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If you register with Kiehl's main stores, you will get email on your B-day for free products. This year I chose Body lotion that was worth $28 + tax. When you buy 10 products in main stores, you get one free product.

Please note this is policy for Kiehl's main stores.

I have been using this brand since 2005 after rejecting many others, such as Lancome, EL, etc., I think most products from it are suitable for me. The one I love most is Lycopene Facial Moisturizing Cream (for fall and winter) & Lotion (for spring and summer).

Kiehl's main stores are stores operated by the company directly, not ones within the Holt Refrew. The one I went is on the Queen west.

For free samples, you could get as many as you want as long as you have right reasons with BA. I tried a lot before I bought. I believe this is the policy in North America.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / Kiehl's什么时候有礼物送啊?想大采购一次,谢谢!!!
    • I think K never have GWP:( but u can ask BA for some samples
      • 谢谢,就是很多人都说它家的东西好,又是大S推荐,就动了心
        • 它家东西也不是都好。Toner都还不错。牛油果眼霜不错。洗面奶也还行。其他的非常一般。而且从来没有gifts只有大包装的samples.
          • 它家的润唇膏好用么,谢谢!
          • 哦,忘了说了,润唇膏不错,我推荐SPF的那种。
            • 谢了!可想晚上用,1号的还好吧。多少钱呢 ,
              • Lip Palm #1 不错。价格不记得了,7/8快?反正不是很贵。
                • 多谢了!
    • strongly recommend you buy ing a small size gift package first. Give it a try and then decide which one you really need. It's not a one size suits all product.
    • 请问多伦多那里有kiehl's? 谢谢
    • If you register with Kiehl's main stores, you will get email on your B-day for free products. This year I chose Body lotion that was worth $28 + tax. When you buy 10 products in main stores, you get one free product.
      Please note this is policy for Kiehl's main stores.

      I have been using this brand since 2005 after rejecting many others, such as Lancome, EL, etc., I think most products from it are suitable for me. The one I love most is Lycopene Facial Moisturizing Cream (for fall and winter) & Lotion (for spring and summer).

      Kiehl's main stores are stores operated by the company directly, not ones within the Holt Refrew. The one I went is on the Queen west.

      For free samples, you could get as many as you want as long as you have right reasons with BA. I tried a lot before I bought. I believe this is the policy in North America.
      • Agreed with you. I like the K's store much more than the shoppe in HR.