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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / EL在HR送的包包,彩图
    • 看起来很不错.准备出手. :))非常感谢!!
      • 不知道Bay送的是不是一样的,如果是,偶打算等一等
        • 谢谢好心的MM! THE BAY的向来都比HR的差,门堪就不一样啊!HR 60刀.THE BAY最多是36刀.
          • 9494……
          • 谢谢好心的洋河大曲,我收到你的PM了
    • HR是什么?
      • Holt Renfrew
    • 那个大包是不是太大了,干啥用呢?
      • While travelling to cottages?:)
      • 买菜
    • I will pass, cause I don't like the bags very much. :)
      • yeah...
    • 彩妆的腮红有点老气,不过很喜欢那个小化装包~
      • 他家有什么60元以上值得推荐的东西?
        • HR网站上就有,最贵的那个白金系列,一个眼霜就175,绝对不担心买不够60
          • 偶用好象太早了:-) 有无什么好的面霜可以推荐的? 买单件超过60才送吗?
            • 说实话偶也没买过,也在等答案呢
            • 是总价够60就行。最简单,ANR超过60了。
        • 它家的东西只用过唇彩、眼影和腮红,以前用过眼膜,现在好像不生产了,ANR不错,价位好像也刚刚好.
        • 我用过ANR的Prodective Recovery Complex, 超级好用,特别是加班熬夜,睡眠不足时,效果尤为显著。我这次打算再买这个,嗬嗬,没有它心里都不踏实。
          • 这个似乎比国内卖得都贵吧?
            • 这个我不是很清楚,但我查过sasa网站上的价格,这里买应该比在国内买要便宜一点吧。
              • 这里50ml的多少钱?偶记得国内7、800能买到
                • http://www.esteelauder.com.cn/templates/products/multiproduct.tmpl?CATEGORY_ID=CAT2950
                • 这里:50ml/$93+TAX,30ml/$63+TAX.
                  • 跟国内差不多了。偶发现EL在这里的售价真的是贵,只有那个所谓的白金系列才显得比国内便宜。那个面霜国内居然要5400/50ml
    • 还是想知道The Bay送的东东跟HR有多大差别?偶知道那个大包肯定是没有了,但小包还是有的吧?小包里的东西有多少差别呢?听说The Bay可以多送gift,那么怎样才能拿多些呢?
      • The saleswoman of the bay at the queen told me on the phone that you can get more gifts, if you buy more and pay more.
      • bay 的东西差很多。
      • Just got back from HR, and the 大包 are still there.
    • 所送礼包的清单
    • Just got back from HR and the Bay. To me, the HR bags seem to look better in the photo. The Bay starts on Aug.15. I pre-ordered a toner by giving them my credit card number.
      The bay GWP has 9 items in total including 2 bags (one small, one big), moisturizer, 唇彩、眼影和腮红, etc. (Sorry that I can't remember all the details, cause the two gift sets (one cool set, one warm set) are not there yet, and the saleswoman only showed me the photos.)

      I chose the cool set.
      • How is the Bay gift bag?
        • Sorry that I can't remember it exactly, but it seems close to cinnamon type of cold colour ,cause the photo the saleswoman showed me was kind of small, and she had to serve other customers as well, so that I was in a hurry.
          • thanks.
      • 偶也去HR看过实物了,比较失望的说……
        • I will let you gals know when I get my stuff after 15 Aug.
    • 这个包不错。