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We have 22 GG and 5 MM .... 5 Double ....now

GG Single : 22

William Diao ( 1 st Place of Last Year )
Albert Kuang ( 2nd Place of Last Year )
Peter Liu ( Peel Region Youth Championship )
Allan Xie
Raymond Li
Cary Luo
Fred Lei Ming
Michael Wang
Moose Peter Fang
Richard Hui
James Ma
Gong Tao
Jason Tian
Wang Difang
Zhang Wei ( From City of Windsor )
Danny Pivnick
Philps Li
Tony Dong
Chou Bin

GG Double: 5

Albert Kuang , Michael Liu
Raymond Li , Cary Luo
Michael Wang , Phlips Li
Tony Dong, Zhang Jun
Allan Xie, xxxxxx

MM Single : 5

Elbee Du
Veronica Zhang
Ellen Wang
Yer Wong ( Not Sure )
Vivien Ding

More Tennis GG and MM are welcomed.....
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / GTA 网球公开赛 Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 2006
    • Name List for the Toronto Chinese Tennis Open so far
      Name List for the Toronto Chinese Tennis Open so far

      GG Single :

      William Diao
      Albert Kuang
      Allan Xie
      Raymond Li
      Cary Luo
      Fred Lei Ming
      Michael Wang
      Moose Peter Fang
      Richard Hui
      James Ma

      GG Double:

      Albert Kuang , Allan Xie
      Raymond Li , Cary Luo
      Michael Wang , XXXXX

      MM Single :

      Elbee Du
      Veronica Zhang
      • Abram and Ellen Wang will join us
    • 业余网球选手如何打比赛
    • 打网球比赛时应具备的五种感觉
    • Welcome to the Tennis Group !
    • Tennis Guy
      • 照片拍的太幽默了
        • 哪里是在打网球,简直就是再练武功!!!哈哈哈,真够狰狞的。
          • We are normal Tennis Players ......Not Professinal like Agassi .....Please respect others. Thank you.....
            • 抱歉抱歉, 玩笑开大了。我收回。绝没有不敬之意。
      • 呵呵,哥们,你干吗呢,这么狠
      • 一次比一次狠哈,嘿嘿嘿
    • 我报名参加!!如果到时候伤好了的话,一定去。
      • How come you are hurt......
        • 谢谢关心,好在是伤的左手,到比赛时应该能恢复的差不多。到时候直接去比赛场地就行吗?
          • Yes
            • 情况不太乐观,昨天踢完球,今天手腕疼痛加剧,继续观察。
              • 嗯......用手腕踢球......Take Care.....Anyway
      • Count in, Welcome more Tennis Players......
    • 网球比赛战略
      • Five Mistakes of Inexperienced Tennis Competitors
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Poking at the ball due to over-caution: It's surprising how many players have two sets of strokes: their long, fluid, practice strokes and their short, choppy, match strokes. When these players get into matches, they become so over-cautious, they're afraid to take a real swing at the ball. They just poke at the ball, as if enough gentleness will coax it into behaving properly.
        Of course, you learn long strokes not because they look pretty, but because they work better. When you poke at the ball, your racquet is in the process of decelerating when it meets the ball. This makes it unstable, and the result is an unpredictable racquet angle that can send the ball all over the place.
        In addition, short, pokey strokes generally don't produce any topspin, which is the best tool for consistency, and they don't generate any pace.
        Failing to generate good offense is a great risk in itself, because you prolong points you should have already won. You'll have no offense with pokey strokes.

        2. Getting caught in "No Person's Land": When you move inside your baseline to get a ball, you have to either get back behind your baseline or move to the net right away. From inside the area between the baseline and the service line, you can't volley effectively, and any ball that lands behind you won't be playable with a groundstroke. If you're good at the net, move forward whenever you can hit a strong approach shot. If not, learn to backpedal quickly, but still go to net if you don't have time to get all the way back before it's time to hit the next ball. You don't want to get caught retreating when the ball arrives.

        3. Hitting to your opponent: At every level of tennis, the easiest direction in which to hit the ball is the direction from which it came. This is one of the main reasons players tend to hit back to their opponents. We also tend to hit toward whatever we're most focused upon. By far the most conspicuous thing on the other side of the net is your opponent, so your attention, and thus your shot, tends to be drawn in that direction. To overcome this, try to focus your eyes on the ball while visualizing target zones on the court.
        4. Not attacking dinky serves: Against many opponents, the easiest balls coming your way will be second serves. Inexperienced players hit truly dinky second serves that are just begging to be attacked. You can hit them hard and deep, at a sharp angle, or very short (drop shot).
        If you keep punishing these dinky serves, your opponent will probably start trying to hit a better one than he can, and his resulting double faults will drive him nuts. Frustration will increase his errors, giving you lots of bonus points.

        5. Admiring your shot: Yes, hitting a good shot is central to tennis, but you can't rest on your laurels -- at least, not right away. If you stand there watching the beautiful flight of your shot, you'll be way out of position when that beauty comes back. Generally, you need to start moving immediately back toward the middle of the range of angles your opponent could hit next. This position is somewhat diagonally opposite your opponent if you're at your baseline, and it's somewhat toward the ball if you're at the net.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Good Points
    • Name List for the Toronto Chinese Tennis Open
      Name List for the Toronto Chinese Tennis Open so far

      GG Single :

      William Diao ( 1 st Place of Last Year )
      Albert Kuang ( 2nd Place of Last Year )
      Peter Liu ( Peel Region Youth Championship )
      Allan Xie
      Raymond Li
      Cary Luo
      Fred Lei Ming
      Michael Wang
      Moose Peter Fang
      Richard Hui
      James Ma

      GG Double:

      Albert Kuang , Allan Xie
      Raymond Li , Cary Luo
      Michael Wang , XXXXX

      MM Single :

      Elbee Du
      Veronica Zhang
      Ellen Wang

      More Tennis Players are welcomed.....
      • At the East End
        Anyone wants to organize one at the East end (Scarborough, Markham, Richmond Hill) and we will have a show down between the East and West in late August?

      • Gong Tao .....Jason Tian will join us....
        • Wang Difang will come too.....
    • The Aim of the Tennis Tournament
      We have a group of tennis players in the west play often together....

      The Aim of the Tennis Tournament

      is get some experience of Tennis Match ......Meet differrent tennis player .......Have fun together......
    • It' funny! I would like to join.
      • Welcome......
        • 怎么联系?
          • Phone
    • 网球双打战术
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛网球双打战术


        双打要求两个队员配合得象一个人,才能把两个人的长处结合起来,打出比任何一个人单打水平都高的比赛。由于双打战术的机动灵活,变化比单打复杂得多,无论是高水平的双上网的对攻战和中低水平的攻防战中,能做到瞬间的默契配合是很不容易的,而这一点正是双打战术突出特点,是双打战术成功于取胜的关键。而"默契配合"是建立在两个相互了解和信任的基础上,是在长期配合中磨炼出来的。好的双打配对应紧密合作、互创条件、扬长避短、相辅相成,在场上有呼有应、相互鼓励、气势如虹,即使由于实力不如对方而失利,两个人合作也是愉快、融洽的。因此,双打的根本是两个人如同一个整体,无论何时都要并肩作战,移动要一致,相互间的距离不能拉开3。5米以上。可以想象为两个人被一根松弛的绳子相连接,这根绳子使他们一块向前、向后、向左和向右移动。 [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum ]




        1.在发球前作出抢网决定 抢网是网前人横向移动,拦截对方接球员打过来的斜线球。它要求发球方有敏捷的思维和快速的步法。所以,很重要的是两人要在事先商定,如果对方打斜线球时,网前人则要去抢网。一些双打配对队员喜欢用暗号,例如网前人把手放在背后,用握拳或张开手指向发球员表示抢不抢网。但在发球开始之前,两名运动员用口头讲定更好些。一旦作出决定,便必须坚决执行。 < r o l i a. n e t >

        2.防住空出的场地 当网前人扑出去拦截接发球时,他那半个球场便无人防守。所以发球员发球之后,不应该直接冲向前,而应向前跑几步,然后向同伴留下的那半场跑去,并继续向网前移动。抢网的人在拦截之后,应当继续进入发球员的场区。两人交叉移动,可以防住对方可能回击的直线球以及抢网人第一次截击没能得分后的回击。

        3.起动要早 抢网时,需要在对方接球员击球的一瞬间起动,而不要在接球员击球之前移动,把自己的行动意识暴露给对方。如果接球员察觉到你要抢网,便会打直线球并可能得分。等球时,身体前倾,准备好蹬出去击球。向右边抢网时,蹬左脚并快跑几部到截击位置。绝大多数的运动员喜欢用正拍抢网,因为它截击的伸缩度大。但是,不论是正拍抢网还是反拍抢网都要快速起动。

        4.退在后场对付抢网的队员 当对方网前队员抢网时,接球员和同伴要掌握好站位。如果你是接球员的同伴,并在向网前移动,抢网者就可能往下击球到你的脚下,使你难以回击。如果你是接球员,并且也在向网前移动,抢网者既可以超你的脚下攻击,也可以将球打在你同伴之间,所以这两种站位都不利。如果退在后场,就有时间移动到位,或者挑出高球,使球不死。

        5.打直线球 如果接发球老是打斜线球,对方就会判断出来并积极抢网。所以,一旦对方抢网开始,就要打斜线球使对方网前人不敢随意抢网。也可以试用攻击性挑高球过头顶的方法。如果网前人知道你的高球有威力,就会从网前向后退步,这就减少了抢网成功的可能。但是,不要看见抢网的一点点动作就改变主意,因为他可能作出假装抢网的样子,使你临时改斜线球为直线球而击球失败。 { 枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum }

        6.抢网时向下击球 要抢网成功,必须在球比高时击球,就是说要向前移动,靠近球和网,才能往下打球。越近网,球就越高,也就越易于截击。但是,也不要近到击球时球拍触网,那是犯规的,即使击球成功,也会被判为矢分。抢网者要朝着对方网前人的脚下拦击,或对方的空挡,以便直接得分。



        在双打的每盘比赛中,通常。发球技术最好的球员应该是第一发球员。而在每次发球时,发好第一次发球更为重要,因为,可使网前的同伴能够较有效地进行偷袭;做为一名发球员,也能够较容易地上网;还可以运用有利的战术。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 预祝比赛圆满成功!
      • 你不来....我们比赛成功就少了一半......呵呵
        • 不能来也一样支持啊!
    • Can I come and watch?....
      • Sure .... Can you be the volunteer or 裁判.....
    • We have 17 Tennis GG and 4 MM now ......
      Name List for the Toronto Chinese Tennis Open so far

      GG Single : 17

      William Diao ( 1 st Place of Last Year )
      Albert Kuang ( 2nd Place of Last Year )
      Peter Liu ( Peel Region Youth Championship )
      Allan Xie
      Raymond Li
      Cary Luo
      Fred Lei Ming
      Michael Wang
      Moose Peter Fang
      Richard Hui
      James Ma
      Gong Tao
      Jason Tian
      Wang Difang
      Zhang Wei ( From City of Windsor )

      GG Double:

      Albert Kuang , Allan Xie
      Raymond Li , Cary Luo
      Michael Wang , XXXXX

      MM Single : 4

      Elbee Du
      Veronica Zhang
      Ellen Wang
      Yer Wong ( Not Sure )

      More Tennis GG and MM are welcomed.....
      • Vivian Ding .... Elbee GG will join us .......
    • Name List for the Toronto Chinese Tennis Open so far
      Name List for the Toronto Chinese Tennis Open so far

      GG Single : 19

      William Diao ( 1 st Place of Last Year )
      Albert Kuang ( 2nd Place of Last Year )
      Peter Liu ( Peel Region Youth Championship )
      Allan Xie
      Raymond Li
      Cary Luo
      Fred Lei Ming
      Michael Wang
      Moose Peter Fang
      Richard Hui
      James Ma
      Gong Tao
      Jason Tian
      Wang Difang
      Zhang Wei ( From City of Windsor )
      Elbee GG
      Philps Li

      GG Double:

      Albert Kuang , Allan Xie
      Raymond Li , Cary Luo
      Michael Wang , Phlips Li

      MM Single : 5

      Elbee Du
      Veronica Zhang
      Ellen Wang
      Yer Wong ( Not Sure )
      Vivien Ding

      More Tennis GG and MM are welcomed.....
      • Relax and Choubin will join us......
    • Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 2006 日程, 规则:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 2006 日程, 规则:

      Welcome to the Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 2006

      All Toronto Tennis Open Men's Single and Female Single.

      Please come to Tennis Court before 10: 30 AM.

      Time : June 04 , ( Sun) 10:30 AM - 11 AM Registration, ( 10 $ Each

      person ), Tennis Warm Up

      11:00 AM Welcome , Know Each Other , 抽签分组

      11:20 AM Game Start
      [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum ]

      男子单打: 目前共 18 ...... ( We hope will be 24 名选手 )

      小组赛: 分6- 8 组, 每组 3人, 单循环赛, 每人打 2 场, 1 set ( 6 Game 者

      胜, 如 6 比 6. 则 再打 1 局抢 7 , ) 前 2 名出线.

      复赛: 12---16 名选手, 淘汰赛, 决出前 8 名, ( 看时间, 争取打完, 不行则放到

      June 11 ( Sun ))

      女子单打: 目前共 5人, We hope will be 12 人, 1 set , 淘汰赛, 出前4 名, 出前 2 名, 决赛出 Toronto Tennis Open 女子冠亚军

      Location : Go to the Meadow Green Tennis Court , 6611 Falconer Drive.

      ( 4 courts ) to know each other and 抽签分组. 女子单打, 男子小组赛 2

      组在此比赛, . 3 组再去 Frank Markenzie Commnity Center , Bristol/ Huronoatrio ( 10minters drive , 4 courts ) 另 3 组去 Thomas Court Glen Erin /Middlebury ( 8 minuts Drive, 4 courts ) < r o l i a. n e t >

      Special Attention:

      (1) These are public court. If other people come we

      must let people play. Please do not have any conflict with other

      people. But this time it should be ok for us to use 1-

      3 Courts.

      (2) We play tennis for fun and friendly. As we do not know each

      other very well . Please do not have conflict each other in the game.

      Thanks for your support.

      We have bought 16-20 Bottle new Tennis Ball, 2 bottle water per

      person. Some gift to the Champion. { 枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum }

      Hope everyone have fun.

      June 11 ( Sat ) 11 AM -- Finish

      男子双打: 淘汰赛, 出前 4 名, 半决赛, 出前2 名, 决赛 ( 2 Set ) 出男子

      双打 Toronto Tennis Open 冠亚军


      前8 名 淘汰赛, 成前 4 名, 再半决赛, 出前2 名, 决赛 ( 2 Set ) , 出男子

      单打 Toronto Tennis Open 冠亚军

      男子单打,女子单打 前 4 名都有奖品. ( And Certificate ) < 相约加拿大 ROLIA.NET >

      男子双打前 2 名都有奖品 ( And Certificate )更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Tennis 种子选手
      William Diao ( Championship of Toronto Tennis Open 2005 ) Scarbourgh

      Albert Kuang ( 2nd of Toronto Tennis Open 2005 ) Brampton

      Peter Liu ( Peel Region Youth Championship ) Mississauga

      Who want to be another 种子选手
      • 另一名网球种子选手将是: 罗迪克
    • We have 22 GG and 5 MM .... 5 Double ....now
      GG Single : 22

      William Diao ( 1 st Place of Last Year )
      Albert Kuang ( 2nd Place of Last Year )
      Peter Liu ( Peel Region Youth Championship )
      Allan Xie
      Raymond Li
      Cary Luo
      Fred Lei Ming
      Michael Wang
      Moose Peter Fang
      Richard Hui
      James Ma
      Gong Tao
      Jason Tian
      Wang Difang
      Zhang Wei ( From City of Windsor )
      Danny Pivnick
      Philps Li
      Tony Dong
      Chou Bin

      GG Double: 5

      Albert Kuang , Michael Liu
      Raymond Li , Cary Luo
      Michael Wang , Phlips Li
      Tony Dong, Zhang Jun
      Allan Xie, xxxxxx

      MM Single : 5

      Elbee Du
      Veronica Zhang
      Ellen Wang
      Yer Wong ( Not Sure )
      Vivien Ding

      More Tennis GG and MM are welcomed.....
      • Ms. Zhou ( The MM Championship last year ) will join the Male Single ......
        • She want a little bit challege......and play with guys......
    • Name List
      GG Single : 22

      William Diao ( 1 st Place of Last Year )
      Albert Kuang ( 2nd Place of Last Year )
      Peter Liu ( Peel Region Youth Championship )
      Allan Xie
      Raymond Li
      Cary Luo
      Fred Lei Ming
      Michael Wang
      Moose Peter Fang
      Richard Hui
      James Ma
      Gong Tao
      Jason Tian
      Wang Difang
      Zhang Wei ( From City of Windsor )
      Danny Pivnick
      Philps Li
      Tony Dong
      Chou Bin

      GG Double: 5

      Albert Kuang , Michael Liu
      Raymond Li , Cary Luo
      Michael Wang , Phlips Li
      Tony Dong, Zhang Jun
      Allan Xie, xxxxxx

      MM Single : 5

      Elbee Du
      Veronica Zhang
      Ellen Wang
      Yer Wong ( Not Sure )
      Vivien Ding

      More Tennis GG and MM are welcomed.....
    • New Name List
      New Name List

      GG Single : 25

      William Diao ( 1 st Place of Last Year )
      Albert Kuang ( 2nd Place of Last Year )
      Peter Liu ( Peel Region Youth Championship )
      Allan Xie
      Raymond Li
      Cary Luo
      Fred Lei Ming
      Michael Wang
      Moose Peter Fang
      Richard Hui
      James Ma
      Gong Tao
      Jason Tian
      Wang Difang
      Zhang Wei ( From City of Windsor )
      Danny Pivnick
      Jeff Pillippine ( The Pillippine )
      Philps Li
      Tony Dong
      Chou Bin
      Xiao Wang ( Youth )
      Ms Zhou ( Championship MM last Year .... Will attend GG Single )

      Double: 6

      Albert Kuang , Michael Liu
      Raymond Li , Cary Luo
      Michael Wang , Tiger
      Tony Dong, Zhang Jun
      Allan Xie, Phlips Li
      Elbee Du, Danny Pivnick

      MM Single : 5

      Elbee Du
      Veronica Zhang
      Ellen Wang
      Yer Wong ( Not Sure )
      Vivien Ding

      More Tennis GG and MM are welcomed.....
      • One more Double : William Diao , Yang Peng
    • 算我一个吧, 不过一年多没打了, 感觉不好. 我要搬去MISSISSAUGA了, 算是认认大部队吧.
      • Welcome then.....
    • June 4 Single Match ....June 11 ( Sun ) ( Not June 10 ... Sorry for the mistake...) Men Final and Men Double .
    • Name List
      Name List

      GG Single : 27

      William Diao ( 1 st Place of Last Year )
      Albert Kuang ( 2nd Place of Last Year )
      Peter Liu ( Peel Region Youth Championship )
      Allan Xie
      Raymond Li
      Cary Luo
      Fred Lei Ming
      Michael Wang
      Moose Peter Fang
      Richard Hui
      James Ma
      Gong Tao
      Jason Tian
      Wang Difang
      Zhang Wei ( From City of Windsor )
      Danny Pivnick
      Jeff Pillippine ( The Pillippine )
      Philps Li
      Tony Dong
      Chou Bin
      Xiao Wang ( Youth )
      Ms Zhou ( Championship MM last Year .... Will attend GG Single )
      Kevin Tan

      Double: 7

      Albert Kuang , Michael Liu
      Raymond Li , Cary Luo
      Michael Wang , Tiger
      Tony Dong, Zhang Jun
      Allan Xie, Phlips Li
      Elbee Du, Danny Pivnick ( Mix Double )
      Willian Diao , Yang Peng

      MM Single : 6

      Elbee Du
      Veronica Zhang
      Ellen Wang
      Yer Wong ( Not Sure )
      Vivien Ding
      Jenny Xu

      More Tennis GG and MM are welcomed.....
      • Peter Li and Chen Tao will join us
    • Time: Single Players .....Please come to the location before 10:30 AM June 4, ( Sunday .... NOT Sat.......) Double and Single Finale will be Next Sun June 11....
    • Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 2006 女子组最新 战报
      Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 2006 女子组最新 战报.

      6月 4 日是一个特别的日子.......昨天下起了大雨.....天气凉爽......最少估计不会中暑了........ , 大家的网球热情格外高涨.

      网球场上高挂着 Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 海报, 中国五星红旗 和 加拿大枫叶旗....... 呵呵.....

      女子组来了 5 个 MM . 个个都身手不凡, 各怀绝技, 有些比赛进行的非常激烈.

      最后, Veronica Zhang 6:3 战胜 Elbee Du ......

      Vivian Ding 6:3 战胜 Jenny Xu

      Yer Wong 抽签抡空.....

      Veronica Zhang , Vivian Ding , Yer Wong 分获前三名.......前三名循环赛.....

      最后Veronica Zhang 和 Vivian Ding 毕竟技高一筹,分获前 2 名.....

      值得一提的是:....Elbee Du 也是俱乐部高手....打的有板有眼....节奏掌握的很好....

      Jenny Xu 和 Yer Wong 也各有特点.....

      Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 的女子单打决赛将在下周日举行.
    • Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 2006 男子组最新战报.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 2006 男子组最新战报.

      今天天气凉爽.....很适合打网球...... 大家的网球热情很高.

      网球场上高挂着 中国五星红旗 和 加拿大枫叶旗 还有 Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 海报.

      男子组来了 24 个哥们, 有大批网球好手出现, 抽签分 8 小组, 进行循环赛, 前 2 名出线, 有些比赛进行的非常激烈, 并进行了抢 7 .........


      Peter Liu , Frank Meng ( Leave early )

      Zhang Wei , Richard Hui

      Albert Kuang , David

      Abram , Chen Tao

      Danny Pivnick( Leave early , and replaced by Ray Zhu ) , Bill Xu

      Peter Li , Moose

      Allen Xie , Richard Li

      Tony Dong, Cary Luo

      雪友网三名健将 Cary Luo .....Frank Meng ....., Chen Tao 都进入前十六名......Not too bad ....

      最后进入 Toronto Tennis Open 前 8 名的是:

      Peter Liu

      Zhang Wei

      Albert Kuang

      Peter Li

      Ray Zhu

      Allen Xie

      Tony Dong

      Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 的男子双打比赛.........男子单打前 4 名淘汰赛, 男子单打决赛, ,将在下周日举行.

      非常感谢大家的参与和支持, 有些热心网友冒着高温, 在烈日下做裁判, 及 Volunteer.

      我们在密市又掀起一股网球热潮.......更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Double Name List
      Double Name List : 10

      Time : 11 AM , June 11 , ( SUNDAY)

      Location : Meadow Green Tennis Court......... 6611 Falconer Drive , Mississauga

      3 Double per group ...... The 1, 2 go to the second round......

      Albert Kuang , Michael Liu

      Raymond Li , Cary Luo

      Michael Wang , Tiger

      Tony Dong, Peter Li

      Allan Xie, Richard Zhu

      Elbee Du, Danny Pivnick

      William Diao , Yang Peng

      David Chen, Richard Huang

      Abram , Richard Li

      Phlips Li , xxxxxx

      More Tennis Double Player are welcomed
      • Phlips Li ... Allen Li will join us
    • Watch the French Open on Sunday Morning.... And practise our Tennis Skill after......He, He....
      • I am just wondering when and where the final game will take place? I would also like to join your tennis club, could you let me the requirement for admission? Thanks!
        • June 11 ( Sun ) 11AM - 5 PM Men Double . Men Final ( Finale 8 ) Location: Meadow Green Tennis Court, 6611 Falconer Drive, L5N 1R3 Mississauga ......
        • It is better above level 3 ....
    • Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 2006 男子双打决赛战报
    • Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 2006 女子单打决赛战报:
    • Toronto Chinese Tennis Open 2006 男子单打决赛战报
    • 怎么没有摄影记者们的报道...只有文字的???
      • You Photograper do not come ...... So......Check the Tennis group
        • 怎么才能加入到你们的GROUP里面去啊?
          • join the yahoo group
            • 是不是需要你先把我加进去啊?我还不是你们的成员呢。
    • Congratulations!
      • Come and play next time......
    • 昨天没去,可惜可惜.
      • 我还在想你呢。啥时候有CARPOOL再过来一起玩吧。
        • 下次找个中间点的地方吧.,最好打玩再去玩. hoho
          • 好啊....你安排一下了.....
            • 你上次说的那个玩水的网站地址是什么啊,忘了。
              • www.skisnowboard.ca
          • 我也这么说呢,啥时候一起去蹦的吧。
            • 你常去哪家?
            • 另, 你是哪位GG,SORRY 和网名对不上号?