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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Zhuang Zhou once had a dream. He dreamt of himself turning into a butterfly, flying in the air, feeling like he was a real capriccioso butterfly. In his dream he was amused and exhilarated without noticing that this butterfly was only something in his dream. After a while, he woke up and found that he was still himself, not a butterfly. He felt surprised and couldn't tell whether it was he turned into a butterfly in his dream or a butterfly turned into him.

寻寻觅觅,是否所谓的“爱情”真的只有在梦里才能出现?那么你所想要的“爱情”是什么样的?如果感情对你来说,仅仅是人生旅途中供旅人暂时停歇的驿站,那么我并不想成为其中的一个驿站。如果你确实在寻觅一份真感情,那么不妨试试让我们从友谊开始,坦荡而真诚地交往,或许你我都能有意外的收获?如果机会到来时,你是一个善于把握住机会的人,请给我回信。请在信中,详细介绍你的出生地,大学毕业学校,所学专业,来加时间,简要人生经历(那些对你人生有重要影响的经历和决定),目前在加状态(打工,上学,还是专业工作,或是自雇),并简述你对未来生活(家庭和工作)的规划,希望你能借这个机会,回顾你的人生,进一步认识自己,并确定今后的奋斗方向。请不要误解我是个傲慢的人,我只是希望大家能从真诚开始。做为女性,让我享受这么一点先了解你的优先权。如果你的回信包含以上所有要点,我一定会回信给你。作为一位孤身在多伦多奋斗的女性,我深知新移民的困难。“路漫漫其将远兮,吾将上下而求索”。所以,我不会对你目前的物质生活水平要求太高,但我希望你是一个上进的人,有追求的人。我相信,有梦想的,成功总会到来的。我愿意与你在人生的道路上,共同奋斗,有福同亨,有难同担。我希望你是一个有责任感,踏实,勤奋,上进,重情,专一,有理科素质,兼具人文修养(对人生有自己独立的见解,对中国传统文化有一定的吸收),为人大方,不自私,感情细腻,温柔体贴,以诚为本,如果你具有这些品质,请给你我一个机会。同时,希望你在30-40岁之间,爱好运动,向往单纯、自然、平静而温馨浪漫的生活。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / 快乐单身不快乐
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Zhuang Zhou once had a dream. He dreamt of himself turning into a butterfly, flying in the air, feeling like he was a real capriccioso butterfly. In his dream he was amused and exhilarated without noticing that this butterfly was only something in his dream. After a while, he woke up and found that he was still himself, not a butterfly. He felt surprised and couldn't tell whether it was he turned into a butterfly in his dream or a butterfly turned into him.

    寻寻觅觅,是否所谓的“爱情”真的只有在梦里才能出现?那么你所想要的“爱情”是什么样的?如果感情对你来说,仅仅是人生旅途中供旅人暂时停歇的驿站,那么我并不想成为其中的一个驿站。如果你确实在寻觅一份真感情,那么不妨试试让我们从友谊开始,坦荡而真诚地交往,或许你我都能有意外的收获?如果机会到来时,你是一个善于把握住机会的人,请给我回信。请在信中,详细介绍你的出生地,大学毕业学校,所学专业,来加时间,简要人生经历(那些对你人生有重要影响的经历和决定),目前在加状态(打工,上学,还是专业工作,或是自雇),并简述你对未来生活(家庭和工作)的规划,希望你能借这个机会,回顾你的人生,进一步认识自己,并确定今后的奋斗方向。请不要误解我是个傲慢的人,我只是希望大家能从真诚开始。做为女性,让我享受这么一点先了解你的优先权。如果你的回信包含以上所有要点,我一定会回信给你。作为一位孤身在多伦多奋斗的女性,我深知新移民的困难。“路漫漫其将远兮,吾将上下而求索”。所以,我不会对你目前的物质生活水平要求太高,但我希望你是一个上进的人,有追求的人。我相信,有梦想的,成功总会到来的。我愿意与你在人生的道路上,共同奋斗,有福同亨,有难同担。我希望你是一个有责任感,踏实,勤奋,上进,重情,专一,有理科素质,兼具人文修养(对人生有自己独立的见解,对中国传统文化有一定的吸收),为人大方,不自私,感情细腻,温柔体贴,以诚为本,如果你具有这些品质,请给你我一个机会。同时,希望你在30-40岁之间,爱好运动,向往单纯、自然、平静而温馨浪漫的生活。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • You are the one with a lot of requirement :-)) I don't see any "love" in these BUT "Scare" - sorry for my frankness.
    • 多参加一些聚会活动,说不定就遇到了。自己往树上撞得兔子少呀。
      • Not any type of 聚会活动, though. The quality of 聚会活动 is important as well.
        • 是呀。比如说打牌,搓麻的活动我一概不参加;Hiking,或者杀人才去。在美丽的天空下,和朋友聊天,或者坐在一起,互相砍人,多有意思。
          • 你们一般用什么武器?我一般用锯齿刀,不知能入伙否?
            • :)))))))
              • 又乐!没看得楼主痛苦着吗?建议楼主抓一把暴米花把你的大门牙塞住
                • I was responding to your post, not LZ's, wasn't I?
                • Sorry, but :)) about your bao mi hua stuff.
                  • 看你还乐!那就再塞两颗大葱你鼻孔里吧
                    • Disgusting. :(
                • Happy to share your happiness
          • 罗格,你真有意思。
        • I am sure the quality of activity is very important too. The only problem is now I am very busy. After I have sometime, I will join your guys. I like outdoor activity.
    • 不要一不小心变成大龄了,到时候就更不快乐了。
      • at the age of crisis. Will soon be close to 30. Sad!
    • most "上进的人,有追求的, 有责任感,踏实,勤奋,上进,重情,专一,有理科素质,兼具人文修养(对人生有自己独立的见解,对中国传统文化有一定的吸收),
      为人大方,不自私,感情细腻,温柔体贴,以诚为本, 30-40岁之间,爱好运动,向往单纯、自然、平静而温馨浪漫的生活" men

      are either married or looking for 20s girls...

      wake up....for ur own good
      • 这是在描述我呢。 :-))
        • 呵呵,好像也是在描写我,
          • 看你的昵称,似乎是个女的呀。
      • 幼齿情节
      • I am in my late 20s.
    • 这位姐姐一定是理科生啊,想这样不劳而获了解别人情况是不是太天真了一点啊?别人没见过你凭啥要给你写简历啊?!而且一大堆的条件甭说有没有人符合,就算有也不是人说有你就信的是不是?这篇征婚文章基本属于废品.SORRY FOR MY FRANKNESS.
      • I have one science degree, two social science degrees.
        • Degrees is nothing for love, degrees is garbage in love.
          • 比把,使劲比吧。爱情看来是用钱,事业,学位,身材等按斤卖的
            • 我并不是拿学历比什么,只是楼上妹妹断定我是理科生,顺便补充一下而已。
    • she (or he) must be joking :-), cann't believe somebody posted such a ...
    • man, normally it would take 5 sexes ( intercouses) to get the information you described here.
    • 帮你顶一下....希望你能够找到自己的快乐...
      • Thank you very much for your support.
    • a brief version is here- keywords: PJ, BO
      枫下佳缘/ 众里寻他(她)/

      Look for someone from Fujian for friendship. You need to be a male, 30-35, university-educated, professional job or business owner.

      -bleeze999(候鸟的天空); 2.24 00:41 (#2802660@0)

      • sleepyman, too much doing so.
    • 是啊,LZ想必自视甚高,所以来这么篇文章,要不就是LZ就是想挖一超级深坑! 要不,连面都没见,就来这么些条件?楼上的说得好, “I don't see any "love" in these BUT "Scare"
      • I know there will not be many such a person there, but even only one is enough.
      • 大家认为我的要求很高吗?其实隐含在文章中,已经把我的个性基本上描绘了一下。我想在多数人,是在寻求跟自己有共同追求的人吧。
        • 有准备地耐心地等,也别错过机会。现代独立男女,本来一个人生活也能快快乐乐,为什么凑合,找个人跟自己呕气呢。
          • 经历过婚姻,你的人生才是完整的。当然,不是为了凑合,还是要找个真心喜欢的人一起过。
            • 成熟是一种心态,一种处世待人的态度。
    • Excuse me, how do you look like? Could you tell first? Someone doesn't want to waste time for an average/below average looking lady. Although everyone
      knows good personality match is more important than others, feature screen must go first.
      • What do you look like? Handsome or not? If you are not handsome enough, some women may not go out with you either. We women care about men's faces as well. :)
      • I believe I am above average.
        • Sister, just a reminder that never and ever date a guy who pays so much attention to the fine line between above average, average and below average.
      • Normally, it is the aged guy or divorced guy who pay so much atttention to the screen feature of a lady.
        they need the face of the female to support his long waiting or even a beat back to his ex. sorry, i am only telling the truth.
        • Really? My first time to know this. :)
        • "even a beat back to his ex. ", but what if his ex is below average? In that case, does he still need a woman to beat the ex?
          • did you notice that i use the word " normally"? here in response to scotia's post.
            • Yeah, I saw your "normally", just that I feel kind of surprised at your statement, as I used to think divorced guys are disadvantaged so that they did not care much about women's faces.
              • ...do not care...
    • 我觉得interactive chatting会是一个比较好的交往方法
      • 说得有点道理,其实我很喜欢四五个人左右的团体活动。人太多,只顾着玩,誰也记不住誰,交流不深入,单独两个人,又看不出对方的个性。我现在比较忙,但是我家靠近公园,可以就过活动。我喜欢在公园散步、打球之类的。
        • In my view, 单独两个人 interaction is one of the best ways to 看出对方的个性.
      • 事实证明,正如意料中,此贴过后,本人没有收到任何private message.但感谢大家的回贴。
        • How about you PM someone that you want to? This is not a passive epoch, but an active era. :)
          • 我很赞赏你的观点,姐妹,可不可以交个朋友?只可惜,在这一点上我比较笨,不知如何主动联系男生。
            • Actually I have never and ever 主动联系男生, but I believe we women can, if we want. :)
          • in the eyes of the so called " traditional" chinese guy, a gal won't be appreciated when she does her job first. Chinese guys doesn't know how to be loved let alone to say how to love.
            i mean they don' t know how to judge the quality of a female and the life.
            • Sadly true.
            • So we gals cannot do anything but to wait passively?
            • If a girl contact you first, what 's your reaction to that girl?
              We need more liberated Chinese men, traditional but open-minded, knowing women have the same rights as men. And if a girl like you, you should at least appreciate that kind of feeling.
              • I appreciate if girls contact me first, especially the girls I would like to know. but I believe most chinese guys take their first step.no surprise no one PM you because no any your basic info on your first post.
                • 你们2位也别在这里洋文来洋文去的瞎猜了。没听说女追男,隔层纸么? 既然在平均以上,还赖家里干什么?
                  • 既然在平均以上,还赖家里干什么?:)))))))))))))
    • you revealed some attractive personalities through your posting. See PM
      • 大哥,看到平均以上才pm会不会吓坏小姑娘?
      • I did not receive your PM. Can you PM again?
        • Got it, sister? :)
          • yes, I got it.