

If I feel uncomfortable standing there, I would either leave or say somthing, like......

If I feel uncomfortabel standing there, I would either leave or say somthing, like: Not all Chinese are like what you just said, you can see people are being rude everywhere, every places, it doesn't has anything to do with their nationalities or races. What I mean is this white old man was being rude himself, he used bad language, right? he shouldn't use one unpleasant experience to attack all chinese, I think he is either a racist or having prejudice againt chinese. If I were you I would rather say something, He made you feel uncomfortable, and you didn't offend him, right? That's not right , what he said is an offence to all chinese.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 人生足迹 / 一件小事。。。。"damn selfish chinese"
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我是很懒来玛长字的,不过想了想, 还是来和大家share一下这件小事吧。

    昨天去看gay pride parade, 已经快两点钟了,我在leslley / Yonge 的东北角,人已经很多。路已经封了,我站在一对老年白人夫妻的后面,我的前后左右都是人,很不好的spot,看不到什么. :-)



    但是这对少女刚走,这个白人老头就大大声地来了一句。。。。"damn selfish chinese"。我相信旁边十来个人都听得清清楚楚。然后就接着对他妻子讲起某次某次他在一个mall里面被chinese 用手肘"push" 的经历来。

    我站在他们后面,真有那么五分钟吧,还真是“思潮澎湃”的。 呵呵。:-)觉得挺尴尬的,因为我也是a damn chinese 呀。

    1, 这两个美少女作的的确不妥,为了自己的方便让别人(也就是陌生人)不方便。但是她们如果问的是一对年轻人,也许就让她们过了,也不会offended, 或者hard feeling 什么的。
    2, 这个白人老头这么气愤,也有他的理由,可能以前对damn selfish chinese的愤怒已经是积在那里了。
    3, 我觉得我自己应该用不着脸红,又不是我,对不对?但是站在那里不舒服的感觉还是很强很强的。
    4。 又想如果是两个黑人,是不是美少女不知道了哈。这白人老头敢那么大声说damn selfish black吗?。。。。。问题是黑人干这种事的频率会高吗?

    想起接触过的白人,的确是很少很少会为了自己的小方便而给陌生人带来麻烦的。如果真的是不得已(这两个少女的情况还不能算是不得已), 那也会觉得欠了人家大人情,千恩万谢的。。。。而咱们中国人的习惯会觉得,这些根本都不是big deal, 行个方便嘛。可能久而久之,撞了人,也不会说声抱歉了。这好像很难就说成是culture difference 就完了吧。哈哈。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 某天,儿子在玩,挡了路,结果后面有一个黑人妇女说EXCUSE ME.我就马上让了,结果,她PASSBY的时候,说了"WHAT IS MATTER OF YOU"很小声而且极其快,我愣了一下才反应过来.在一年前,类似情况,结果我当场就骂回去了.
    • 小女孩缺点儿眼里见儿而已。老头以前被push多半因为中国人英语不好不知道怎么说"劳驾,借光",这么愤怒说明他没啥涵养~
      • 嘿嘿。 :-)
    • 典型的种族歧视的语言.其实,是可以告他们的.
    • Damn, talking like that is RUDE.
    • If I feel uncomfortable standing there, I would either leave or say somthing, like......
      If I feel uncomfortabel standing there, I would either leave or say somthing, like: Not all Chinese are like what you just said, you can see people are being rude everywhere, every places, it doesn't has anything to do with their nationalities or races. What I mean is this white old man was being rude himself, he used bad language, right? he shouldn't use one unpleasant experience to attack all chinese, I think he is either a racist or having prejudice againt chinese. If I were you I would rather say something, He made you feel uncomfortable, and you didn't offend him, right? That's not right , what he said is an offence to all chinese.
    • 做一个有信心的中国人好不好, 不用太自责了吧. 有机会不要害怕站起来帮自己说话.
      "又想如果是两个黑人, 这白人老头敢那么大声说damn selfish black吗?。。。。。问题是黑人干这种事的频率会高吗?" 你怎么知到黑人不会? 中国人"干这种事的频率"就高呢? 再说了, 这也不是什么大不了的事, 不是有句话: "不打笑面佛"法吗, 从你的叙述看我不觉得那两女孩有什么不对, 相反的是这个白人老头污辱了所有的中国人, 请你做一个有信心的中国人好不好, 不用太自责了吧. 有机会不要害怕站起来帮自己说话. 请原谅我的不同看法.
    • You should say" You old fool!"
    • 我为你站在人家后面忍受了五分钟感到羞辱。女孩再怎么不对,白人老头的话不能那么说。因为那是对所有中国人的歧视和侮辱,而你却认为是一件小事。
    • 做人要把尊严放在第一位。向齐达内学习!
    • 在国内走路要是不碰着别人是不可能的. 很多新来的移民把这些不当回事. 这是事实.
      • I was hit by people and their cars in Chinese store.
        So I go to Western stores. It does not matter whether he/she is, want he/she wants, you will be touched.
      • 这里坐BUS还挤着呢, 更受不了.
    • 白人老头骂的对,俺的4岁孩子在社区就让国人推倒,现在国内来的垃圾太多!
    • You should say "Don't talk behind them, talk to them directly if you don't like what they did"
      That two Chinese girls just trys to see if they can get the convenience. They did nothing wrong. Some of white people even do that kind of thing without asking. Don't be too picky on yourself. That is stupid.