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  • 推荐 OXIO 加拿大高速网络,最低月费仅$40. 使用推荐码 RCR37MB 可获得一个月的免费服务



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / <快乐大本营> 8月长周末加拿大落基山脉9日自助游开始报名. 请PM我
    8月4-12日共9天,Rocky Mountain. 需要从Toronto飞到Calgary. 然后旅行路线是Calgary ->Banff->Jasper->Edmonton->Calgary. Rocky Mountain 在Banff和Jasper之间,用大约7天时间。住宿以Camping为主。

    横跨卑诗省与阿尔伯塔省的落基山脉,有许多国家公园散布其间。长年积雪的山峰、充满了幽深与宁静的湖泊,地球上最出名的山脉景致集中在加拿大落基山公园群的七个系列公园中。在22,990平方米(约合14,300 平方英哩)的保护区里,班芙、嘉士伯、幽鹤和库特尼四个国家公园占了绝大部分。公园里有冰峰、冰河、冰原、湖泊、高山草原和温泉。水秀峰奇,居北美大陆之冠。嘉士伯国家公园内是北美最大的公园,园内有山川、森林、冰河、湖泊。被群山环绕的麦林湖、麦林峡谷是公园内不可多得的胜地。幽鹤公园位于班夫公园的西方,是巧妙地利用大溪谷、冰河、湖泊等自然景观开设的公园,园内的翡翠湖碧绿的湖面照出巴哲斯山的倒影,塔卡考瀑布以410米的落差发出巨响。园内伯吉斯谢尔岩石里有一百五十多块寒武纪中期的海产化石,其中一些已不为今人知晓。

    请大家积极讨论具体景点和行程安排. 还请已经去过以上地点的朋友提供宝贵的经验指点. 谢谢!.


    • 考虑用Kamloops替代Edmonton
      • Good idea. Thx.
    • 请注意, 这次活动仅限70's单身
      • 偶报名,PMed you
    • 现在找到的最好的Deal是: Round C$468+tax$143.84 Toronto->Calgary. : 6:45am-8:55am. Calgary-> Toronto: 6:15pm-11:59pm. Air Canada. 如果谁能找到更好的Deal, 请告诉我. 谢谢.
      • 目前看来这是最好的一个deal了,不过我刚才在westjet上看到一个较为便宜的。0700-0908 Toronto to Calgary, 0035-0617 Calgary to Toronto,价格是408+120.24。唯一的缺点是离开calgary的时间是周一凌晨0点35分。
      • Found this deal from WestJet: Round C$593 includes all flight fees and taxes. Toronto -> Calgary: 7:00am-9:08am; Calgary -> Toronto: 5:00pm-11:51pm
    • I think you better ask for photos as well, not just age, to be on the safe side if you want to have a good view, and what about single mom ? ^o^
      • 70's 单身这个限制主要是考虑, 年龄相近, 时代相近, 没有代沟, 更容易玩到一块. 你想多了吧? :)
    • 现在这个 Group已经满了。 已经报名的请在这个Sunday 下午3点在太古广场旁边的缘续园 meeting讨论这次活动。 其他感兴趣的也可以参加
    • 5月20日的Meeting结果.

      准备组织一个6-10人的团. 现在有超过10个MM给我了PM. PM我的先生只有2位. 男女平衡严重失调. 我这个团里需要至少4位先生. 希望想加入的帅哥和我联系.

      因为需提早定机票, Camping site和酒店等, 希望想参加的人能给我一个定金. 以收到定金为确认. 截止日期是6月3日.

      我会控制男女的平衡, 大约5-6个女生, 4-5个男生. 谢谢.
      • 很多活动让人觉得MM们就是很勇敢,能吃苦:记得有一次长周末Camping,第一晚下大雨(天那,我们连BBQ都没完就躲进帐篷了),第二晚明知还要下大雨,依然主张坚持继续Camping的,就是可爱的MM们。
      • 多伦多MM大大多于GG啊!再加上GG还要回国搬运。不懂问什么还有人反对MM外嫁的??
        • 欢迎众MM们加入我们杀人小组,喜欢杀人游戏的SG不少啊!我们好像一直是SG略略多于MM,而且个个聪明多才。
          • 稍稍冒昧地纠正一下,是: 一直是SG大大多于MM ,LOL
    • It costs $1500 for a "camping" tour ? how expensive it is ! ladies, It's camping for 9 days ! not in hotel rooms ! When it rains there, it pours. I strongly suggest these ladies to think over it twice.
      With that kind of money, you can go to Europe or California, staying in comfortable hotel rooms ! There are so few men signed up for it, you should know the reason why, because men are more experienced and they don't think it is a good idea to camp for 9 days there. Your safety is also in jeopardy if you go there camping for 9 days.
      • For $1500, they can find some nice B&B or Motel. Camping is too hard to girls and think about how many things you have to bring with.
        • $1500/person, 9 days, Aug. long weekend. not enough for stay in hotel. May be stay in hotel at Calgary, Kamloop, Edmonton. Camping in Banff/ lake louise, Jasper, Yoho.
      • You can also go to Caribbean (加勒比海), which is much more beautifull than the Rocky mountains. Even the seashore line in California, with the mountains and the sea, is more beautifull. Go so far to Banff just for the sake of camping ?
        • so? matter of fact, only camping over there can really experience the natural beauty.
          • may be true, for people who like camping. This is a different experience from ordinary sightseeing tours. Yes, camping is for people who want to experience the nature.
        • I think they are different experience.
      • Air ticket $600/person + 4 nights hotel$170-200/per room/per day + 4 Days camping, 2-3 camping site, about $35/per site/per nights + 2 Mini Vans $1300 for 9 days + gas $150-200 for total 1500km per car.
        • This is just the worst case estimate. the real cost may be lower