Chinese" in your reply, obeviously, both you and me are Chinese, if you use that word in such a context, I personally take it as an negtive word. Correct me if you think i'm wrong
                          • You are definitely wrong. I am proud of being a Chinese, so that I don't feel any shame when I mention it in any contexts. Why do some Chinese have to be so sensitive to being regarded or mentioned as a Chinese?
                            • I mean "so negatively sensitive to being regarded or mentioned as a Chinese..." I never see white people feel offended when they are called "those whites."
                              • wake up, a truth you can not deny.
                                I really do not know if you ever try to understand this society, the real world you are now living in? please do not live in your dream or fantasy. you can not deny that We are minority here. I do not want to say it, but, discrimination exists in this real world. Sometimes, "chinese" is used in negative way. Back to china, if we use chinese, we will not feel that way. Just like they use "whites". Do you get it? again, before you quote anything, please think it over.
                                • Sometimes I tend to get lost in your logic. Sorry to say so. I don't know how I can ignore the truth that we are minority just by using the word "Chinese'.
                                  My point is that we don't need to be sensitive to being called "Chinese," and what we need to worry about is how to get the benefits that we deserve as minorities.
                                  • what I can say is that get to know this world more, not from books.
                                    • Please do not put your perspective into others' mouths. Just because one does not have your perspective doesn't mean he/she lacks life experiences.
                                      Try to open your mind to diversity and accept more different opinions from yours.
                              • Now let me focus on your "contents and ideas", it's not necessary to put "Chinese" in the sentance,
                                because we were just chatting for fun, and in that case, anybody, regardless of his/her nation, might deduce that you are a student. Unfortunately, you take it as something particular to Chinese, Chinese male, to be more precisely. I guess that was a refection of something deeply in your heart which nobody can change, BUT, you were using it at the wrong time in the wrong place.

                                You really shouldn't put such a could-not-be-more-common topic on a racial level. It remind me of "陈水扁" and "族群分裂".
                                • correction: refection->reflection sorry:)
                                • I am sorry but I cannot apologize for having used "Chinese" in the post, because my intention to use it is not the same as yours.
                                  • You still didn't answer why you use that word. anyway, my understanding is that you just want to say "sorry" but not "apologize" because the latter is too strong for you to stand:)
                                    • I cannot help bursting into laughters. I like, really really like your sense of humour and your way to express your confrontation. :)
                                    • Well, still, I do not.... You know what I am going to say. :)
                                    • The reason why I used that word is that while talking with other races beyond Chinese, they may not come to the same conclusion as you just did based on the same information that I gave them. Did I answer your question?
                                      • ..., I feel they may not...
                                        • Isn't it true that you said you want say "sorry" to me in person? I cancelled all other schedules today and waited for you at Rogers center until 3:00 PM, but you didn't show up and I missed part of the show...
                • I must admit that your English is among one of the best in rolia, at least better than mine, however,
                  I noticed that most occurance of the word "but" is not appropriate though grammertically correct, "but" is too strong, agree?
                  • I hope one day you can leave my English alone but focus more on the contents or ideas in my posts, if you think I do have some in those posts. :) No, I don't think "but" is strong, unless you feel that way.
                    • That was a FRIENDLY suggestion because I was setting a high standard for you :) anyway, i will keep my eyes open and mouth closed...
                      • I prefer you to have your eyes closed while your mouth opened. :) Come on, buddy, please, please do not put those high...stuff on me. :)
                        • high... stuff? are you talking about "摇头丸"? no, i don't have that:)
                  • I mean I may be more responsive to your thoughts of my ideas instead of what English grammar should be. P.S. I don't think I am best at English at rolia,
                    for I don't know what your standards are and if your standards are accountable.
        • 多嘴应笑你先生, 干嘛只许你多嘴, 不许别人雄辩?
          • The point is what 雄辩 is. I have no idea. Whenever I share my ideas, I am regarded as 雄辩. Gee, how can those guys get this impression?
            • The point is that I don't know what 雄辩 is in their definition.
              • Never mind. That's sour grapes' definition of whoever can speak out his/her mind clearly and logically with an elegant style.:)
            • No, the point is that your "雄辩" is not applicable here, apprently it's just a joke, it seems that you treated it as a "theory".... lack of sense of humour
              • agree
              • probably she lives in a world where people always argue with each other. ohh, just came to my mind, maybe she is practicing LAW.
                • I am living in a world filled with poems, romantic imagination and sometimes senstive sentimentality. I believe many people in this BBS are science- or business-oriented, so they may not be able to sense subtlety.
                  • if you know your audiences, why don't you speak your audience's language? but a language which they do not understand. remember you are talking to these people.
                    • We don't need to cater for every single reader here, do we? I never take myself as a speaker whatsoever, so again I get lost in your logic. I believe some friends here understand me perfectly.
                      • again, you do not really understand the comment. To be honest, what I can see is that you can only interpret the meaning of the words, not the acutal meaning of sentences as a whole.
                        In your comment above, you mentioned "many people in this BBS are science- or business-oriented", and you know they are not minority, not single individual in theis BBS. Please do care about them, and "not cater for" them, otherwise you will be broke soon. If you care about them, there would not have been many discussions on your english.
                        • What I can see from your words is that you are too different from me in terms of experiences, education backgrounds and thinking methodologies,
                          so even though I appreciate your input, I still feel you may more like people similar to you,and you may not be the one who can honestly open your heart to different styles.

                          Read some poems, and get a sense of poetic beautiy. Life is mundane, so human beings may become as mundane as it is, if you close yourself to more choices in terms of the world other than eating, sleeping and working.
                          • if you close yourself to more choices in terms of the world other than eating, sleeping and working, you may just lose the sense of sensitivity, and drown yourself into pale rationality.
              • I didn't treat it as a theory, while I admit that most time I tend to perceive topics in a poetic or emotional way. That's why I attached a poem for LZ right after his statements.
                I think people are seeing things from different perspectives. While you see it as a sense of humour, I may see it as a piece of emotional expression charged with human sentimentality.

                I believe you cannot see it in my way due to our different backgrounds and experiences.
        • Yeah, I am a socialist, a liberal socialist actually. :) I just share my opinions. Why can't I? :)
          • Easy. Some time you need to relax. This topic is a joke. Just try to share the sense of humor of the poster.
            • I regard this post of LZ as a part of poetic expression with some heaviness at least in my point of view, so that I reply to it in a way beyond a sense of humour.
            • Actually I am quite relaxing while reading and responding to those posts, though you may not feel so simply by reading my words. Joking around is not the only way to transcend humour and relaxation, is it?
    • It's said that women are made of water, while men of earth/dust. I agree.
      • without earth/dust, where can water be contained?
        • Without water in the first place, where did we human beings come ? Haven't you heard that we originate from water? Can earth or dust contain water? I don't think so. Water actually can destroy earth or dust.
          • Not really want to argue where life originated because you really did not interpret what I was trying to say. again, old chinese saying:兵来将挡,水来土囤。
            • That's the old Chinese saying, while I can have my own personal version of understanding. In other words, I myself don't agree with the Chinese saying,and I don't believe the earth can conquer the water.
    • Don't you still think your wife is just a beautiful river containing wonderful water?
    • "When You Are Old" --a poem by the Nobel Prize winner Yeats. Hopefully, you can get some inspiration from it.
      William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
      When You Are Old

      WHEN you are old and gray and full of sleep,
      And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
      And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
      Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;

      How many loved your moments of glad grace,
      And loved your beauty with love false or true,
      But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
      And loved the sorrows of your changing face;

      And bending down beside the glowing bars,
      Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
      And paced upon the mountains overhead
      And hid his face among a crowd of stars.
    • Will you miss her, when you are old? Whom will we miss, when we are old?
      • Why not you date with 你说你的我说我的
        • Why not, if you can find one for me. :)
          • I mean talkluantalk(你说我说).
            • Haven't you read that he is legally married?
    • 剁巴剁巴喂狗 -:)
    • 阳光, 空气与水 --三样人类生存的基本条件
      • They can not talk.
        • Right! Why they don't talk?
      • They are free.
        • sunlight can be shielded by substance, that's why we got day and night, atomsphere and water are bunded to gravity... they are not free:)
          • Did you pay to see the sun? Did you pay to inhale the air? Did you pay to drink water(from sea , ocean, river, lake etc.)?
            • Do you understand the meaning of ":)"?
            • If you drink water from sea and ocean, you gonna be thirsty because they are salty, if you drink water from river and lake, you gonna be sick because they are dirty:)
    • 手脏不要紧,关键是没有水,这个坑拿什么来灌涅?:)
    • 告诉你多少次了不要把手搞脏,不把手洗干净没有饭吃