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I had the same problem without any improvements by any means like facial spa treatments or Body Shop Products . Solutions are as follows:

Yes, if the symptom is serious, you need prescription for the acne treatment, the doctor will give you biotics for acne treatment, if not complicated, go the shopperdrugmart, buy the acne treatment tube for 6.99$ (Benthyal 4-5%)(Life brand 28g)or Clearasil acne treatment(18g, 6.99cnd), (white cream, bit of medicated. )Your pore will be unclogged so fast , within 1-2 days, the redness will be obviously reduced, it worked on me like magics. Follow the direction on the tube, I am using the daily skin care products with this medication, but you might need to switch to some oily-free moisturiser. I know how troublesome the problem you feel when you have the acne problem, hopefully, it is really working on you.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / 最近因压力太大了,额头和下巴长了好多痘痘,请问各位JM用什么产品去印效果比较好。谢谢!
    • sleeping
    • 握手,我几个月前下巴开始长包,现在已经4个了. 稍微好点儿了,可还是看的见4个红引, 发愁ing... 也怪了, 就下巴长, 咋回子事..
      • 我比你惨多了,每天都要出来2-3个,我都快疯掉了,今天出去又买了bodyshop的急救棒,可也不太管用呀,郁闷呀。
        • 我觉得确实和压力有关系. 我包包最严重的时候, 天天到家就在整个下巴和T区呼TBS 的tea tree mask. 2周过后, 稍有改善.
          • 去家庭医生那里开一种药,白色的管管,我青春痘10年了,完全靠它治好的,家庭医生处有免费的试用装,可以先用一周看效果,正装30多块一只。用这个同时白天用波尿酸或者其他高保湿的产品,一周1-2次保湿面膜,这个药晚上单独用,不能和其他保养品混合用
            • I had the same problem without any improvements by any means like facial spa treatments or Body Shop Products . Solutions are as follows:
              Yes, if the symptom is serious, you need prescription for the acne treatment, the doctor will give you biotics for acne treatment, if not complicated, go the shopperdrugmart, buy the acne treatment tube for 6.99$ (Benthyal 4-5%)(Life brand 28g)or Clearasil acne treatment(18g, 6.99cnd), (white cream, bit of medicated. )Your pore will be unclogged so fast , within 1-2 days, the redness will be obviously reduced, it worked on me like magics. Follow the direction on the tube, I am using the daily skin care products with this medication, but you might need to switch to some oily-free moisturiser. I know how troublesome the problem you feel when you have the acne problem, hopefully, it is really working on you.
              • Thank you very much. I will go to shopperdrugmart to buy this acne treatment. I hope it will help me.
    • 我的脸上长了几个很大的红包,现在用纯芦荟胶已经好多了,而且性价比很好,你可以试一试。
      • Can you tell me where I can find this gel? brand / store?Thanks
        • Please check pm!
    • 我也是特别无奈啊。。。。。。。。
      • 我用过无数的产品,基本上所有护肤品有的去豆的都用过,10年了,最后还是家庭医生的药救了我的脸,这药唯一的缺点是干,最好一周做1-2次补水面膜,平时以补充水分为主
        • 多谢,请问是药店买吗?
          • 是处方药,要找家庭医生开
            • 小郁闷一把~
              • 吃避孕丸,有效!
                • ..............
                  • 我用着好像没有什么副作用,唯一就皮肤有点干燥,但我弟用这着刚好,他是大油田
                    • 你说的是避孕药还是其他药啊
        • Name of Medicine
          would you please tell me the name of the medicine, thank you ver much!
    • 我以前也差不多这样,现在每天用冷水洗脸,早点睡觉,不用容易使脸部变油的化妆品就会好一点。我现在连精华素都不敢用了,只用clinic的3部曲,感觉包包少了好多。