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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / 男士征婚: 正人, 正职, 正事, 正解
    I am trying to find a girl friend that may lead to marriage and a family with two kids. It's hard to tell who will be my favor girl, because love is blind.

    I am 35 years young, physically above average, and still a virgin man. I enjoy my life very much, I am easy-going, optimistic, ambitious and hard-working; I have professional designation and a nice job; I enjoy music, ballroom dancing, sports and social life; I have good relationship with my female coworkers, female classmates and female friends etc.

    Nice things worth trying, and nice dream worth pursuing. If you are interested, please send me a message and try me out, and probably you are the one for the Golden Rule of my love: (你 and 我) = (你 or 我) = 你 = 我
    • virgin man ? Can you prove it ? ha ha ha, non-sense !
    • how much assets do you have ? girls wants security, not a virgin man !
      • Don't be sarcastic. It's not for you man. Go to do something else for fun.
    • 就比较好奇的说, 这个招婚启事是给嘛人看的? 怎么题目是中文, 里边是半调子英文,你这不是两边都打动不了吗?
      • I am not good at either of Chinese and English.
        • 那你的母语是啥? 既然都不好, 还是找本族的8, 不然交流起来有困难, 以后咋过日子啊
          • Mandarin is my first language, but it is very unconvenient for me to type in block of Chinese.
            • 兄弟,这么人生大事和打字的辛苦相比,哪个更重要呢?如果你不愿意为此多花心思,MM怎么敢托付终身呢?
              • She is not in my target market if she can not understand my English.
        • 所以阁下不是目标市场诉求对象拉
        • 其实不仅仅是你有没有能力表达,而且也在于你有没有那么去思考,有没有一颗浪漫的心,有没有想想和MM在一起如何幸福生活,而不是仅仅找一个老婆。
          • The humor and romance is in the bottom of my heart and is reserved in private for her and me.
    • 圣人横空出世!
    • good relationship with girls ? are you implying you're a women-pleaser 情圣? ha ha ha, LOL, another 臭虫!
    • I suggest you rewrite it and post another ad, what you wrote is garbage.
    • Feel it's written foro business , not for love. Something could be described in a romantic way.
      • 文如其人. That is my presence.
        • Seems your first language is cantonese. in that case, it is reasonable that u are virgin at 35.
          • LOL.
          • 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈ILOVETHESEWORDS
            • Why laughing? What I meant is that fairly big proportion of Cantonese are pretty serious about life and sex. They might be slightly more practical than others but it is not necessary wrong.
              • 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈有个成语叫什么来着:越描越污 啊?啊啊?/啊啊啊??
                • Typical Jerk's talk.
                  • 言重了不敢当,只是在按大小姐的思路推理而已。。。哈哈哈
    • suggest you to go to some caucasian dating web sites and pick up some ideas there.
      • i don't see anything wrong within this post, expect for being posted in the wrong section.
        • I think it is in the right section, since singles browse this section.
        • 是的, 我也觉得LZ是一个很不错的小伙子。他对自己要求很高,没有游戏人生。如果我是个女孩,我会PM他的。只是我觉得他可以写得更浪漫些。或许参加一些活动,让女孩在活动中生活中接触了解他,可能更好。我相信,女孩会慢慢发现他的丰富内心世界的。
          • 我一直想说。。大声滴 真心诚意滴 言有由衷 如假包换滴说:比起水兄的大智慧,我等尽是小聪明!
            • 你捧了我好多次场,我一直在想该如何报答。我页还在苦苦思考你是哪一位,我真的很惭愧我还没有对上号。PM一点hints吧。谢谢。
              • 江湖儿女 说这些。。。
          • if he is not a romatic guy, then what is the sense of pretending? If everyone shows the true colour from day 1, definitely less chaos afterwards.
            Being romantic is not always a positive point. being urself is.
            • 人和人不同吧。好像你我都看到了LZ的魅力。不过生活总是需要一些调味品。虽然知道平平淡淡才是真,但是也不希望否则自始至终索然寡味。
    • your ad imply that you are a very hot guy, and girls would be lucky to be your girlfriend, but there isn't anything in your ad that makes you attractive, LOL
      • I personally don't think many great girls will be interested in this guy, because he is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.
        • don't be fooled - 什么virgin, 等等 bullshit ! 真厚面皮,装纯情,LOL, 小心呀!
          • It might be true, but honestly speaking, most women incluidng myself do NOT care about whether guys are virgin or not. :)
            • you may simply ignore this and value his other merits. I believe he is a very good guy.
              • Just because I think he might be too good to be true does NOT mean that I think he is NOT a good guy. I just don't understand why a regular nice or good guy has to describe himself as a superman.
                • I don't feel LZ is a superman from his ad. I do feel he is a very good guy. I also feel it might be more realistic if he could give up his perfectionism attitude to life.
                  • Perhaps, this is the difference between a man and a woman? I, as a female reader, feel he is OK, but not interesting.
                    • Maybe. Girls may focus on feeling more while guys focus on facts more.
                      • Girls focus on what is behind the guy's facts or words, not the facts or words themselves. For example, by reading he is a virgin, girls might get the impression that the guy is ACTUALLY NOT TRADITIONAL,
                        cause he can talk about something so private and personal in his first post online.
                        • See, girls focus on something subtle and unspoken.
                        • Agreed. Also it seems LZ cares virgin much and may prefer a virgin girl too altough he didn't mention it.
        • U never know. nothing is impossible! plus 千江有水千江月, 万里无云万里天.
          • I wonder why such a great guy cannot find a girl in reality, instead, he has to depend on rolia for help. :)
            • "当然他对女孩的要求也很高,所以至今没有找到合适的。" #3671177 可能他是完美主义。
              • Based on the fact that he turns to rolia for help, I personally do not think he is a guy who 对女孩的要求也很高.
                • I feel nothing wrong with using rolia as a mean to get to know new people. it is just a channel.
                  positive and active ppl make fully use of everything. i guess the core part is his motivation, just want to play around or actually look for something seirous and meaningful.
                  • It is nothing wrong, just that I myself do not perceive rolia as the best place or even a good place to find great or excellent partners for life.
          • 到你found out 的时候,可能已被骗了!
            • smart girls won't
              • Lots of smart girls end up miserable, because they are SMART.
                • maybe they are clever, not smart. If a girl pursues realistic true love, not unrealistic love nor money, etc., it should not be so difficult to find out.
        • 倒不一定。我的判断是他对生活对自己有很高的标准。所以他应该是一个内心世界很富有的人。当然他对女孩的要求也很高,所以至今没有找到合适的。如果哪位MM真和他对上号了,生活应该会很幸福。至少他的丰富精神世界就能让她生活多姿多彩。
          • Sorry that by reading his stuff, I personally do not feel his 内心世界很富有. I feel IT-Uncle's 内心世界 is richer than his. :)
            • Agreed. IT-Uncle has so many posts and got opportunities to expose his rich spirit. But LZ wrote only a short ad and is not long enough to expose it. Also LZ
              • Actually I think his first post is quite long. :) Long but ...:))))))))
                • long but no attractive, especially not attractive to girls. He could have written in in a more romantic way. E.g. he enjoys music. He might write a paragragh to describe the feelings of his favored music.
                  • Not necessarily romantic, but tidy, short, clean and factual.
                    • 嗯。我对asker MM的睿智仰慕已久。
                      • i will suggest you go straight forward...... PM her...
                        • I admire her but am not confident to chase her. Thank you any way.
                          • 为什么不试一下,感觉你们很和谐,真的。她锋芒,你包容。
                            • hey, everyone suggest that, you should try!
              • But even one short sentence of IT-Uncle can demonstrate that he is humorous, active and lively like a jumping star.
                • Agreed. I admired IT_Uncle's literate capability too.
                  • See, I am not lying about IT-Uncle's talent. :) Thanks. :)
    • 现在给大家布置一个家庭作业:《一个征婚广告的背后》
      • Upon succeed in this matter, I would be happy to present the story behind the scene.
        • The homework is not for you though. It's for other people. Good luck.
    • 仁者见仁, 智者见智; 君子成人之美. Thank 仁者 and 智者for the comments and inspiration.
    • 昨天我还在说LZ的广告写得没有感情。今天看了一个更硬派的,看不懂了。
      • these guys makes it sound like there are tons of girls out there begging for them. These guys must have come from somewhere like Ethiopia where people are begging them for food and shelter.
      • that is not CHinese,
        • I have no idea he is Chinese or not, but I am 100% sure that English is NOT his first language.
          • lol his english sux.. i guess either Russion or Middle east..
            • Not sure, but one thing I want to ensure you is that quite a few guys from East Europe or Middle East that I met are EXCELLENT AT English writing, even though they speak English not that well.
      • I wonder what kind of language he can speak, cause obviously, he cannot write English well and correctly. Even a local high school drop-out can understand better that after "mind", we have to use "verb + ing".
          • Do you mean "it's a big world after all"? Write Chinese, if you want to get understood better. Thanks.
            • 你明知顾问嘛 语言的功能是什么牙,是交流表达,而不是XB炫耀:既然你已懂的我的意思,那就行啦,这个论坛是语法练习课吗?如果我用中文错字了,您也会这么认真滴给我指出吗?谢谢也
              • Sorry for being harsh on you guys. :)
                • 没问题,阁下英文好也是为国争光AFTERALL HAHA
                • 你好象一直不说话了,是不是真的去了英文论坛?我发觉我对美女太刻薄了不厚道,不想离开论坛了还被记恨我解释以下:1因为你一见我错字就认定你英文比我好,说明你太骄傲,2你笑话很多人用英文是用WEAKNESS,我不觉得你的英文可能好过你的中文啊
                  • I would like to tell you that this is my last reply to you, since you have been wondering why I didn't reply to you as soon as possible for quite a while. I have no interest in those posts like yours that are meaningless.
                    • Oh, almost forgot to let you know that your Chinese IS INDEED MUCH MUCH BETTER THAN YOUR ENGLISH. kEEP ON.
                    • ME TOO!BYEBYE LA
        • Sorry that I might be too harsh, but I personally do not think he is EDUCATED at all, because an EDUCATED gentleman would say "I don't mind learning" instead of "I don't mind to learn". I wonder how many educated women will get interested .
      • I am sorry for being harsh on them. I don't think they are bad guys, but I just cannot stand that they seem so ignorant of their own weakness. For God's sake, if you are not good at English , please just use Chinese or whatever language
        you are great at to demonstrate that you are stylish, you are manly, and you are truly EDUCATED.
      • 我倒没有留意那个家伙的英语表达。我只是觉得他并不care别人的感觉。不知道是否真有女孩联系他。如果和他在一起,不知道女孩能否感觉到爱。或许他并不是在找爱情,而仅仅是找乐子。
        • i think you are 100% correct. He is just coming here look for........
      • 那个家伙修改了广告词, 没那么牛气了,当然还是看得出来他要找临时乐趣而已。
        • you always keep your eyes on it ha? how about yourself? found someone? do not just play and waste your time...
          • Sometime when I am bored, I browse all new posts to kill time. I don't find a girl this way. I don't post ad and don't respond to ad.
    • For those who want to make comments, please focus on broad picture instead of tiny details. Please do not discuss unrelated topics here.
      • VERY RELEVANT: Are you really a virgin ? Can we examine you ?
        • Yes, I am. Unfortunately, you don't have that qualification to test me. Please save your time to see the psychiatrist.
          • Seems you are a person with strong mind. plus 1 point. i encourge girls to PM u
            • hey, what about yourself ???? Have you PM him already ? IF you don't want him, don't persuade other girls to go for him, ok ? You think you are higher than other girls ? Don't push other girl to take the risk, ok ?
              There are so many guys who go to the activities, girls should choose someone they have seen, talked to, observed, and played together, not someone who post a stupid ad saying himself is a virgin, ok ? IF you want other girls to get to know him, you should be the first Guinea pig, ok ?
              He doesn't even bother to go to the activities, just want to stay in the dark and grab someone, if he goes to the activities, there are so many girls he can meet, why is there a need to post a stupid ad ? Someone who emphasize the fact that he is a virgin must be an abnormal person, not just "un-traditional" person.

              You should only recommend the guy if you know him personally, ok ? Do you know him personally ?
              • 同意,呵呵:)he is in the dark.......
                • I am not in the dark, I may be your friend, or the friend of your friend, or you have seen me somewhere somehow, but did not chat up …
                  everyone is unique deep in the heart, and it is not easy to put your heart on the table for others to understand you and then love you, … I think the ad online is a good way for a strange female to get to know me.
              • Shame on me! I didn’t realize what I said disturbed you so much. I sincerely apologized.
                On a separate note, one thing I want to make it clear is that I see positive points from crap and seems that you only see crap even among crystal. Is it the right attitude towards others/life?
                • There are very pretentious people out there, and they lie all the time, even if you ask them repeatedly, they would lie to you repeatedly. You must have come from a small city. Please don't trust other people so easily, especially on the web.
                  That's for your own good, and for others, since you tell others to trust him.
                  What this guy say reminded me of someone I know who is a player, that's why I say he is lying. I actually thought that he was the guy I knew.
                  • Why do I feel you judge people in an assaulting way? Anyway, I am off from the argument.
                    Indeed I am questioning why i got myself involved into the meanless argument in the first place. it proved that 10% of ppl are psycho and i am definitely one of them. Fine, I change my ID to " i am psycho with certificate (我是疯子我有证)". YOU WIN!
                    • PM him, if you really like him so much, he would be glad to have you. Why do you persuade others to go for it and do nothing yourself ? Or are you waiting for him to contact you ? It doesn't make sense if he is so good and you don't pursue him.
                      I really don't think you are so generous to hand over such a good man to others. Can you give us a reason ? If you want to convince other girls to pursue him, you must first answer this question, don't you think so ?
                      adventure(无限风光), this is your big chance, she must like you very much as she speaks highly of you, don't miss this big opportunity. I think she is a very beautifull lady.
                      • Just met the beautiful lady u mentioned in downtown. Have you really met her? i seriously cast doubts on your standard of beauty.
          • you mean the psychiatrist will examine you ? yeh! you are right, a psychiatrist is better qualified to examine you.
      • 哎呀,我帮你找个反面教材,让MM更容易看到你的优点,是在帮你造市啊,不是无关话题啊。而且MM对细节具有先天的敏锐,不能不注意啊。细节更能体现真实情况。大套话谁不会说啊。是不?
    • If a girl want you to prove that you're a virgin, what'd you do ??? LOL. You don't expect educated people would take your words for granted, right ? Also, What actually do you want girls to think of you when you tell them that you are a virgin ?
      What are you trying to imply by saying that you're a virgin ? That you are a very sexually conservative man with good control of yourself ? that you won't commit adultery ? Or that you will be a very good sex partner if a girl has sex with you ? What is it that you want girls to think of you when you tell them you are a virgin ? Why is it important to state that in your ad ?
      My reasoning is that you are lying so that foolish and lower-level girls would think that you are trustworthy. A man who is really virgin would not mention it in his ad. because it is a private matter and it really doesn't serve any meaningfull purpose except to trick some lower-class uneducated girls.
      If you really are a virgin, then there is something wrong with your hormone, go check it out with a doctor, there is really nothing to boast about. Another possibility is that you are really unattractive, no girls want to do anything with you.
      • I am ready for any questions and endeavor for love, but I am not interested in answering your question based on your assumption and silly logic from your non-logical writing.
        The effective communication is based on respect and trust, otherwise, it is just a fool of yourself in public.

        I am telling the fact and truth by my ad in exchange for the humor, knowledge, elegance, inspiration and … … most importantly… … the love. You can judge me by my ad. And I can judge you by the way you judging me. By the way, my ad is not for everyone.
        • eraser is not doing the right thing not to question you before telling other ladies to approach you. She doesn't even know you and she told others that you are trustworthy and tell others that you are a great guy. This is irresponsible behaviour.
          The worst thing is she doesn't do what she preaches, she didn't approach you herself - "to try you out" - as you put it, it is hard to believe she really believe in what she told others. May be she just want to show people that she is a very sincere and approachable person, that's all she is trying to do.
          • 我有罪! 你能停止对我的抨击了吗?
          • SeEms YoU arE PsYcHo and iLLitEraTe… I don't know what you are talking about.
            • ha ha ha, go to EsL CLasS, learn some more EnGLisH, then you will understand.
          • u r right, looks like she is kind of "nice" or 宽容. Is that only your point? what's your contribution, other than making others feel guilty?
            • are you a girl, why don't you listen to erase and PM that guy ? If you're a guy, I think you're trying to suck up to her. What's her contribution ? pushing other girls to PM that guy, doing matchmaking without considering if that guy is lying.
            • my contribution is warning girls of the risk of approaching that guy. Even if they approach him, they should take caution, keep some doubt on him, which is what people should always do when responding to dating ads.
              • 做人要有原则,作马甲id也要有原则(不同的):说了不做,做了不说。你现在这完全不符合作马甲的规则。送你个笑话:一位乘客在汽车上对没能上车追着汽车跑的售票员说:师傅,你就别追了。
                • ??!! non-sense ! You're the only one who knows what this joke means. You must be a guy, are you erase's secret admirer ?
                  • 师傅,你就别追了
                    • ??? !!!! non-sense.
                  • Any chance anyone can delete the whole thread?
                    I truly apologize for the argument, especially to LZ, I really didn't intent to get your ad into an ugly and nasty fight. Plus I entirely accept abc332’s advice, we do need to know ppl better (or true color) before jumping into anything.
                    abc332, sorry for irritating you so much.
                    • there is no damage to LZ, his ID is new anyways, he can use another ID and post another dating ad. I voice my opinion so that people can see both sides of the coin and think of both possibilties.
                      me get irritated ? this is what BBS is all about - to voice one's opinion, you have the right to voice your opinion, I have my right to voice my opinion, so readers can see both sides of the argument.
                      You said LZ is trustworthy, it is a big opportuntity for girls, and all that. I said he is lying about himself, so it balances out. Readers will think about both possibilities.
            • It's 1:45am, you don't have to sleep ?
        • what did I say is illogical to you ?
          • 有逻辑, 但全无用处
            • "有逻辑, 但全无用处" --- very illogical, non-sense !
              • 看来你是用错坐标系了,系统误差,光有逻辑是没用的。
                • another secret admirer. No need to tell me, I know you are a guy.
    • LZ是一个很不错的小伙子. But 1. LZ " still a virgin man" , 即正男. 这一点,非常有趣, 要加以解释. 2. LZ want " try me out ",这一点不正道. 要加以解释, 如何试婚.
      • Translation is not interpretation. Less is more. Only the girl who can interpret me correctly will be touching my heart.
        • Do you understand the difference between translation and interpretation in this matter? I think some of us including myself are quite interested in how many women have actually responded to your AD.
          Mind letting us know?
          • It takes time. Please stay tuned for the result.
            • It seems that you are a very respectful, patient and mild-tempered human being. Wish you good luck. :)
    • 急于求成,请大家支招. 如果年底不成,只好回国当搬运工 --- . 一个单身老移民的烦恼 !
      • 在MM面前可不能做急色鬼啊
        • 不会晚节不保的.
          • I don't mean you should be promiscuous, but I don't understand why you seemingly take having sex with women other than your future wife as 晚节不保.
        • I don't think finding a wife is 急色鬼, if he is trying to find a wife.
          • If your mind solely focuses on wife hunting, you may put yourself under too much pressure. Break your long-term goal into short-term measurable objectives: first find some great female friends, then dates, then girlfriend, and eventually wife.
            Some girl may not look like or behave like a wife material in the first place, but deepdown, you've never known, unless you give her more time to show her true colour to you.

            On the other hand, some girls may feel intimidated by your wife-hunting plans, while they are not fully ready.

            Just take it easy.
            • I agree with you. I have some very close female friends, and some of them liked/loved me, but …I was just not in the Mood Pink… I am not smart and attractive, but I have comparatively smart mind, too much fancy… no cure !
              • good ads for yourself, hahaha
                • Not really at least from a female reader's perspective.
                  • why?? doesn't he want to approve by above words that he's charming?
                • All of my disclosure is true, plain and accurate.
                  • 我老淫虫支持你!
              • Sorry to say so, but I do agree that you are not smart and attractive at least on internet, so that you have a long way to go. Keep on.
        • 我也是单身老移民,比你还惨,我连想回国做搬运工的时间都没有。
          • " Nothing is easy ." That is life.
      • you are just 35 years old, what are you talking about "老移民" ? There are so many girls who is around 30 years old. You have lots of time !
        • 35 is definitely not old, but not young either.
      • I will definitely stay tuned to this one. Again, good luck.
      • 不失为一个好主意:)
    • 正经否?
    • 来加拿大8周年纪念日,吃饱喝足呐喊一声: 我的未来不是梦~~~~~ !
      • 问你一个重要问题,看看你还有没有机会找到老婆。这个重要问题就是:
        • 这个问题太重要啦 ... ...
          我一定要拉着你的手告诉你我的答案。我们抽空见个面吧 ?!
          • 看来中文没学好,"后黑学"学了不少。看你还有胆,过一招tip给你。

            • 呵呵:—0
            • I don't understand your tip.
          • 兄弟,太油了,MM被吓跑了。
            • 仍然没有领悟MM 的tip ...... 一句话吓跑不知多少MM,追悔莫及。
          • 光天化日之下,公然调戏良家妇女,还自称症人。你去死吧,换个马甲再投胎回来。
      • Looking forward to reading your 16th anniversary report.
        • 请你先预测一下我未来八年的走势与业绩 ?!
          • OK, here you go: in terms of relationship, you would very possibly stay single. Sorry to say so, cause I feel something in your posts subtly indicates that you won't be ready for a relationship and commitment till you get 81 years old. :)
            • Keep staying single for 81 years... :( hey ... do ...you... have solution for me? I wanna change ASAP.
              • 一定给他介绍小鸟依人的MM。 -int_arts(int_arts); 16:06 (#3713223@0)
    • 说说你对女方的要求呢?年龄相貌身高体重职业等等等等。说不准我们正好有认识的。或者那个女孩看到了认为自己符合条件就会PM你呢。
      • 鱼和熊掌我都喜欢. but 愿意为我做无米之炊的巧妇将是我的最爱。
        • 给些解释吧!怎么忽然觉得你是在钓鱼啊?
    • It is tough to be a VIRGIN, even for a man.
      • You mean men can stay psychologically virgin, not necessarily physically so?
    • Oh, brother. Got a girlfriend yet? :)
      • Got nothing.
      • I am still expecting the unexpected.
        • 你还有完没完了。
        • 本来大家都觉得你还不错的,可惜三言两语就露馅了。看来网上化浓妆的还是不少,说得比唱还好听。说白了,你的品质不行。你还是照这个 #3698197 去做吧.
          • Humor could be poisonous to those unprepared to take it.
    • I think you are a good man, looking for a pretty wife, well, 窈窕淑女,君子好求, good luck !
    • 相信你是正经人。不过大多数人来这儿是放松,甚至发泄的,你要找正解还需通过正常渠道啊!还是想办法找人 介绍吧!
      • I think adventure should ask aunt int_arts to introduce nice girls.
        • 一定给他介绍小鸟依人的MM。
          • 仿佛无限风光就在眼前!Thank you so much.
          • 一条龙服务啊:(#3707146@0)
    • 中文说不好木关系, 偶做一回雷锋,帮你翻一下哈 - 网上翻的,八成准吧
      我设法找到也许导致婚姻和一个家庭与二个孩子的女朋友。它是困难告诉谁将是我的厚待女孩, 因为爱是轻率。 我是35 年年轻人, 完全在平均之上, 和仍然一个处女人。我非常享有我的生活, 我脾气随和, 乐观, 雄心勃勃和勤勉; 我有专业指定和一个好的工作; 我享有音乐、舞厅跳舞、体育和社会生活; 我好与我的女性工友、女性同学和女性朋友有合作关系等。 好的事值得尝试, 和好梦想值得追求。如果您感兴趣, 请送我信和审判我, 并且您大概是那个为我的爱良好行为准则: (? 和?) = (? 或?) =? =?
      • absolutely hilarious...lol
    • **********************************谢绝进一步跟帖,欢迎发短信,谢谢大家!*****************************************************************************************************************************
    • 心里想要一份无限完美的东西是可以理解的,haha,瞧你们大家把人家给损的,我想找男朋友想结婚,朋友推荐上这里看看,第一次来就看到这个,笑。。。晕。。。haha
    • 这个你合适。#3800435