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滑雪归来,爽!!今天与激昂,pisces,Alex三大侠赴400公路北100公里的St. Louis山滑雪. 几件趣事,现列出提纲如下,待随后补充:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. eglington开一辆很袖珍的Toyota ECHO, egg对此车赞不绝口:操控灵活,省油,尺寸小,好停车,还经造(北京土话,皮实).egg从来不暖车,每次起步都是一脚油门到底,不心疼(租的,赫赫). 大家试了试激昂的"野宝马"mustang,一致认为"空间太小", 转头钻进小ECHO,使egg驾驶北美名车的愿望落空.

2. 激昂的滑雪经费显然没有落实(Budget被领导砍掉),出发前灵机一动,穿上专业行头,把若干杂物摊摆在yonge街路边,然后叼上支烟,往墙根一蹲,立刻有若干路人投来同情的眼光,手纷纷伸向钱包...若不是egg以民族大义为重,晓之以理,动之以情,死拉活拽将激昂拖上车,明天的Star就有新闻了!

3. 头一轮滑雪,egg尚为入门水平,内八字到底,但再次乘缆车上山后,egg显示出惊人天赋,skill不让专业运动员,parallel skiing炉火纯青, pisces和alex当即建议egg申请参加下届冬嗷会!

4. pisces和alex最先向最高难度赛道发起冲击!

5. 激昂不满被分配到初学者阵营,毅然独自向中级赛道进军, 在山顶面对陡坡沉思良久,奋身一跃...(以下略去暴力惊险文字3000)

6. 激昂被大家一致授予敢斗奖, 最佳新人奖, 最佳魅力奖(向20米外3个鬼妹狂呼,狂舞,狂飞wen,并获得热烈回应)

7. 历经4小时滑行, egg 拍摄"雪山飞狐"记录片以志之.

8. 傍晚众人以四川麻辣火锅疗伤,恢复内力,激昂领导光临指导,令众侠倍受鼓舞, 一致表示不久的未来再次行走江湖,狂扶正义!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 滑雪归来,爽!!今天与激昂,pisces,Alex三大侠赴400公路北100公里的St. Louis山滑雪. 几件趣事,现列出提纲如下,待随后补充:
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. eglington开一辆很袖珍的Toyota ECHO, egg对此车赞不绝口:操控灵活,省油,尺寸小,好停车,还经造(北京土话,皮实).egg从来不暖车,每次起步都是一脚油门到底,不心疼(租的,赫赫). 大家试了试激昂的"野宝马"mustang,一致认为"空间太小", 转头钻进小ECHO,使egg驾驶北美名车的愿望落空.

    2. 激昂的滑雪经费显然没有落实(Budget被领导砍掉),出发前灵机一动,穿上专业行头,把若干杂物摊摆在yonge街路边,然后叼上支烟,往墙根一蹲,立刻有若干路人投来同情的眼光,手纷纷伸向钱包...若不是egg以民族大义为重,晓之以理,动之以情,死拉活拽将激昂拖上车,明天的Star就有新闻了!

    3. 头一轮滑雪,egg尚为入门水平,内八字到底,但再次乘缆车上山后,egg显示出惊人天赋,skill不让专业运动员,parallel skiing炉火纯青, pisces和alex当即建议egg申请参加下届冬嗷会!

    4. pisces和alex最先向最高难度赛道发起冲击!

    5. 激昂不满被分配到初学者阵营,毅然独自向中级赛道进军, 在山顶面对陡坡沉思良久,奋身一跃...(以下略去暴力惊险文字3000)

    6. 激昂被大家一致授予敢斗奖, 最佳新人奖, 最佳魅力奖(向20米外3个鬼妹狂呼,狂舞,狂飞wen,并获得热烈回应)

    7. 历经4小时滑行, egg 拍摄"雪山飞狐"记录片以志之.

    8. 傍晚众人以四川麻辣火锅疗伤,恢复内力,激昂领导光临指导,令众侠倍受鼓舞, 一致表示不久的未来再次行走江湖,狂扶正义!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 笔误,是“空间太小”...仅后坐空间小而已
      • no body read?
    • 四英雄雪山冲浪展英姿 五侠客大啖火锅显豪情 (ROLIA 第三次活动纪要)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛今晨10点, 激昂和他的马屎蛋精神抖擞驶入PISCES美眉家

      往车后。 1。4升的引擎痛苦的呻吟着并以140公路的速度狂

      在TIM HORTON 稍事休整,我们继续朝假想中的险境勇往直前。

      瞟一眼身边走过的洋妞, 等等。事毕, 出现在我们面前的
      联合的人马就这样顾作神气地融入滑雪人潮。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 真是羡慕! 可惜我没有车, 5555
      • go with us next time.
        • Let me know next time, before you go.
          • sure!
    • 请进:滑雪照片在 http://rolia.freehomepage.com 之“雪山飞狐”篇
      • Very good. But no title for the last 3 pictures?
        • Tired! I can give you access to this site and you may edit/post anything you want.
          • okay!
        • 我想一定要在冬天结束前至少再去滑一次雪!怎么样,你上瘾了吗?
          • yes. 555
          • 我家附近有个滑雪场, 在 Bathurst / Sheppard.
            • 你那个太小了,赫赫。
              • 你不也是新手吗?
                • 大小与新手旧手有什么关系?不明白。
                  • 不许歧视残疾人士!!我抗议!
    • guys, since we had so much fun on the first time, definately, we will do it again.
      i was surfing the net this morning, and discovered a lot of attractions for summer, things i suggest to do can go on and on for a long long list: Straford Town for Sharkspher Theatre festival, Niagara fall festival, Toronto zoo, maple leaf syrup trip...
      • You are the boss! Lead us marching on!
      • Sounds great. I wanna join next time.
      • Hao!!
      • Computer Problem
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Pisces: Hey, Eglington!
        Eglington: Yes, Dear fish?

        Pisces: I just got my first computer.
        Eglington: That's great Dear fish. What did you get?

        Pisces: A Pentium III, with 128 Megs of RAM, a 12.1 Gig
        hard drive, and a 48X CD-ROM.
        Eglington: That's terrific, Dear fish

        Pisces: But I don't know what any of it means!!
        Eglington: You will in time.

        Pisces: That's exactly why I am here to see you.
        Eglington: Oh?

        Pisces: I heard that you are a real computer expert.
        Eglington: Well, I don't know-

        Pisces: Yes-sir-ee. You know your stuff. And you're going to train me.
        Eglington: Really?

        Pisces: Uh huh. And I am here for my first lesson.
        Eglington: O.K. Dear fish. What do want to know?

        Pisces: I am having no problem turning it on, but I heard
        that you should be very careful how you turn it off.
        Eglington: That's true.

        Pisces: So, here I am working on my new computer and I
        want to turn it off. What do I do?
        Eglington: Well, first you press the Start button, and then-

        Pisces: No, I told you, I want to turn it off.
        Eglington: I know, you press the Start button-

        Pisces: Wait a second. I want to turn it off. Off. I know
        how to start it. So tell me what to do.
        Eglington: I did.

        Pisces: When?
        Eglington: When I told you to press the Start button.

        Pisces: Why should I press the Start button?
        Eglington: To shut off the computer.

        Pisces: I press Start to stop.
        Eglington: Well Start doesn't actually stop the computer.

        Pisces: I knew it! So what do I press.
        Eglington: Start

        Pisces: Start what?
        Eglington: Start button.

        Pisces: Start button to do what?
        Eglington: Shut down.

        Pisces: You don't have to get rude!
        Eglington: No, no, no! That's not what I meant.

        Pisces: Then say what you mean.
        Eglington: To shut down the computer, press-

        Pisces: Don't say, "Start!"
        Eglington: Then what do you want me to say?

        Pisces: Look, if I want to turn off the computer, I am
        willing to press the Stop button, the End button and
        Cease and Desist button, but no one in their right mind
        presses the Start to Stop.
        Eglington: But that's what you do.

        Pisces: And you probably Go at Stop signs, and Stop at
        green lights.
        Eglington: Don't be ridiculous.

        Pisces: I'm being ridiculous? Well, I think it's about
        time we started this conversation.
        Eglington: What are you talking about?

        Pisces: I am starting this conversation right now.
        Good-bye.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • he he, good! I want to start you!
        • hahaha, what a smart fish..