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Chiropractic "practice-builder" convicted of insurance fraud.

Halstead goes down for the count

* Chiropractic "practice-builder" convicted of insurance fraud.
A federal jury in Clarksburg, West Virginia has found Ronald L. Halstead, D.C., and two West Virginia chiropractors guilty of charges relating to a conspiracy to commit mail fraud and health care fraud. Halstead was found guilty of one count of conspiracy, 14 counts of health care fraud, and 11 counts of money laundering; and William C. Filcheck Jr. D.C., and Scott G. Taylor , D.C. were both found guilty of one count of conspiracy and 14 counts of health care fraud. A fourth defendant, Robert B. Burns, Jr., D.C., who owned the clinics in which the fraud took place, has been arrested in Ireland and is fighting to prevent extradition to face the charges. The scheme involved the submission of false claims to Medicare and private insurance companies for more than $2.8 million in order to evade payment limitations. Halstead has been teaching chiropractors how to boost their incomes for more than 20 years. A 1981 advertisement for his audiotaped practice-management course stated that he saw over 700 patients per week and had made nearly $800,000 in 1980 but, due to investments and "proper income tax planning," had paid no income tax for 7 consecutive years. Not long afterward, he was convicted of Medicaid fraud in Illinois. In 1982, he moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, where he operated Practice Systems, a practice-management firm that taught chiropractors how set up high-volume MD/DC practices for rehabilitating injured patients. During the 1990s, ads for his seminars boasted that many of his clients had increased their income by $50,000 per month and that a few were producing over $300,000 per month. The indictment noted that the chiropractors used scripts created by Halstead that were designed to (a) persuade new patients that they had serious spinal conditions, even if they did not; (b) persuade the patients that their "conditions" could be effectively treated by chiropractic manipulation and other means; and (c) overcome any objections the prospective patients had to the type, frequency, length, and cost of the proposed treatments. The clinic staff then followed protocols devised by Halstead to order treatment based on the scope of the patients' insurance coverage rather than their actual physical conditions and needs. Chirobase has posted Halstead's 1981 ad, samples of his scripts, a copy of the indictment, and further details about the case.
* Original charges on DoD web site The defendants billed and/or caused to be billed Federal health care benefits programs in the name of medical doctors for more than $2.8 million for tests, treatments and other services when these services were actually provided by chiropractors. By falsely indicating the referenced medical services were performed by a medical doctor, when they were not, the defendants received reimbursement for services to which they were otherwise not entitled.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / 几千福利用不上,买洗发水香皂还要自己掏. 诚心请教,请推荐家美容按摩院可以用公司福利报点能用的东西,CASH最好.不方便请PM.谢.
    • how many shampoo and soap you can use? so cheat, so cheap!
    • very instersting point
    • 做做皮肤护理,SPA,按摩什么的不就得了。香波,香皂才值几个钱呀。
      • 能做的都做了.再说福利也是自己的血汗钱呀.
        • 你说的是保险能报的一些项目,比如按摩什么的吧?你还能把所有的保险项目都用尽了?还是老老实实的,没毛病就别瞎报。再说仨瓜俩枣的不值得。
        • 福利还真不是血汗钱, 是保险. 如果大部分人都把额度用满, 就不是这个价格了.
          • 支持!希望LZ和跟LZ有相同想法的人都能有心去了解什么叫保险什么是福利。摒弃这种视不占便宜为吃亏的心理!
    • so cheat, so cheap!
    • 什么福利可以用在美容按摩院啊?
    • 为人处事总要有一个度,即底线,这个底线就是知道什么是羞耻。适当利用一下灰色地带并不过分,但你的这种行为显然远远超出了灰色地带。如果来加拿大的中国人都这样“精明”,中国人的信用将真成了问题。
      • 严重同意!
      • 这里是法制社会。合法就行。那些政客滥用公币不也正大光明?
        • What she is asking is called insurance fraud, not legal. I hope you understand.
        • 笑话,单从报销福利中拿cash back的, 就肯定不合法!
        • this is typical chinese thought
        • there is no 道德 or 良心 in your mind
        • 楼上的,我没有说支持这种做法,只是提醒不要上纲上线,不要动不动又把所有中国人都牵扯进去。要做道德卫士的人,请先自检。
          • 你的逻辑很“特别"的说。难道谴责不道德行为的人就一定是卫道士?恐怕连你自己都觉得过份吧。
            • 难道谴责某一个人某一件事,就一定要把所有中国人都拉进去么?你的逻辑好像不“特别”噢。怪不得很多人都动不动会把别人的祖宗十八代都带上,原来同属一种逻辑。
          • 我被楼上两贴的逻辑搞糊涂了. 你的第一贴我的理解是,占小便宜缺德只要不违法谁也管不着,因为这里是法制社会, 那些政客不也在缺德占小便宜吗? 你第二贴的解释是, 你并没有支持缺德占小便宜,只是提醒不要上纲上线. 但从你第一贴里看不到第二贴的意思.
      • 的确有关国人的品质信誉问题!
    • 总之这是一个明目张胆的不合法的贪小便宜贴,前人堵了后人路,这样的话,过不了几年,该有的福利也没了
      • 是的,这种医疗,牙医保险实际是公司自己出的,保险公司只是按照比例收取管理费.所以如果公司员工都这么干,公司的保险福利成本上升,最终的结果就是福利下降,或者个人支出的比例上升.
        • What you are saying is true for very very big employers...
        • 只收管理费? 保险公司又不是物业公司.越说越搞笑了.
          • 你LS的说得很对的. 保险公司收取管理费,按实际开销跟投保公司实报实消.这是很普遍一种方法,羊毛就是出在羊身上.这羊不是公司的所有者,而是打工的每一位! 跟社会福利一样,诈骗社会福利的人多了,社会承担不起,大家的基本福利就得减.
      • 顶!
        • 这些人在透支在加长期居住的中国人的信用,呼吁有良知的中国人:见到任何缺德行为,立即举报!
          • 就像你说的,有些灰色地带是可以合法利用的。只是觉得这种思维不能形成惯性。不好有不占便宜就吃亏的心理。不能摆出谁都欠咱的姿态。
            • 总算有位明白人.
          • LZ的要求没什么不合理的.最近的众多文章也在评论多伦多不合理的税收福利制度.
    • 回几个无聊典型中国人思维.
      1. 咱不是开按摩院的. 100%消费者. 既然人家有合法执照可以经营, 服务促销包括现金返还,送礼券等为什么不能选择? 至于公司如何运作, 咱不象这里某些精力富裕的人, 不清楚也不想搞清楚人家的事. 有经营执照, 也有服务内容为什么顾客不能选择?
      2. 听说有这样的服务所以问问.知道的热心人就告诉.不知道的请保持沉默, 不必着急上火好象占了自家的利益. 至于说到合法与否, 看了回贴的人都是瞎嚷嚷, 真正知道法律的没一个.

      最后, 不要走到哪里总是中国人的思维. 总是不知道自己是谁, 该说的时候说不出, 不该管的时候不给钱也乱管.
      • 我可以告诉你这不合法,不过你也不愿意听是不?有合法执照可以经营不代表所作所为都是合法的,这个不用我举例子吧?
        • 典型国人的思维, 总以为自己是XXX. 你说不合法就不合法了? 这里人的判断也只是个人看法. 如果美容院有问题也是政府和他们之间的事.
          • Chiropractic "practice-builder" convicted of insurance fraud.
            Halstead goes down for the count

            * Chiropractic "practice-builder" convicted of insurance fraud.
            A federal jury in Clarksburg, West Virginia has found Ronald L. Halstead, D.C., and two West Virginia chiropractors guilty of charges relating to a conspiracy to commit mail fraud and health care fraud. Halstead was found guilty of one count of conspiracy, 14 counts of health care fraud, and 11 counts of money laundering; and William C. Filcheck Jr. D.C., and Scott G. Taylor , D.C. were both found guilty of one count of conspiracy and 14 counts of health care fraud. A fourth defendant, Robert B. Burns, Jr., D.C., who owned the clinics in which the fraud took place, has been arrested in Ireland and is fighting to prevent extradition to face the charges. The scheme involved the submission of false claims to Medicare and private insurance companies for more than $2.8 million in order to evade payment limitations. Halstead has been teaching chiropractors how to boost their incomes for more than 20 years. A 1981 advertisement for his audiotaped practice-management course stated that he saw over 700 patients per week and had made nearly $800,000 in 1980 but, due to investments and "proper income tax planning," had paid no income tax for 7 consecutive years. Not long afterward, he was convicted of Medicaid fraud in Illinois. In 1982, he moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, where he operated Practice Systems, a practice-management firm that taught chiropractors how set up high-volume MD/DC practices for rehabilitating injured patients. During the 1990s, ads for his seminars boasted that many of his clients had increased their income by $50,000 per month and that a few were producing over $300,000 per month. The indictment noted that the chiropractors used scripts created by Halstead that were designed to (a) persuade new patients that they had serious spinal conditions, even if they did not; (b) persuade the patients that their "conditions" could be effectively treated by chiropractic manipulation and other means; and (c) overcome any objections the prospective patients had to the type, frequency, length, and cost of the proposed treatments. The clinic staff then followed protocols devised by Halstead to order treatment based on the scope of the patients' insurance coverage rather than their actual physical conditions and needs. Chirobase has posted Halstead's 1981 ad, samples of his scripts, a copy of the indictment, and further details about the case.
            * Original charges on DoD web site The defendants billed and/or caused to be billed Federal health care benefits programs in the name of medical doctors for more than $2.8 million for tests, treatments and other services when these services were actually provided by chiropractors. By falsely indicating the referenced medical services were performed by a medical doctor, when they were not, the defendants received reimbursement for services to which they were otherwise not entitled.

          • http://saltlakecity.fbi.gov/dojpressrel/pressrel07/healthfraud061307.htm POST FALLS CHIROPRACTOR SENTENCED FOR HEALTH CARE FRAUD "...by billing for services different than those actually rendered.."
            • 建议你发到华人餐馆或着计算机店去, 看看人家怎么说.
      • "不要走到哪里总是中国人的思维", yeah, 中国人的思维 sucks. what coutry's 思维 are you using now?
      • 鄙视你!!!我已经把那家美容院的信息给记下来了。我相信,他们也不会给你这种不合法的cash back了。如果他们胆子实在够大的话....呵呵...
        • 发梦呢, 人家PM的你能知道?
      • 你以为保险公司都傻子?等他们动手的那天,你恐怕要加倍的偿还,你所有的记录都在保险公司呢,到时候找你要钱,你能跑哪里去?
        • 凭什么.偶不是OWNER.
          • 你图便宜买了赃物,小偷被抓追溯到赃物,你说我不是小偷,警察说那算了,你留着吧。 这个逻辑你认为讲得通么?讲得通你就往下走吧。
            • 你的例子再次说明中国人混乱的思维(楼上那个什么菠菜再看清楚了,都是活例子呀) : 小偷卖东西有合法营业执照吗? 赃物有合法的收据吗? 图便宜不按规矩买赃物跟偶说的例子一样吗?
              • 那你这个洗头水是有收据的?按摩还是针灸啊?
              • 唉,有合法执照不等于一定守法经营,你所要求的恰恰是违法的违法所得。一旦查出来你是吃不了兜着走的,还是好自为之吧。
              • 有,你又不明白了吧。小偷把东西卖给2手店,2手店出手,你不就有收据了?这个买家还真合法, 起码是不知情,你这个是和spa一起作弊,发票执照都是你们作弊的证据,合法营业执照 里让你开洗头水了?cash back 了?你知法犯法
                • 以前有人在这里说过所以问问罢了.有什么没面子的? 不懂是非胡说八道的人才是没面子的.你进餐馆吃饭还问进的货是不是合法的? 是不是收入都上税? 你去美容院还问员工是不是有工卡的, 有没有黑工? - 典型国人思维. 那个什么菠菜呢,再过来看看.
    • 很多香港美容院都可以用你的保险给你提供美容服务阿!但是cash报销东西比较难,除非你买它卖的产品。
      • 谢谢. 周末已经找到了服务满意的地方. Cash back暂时没有.
        • Could you please PM me where you wanna go. My wife also wanna 美容按摩. Thanks..
        • PM me, too. thanks.
        • please PM me. Thanks!
        • Pm please, thanks!
      • please PM
    • 不方便请PM? Do what ever you want, just don't post it here, Nobody gonna support you.