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Currently 8 individuals are on the list , 性别各半。

Red_cherry (blue berry), zaishuiyifang(xiaoxiongweini), j_n(Nestea), haoxia74(I like spring), is4life(asis), oem11g(oem), kek99(lei), Angela.

Possible会餐地点:1, 川菜(满江红,or半亩园), 2,Buffet (Buffet King, Star Walk, or the one at Warden /Eglinton), 3. 火锅(小肥羊,etc, ), 4. 粥 (http://www.congeewong.com/indexChSi.php),or you name it.

Tomorrow I will post the location for dinner and information regarding carpool. Your suggestions are always welcome!

If anyone needs to cancel him/herself, I strongly urge her/him to notify me ahead of time.
Thanks you!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / Anybody would like to go out for dinner in Christmas Eve? Hopefully we could have a group of 4-6 individuals. Please reply to this message or send PM if interested.
    • me
    • me 2
    • good
    • sent you a PM
    • Thanks for those who have replied to this message or PMed me. Please confirm your participation by using the following form. I will post some detailed information and a list of restaurants sometime later today.
      Name (prefer to be called):---------------------------------
      Carpool Provider-----------------------------------------------
      Carpool User---------------------------------------------------
      Contact Information-------------------------------------------
    • UPDATE
      目前已按照统一格式报名的同学包括:Red_cherry (blue berry), zaishuiyifang(xiaoxiongweini), j_n(Nestea), haoxia74(I like spring), is4life(asis)。 请其他已报名,而名字不在此的同学用指定格式再确认一次,以便安排carpool.
      • Possible会餐地点
        1, 川菜(满江红,or半亩园), 2,Buffet (Buffet King, or Star Walk), 3. 火锅(小肥羊,etc),or you name it.
        Please make your suggestionS through replying to this message or send PM. We need to decide the location no later than tomorrow afternoon.
        • Need Carpool provider from downtown
          目前有三台车,one from Finch/Leslie, one from Finch/Warden, and one from Sheppard/midland.
          • 会聚的地理位置?
            • Check message #4138699, any suggestion?
              • 据说Eglinton-Warden那家Buffet较好.吃完后,还可以去Cliff park湖边,烧火(有地方)烤肠喝酒(但事先得有人张落购物, 捡材等等,.........晚后找个地方打牌等等.
                • 酷,但莫若去阿冈昆放把火, 多伦多都能看见, 完后烤狗熊,烤浣熊,烤鹿,烤狼腿全有了,.....
                  • 唉!你这只狗狗啊, 一点都不像你的伙伴们,既不会看家护院,也不会摇尾讨人欢心, 只知道跑这儿叫两声, 跑哪儿嗥几口的。
                    Hei Hei
                • 你的想法很不错, 不过就怕现在开始张罗会有点迟了。而我最近两天又要上班,没法投入更多的时间去安排。至于Eglinton-Warden那家Buffet, 我也听说不错,只是从没去过。 可以作为备选方案之一。另外,我也很想打牌,不过我不知道在哪能找到场地, 你要知道,那就更好了。
                  • 无家收容站, 不但有免费圣诞夜大餐,还有地呆,可以呆三月, 哈,.....哈, 呛着了,蓑锐.
                    • I will escort you there since you have made up your mind. I am glad that you find the most appropriate place for yourself eventually. It is better than being homeless, right?
                    • 祝贺你呀,不用到处流浪了,以后你就是家居狗了。
                    • 有地址不? foodbank也捐过,圣诞节这地方听说还是很热闹的,去一看看也是不错的.
    • 报名截至时间为今晚10点。
      • 一群和尚喝闷酒? 或就着恐小姐喝?
        • 为你的不幸深表同情,难怪。。。
        • 哥们,嘴下留情,有恐二姐就不错了。
          • 哪里跑出来个小妖,在这里大放厥词,悟空来了。
            • 仙游到此,大家节日快乐。
              • 好了,冲这句话,偶就让悟空闪吧,流小妖一条命。
                • 多谢了。
                  • 不谢
    • 严重支持!
    • 玩的开心....
      • 橘子要加入么?我们还想多一个mm参加.
        • 苦笑一下
          • 你苦笑什么啊?大过年的....你一把苦脸.....:))))
            • 你是MM, 我哭。
              • 哎....
                • 哟,桔子J,这些年了还在这晃? 您嫉妒的"可爱猫咪"都快当奶奶了,..........
              • 哭什么,美女丑女都是MM,别这么势利眼,只对美女笑的。来,给俺小橘子也笑一个。
                • 这话听着怎么这么别扭啊?还说自己中文好呢?呵呵。你说独孤游见到你,是哭还是笑?或者苦笑不得呢? 哈哈
                  • 你听不懂我的话,不说明我中文不好啊!相反,这正好证明了你的中文不好。这和老外讲他们的俚语土话的时候,我们听不懂是因为英语不好是一个道理呀。
                    • 中国人都听不懂你说什么,所以说你是老外呀
                      • 我的话人人能听懂,我的话不是人人能理解!哈哈
                        • 我知道有一个地方的人都喜欢这么说话,哈哈
                          • 你当然最熟悉了,你的家就在那儿嘛。
        • 呵呵.....谢谢....
          • 玩的开心....
            • 谢谢...你开心..:)))
    • 虽去不了,还是强烈支持。
      • 这才像句人话。
    • 报名截止了
      Currently 8 individuals are on the list , 性别各半。

      Red_cherry (blue berry), zaishuiyifang(xiaoxiongweini), j_n(Nestea), haoxia74(I like spring), is4life(asis), oem11g(oem), kek99(lei), Angela.

      Possible会餐地点:1, 川菜(满江红,or半亩园), 2,Buffet (Buffet King, Star Walk, or the one at Warden /Eglinton), 3. 火锅(小肥羊,etc, ), 4. 粥 (http://www.congeewong.com/indexChSi.php),or you name it.

      Tomorrow I will post the location for dinner and information regarding carpool. Your suggestions are always welcome!

      If anyone needs to cancel him/herself, I strongly urge her/him to notify me ahead of time.
      Thanks you!
      • good job
        • 你孤独了半天怎摸不去啊....
          • TA怕悟空。 教你一招,下次Ta要再欺负你,你要大叫一声“大圣来了”
            • 这你就冤枉TA了....
              • 那是何方神圣?敢欺负橘子?
                • TA...TA..
                  • 刚打开屏幕,就发觉有人说我坏话。小橘子这么不懂事,这儿坏人这么多,就姐姐护着你,你还来这儿哭鼻子---
      • 好...
      • 明白了,原来是樱桃MM在张落饭局,.掉价啊....哄欧....难怪没魄力,保守,...再叫二高大的牧羊狗狗护驾,岂不更能防犯黑鬼的臊扰?
        • 今天俺又学会了一个成语

    • 可以walk in吗?
      • 有话说,有言放!
        • 胡言乱语,你定是喝多了
    • Final Update
      OK, guys, we will meet @ Star Walk Buffet @0815PM (message #4140375, and #4140382).

      I have reserved a table for 12, which will be available at 0815PM. Please ask the front desk for Annie’s reservation. Thanks!
    • The following friends are on the list of our group
      Red_cherry (blue berry), zaishuiyifang(xiaoxiongweini), j_n(Nestea), haoxia74(I like spring), is4life(asis), oem11g(oem), kek99(lei), Angela, theman999(theMan), rollinger(大嘴张), goldendeli(bluenight)
    • Carpool arrangement
      Carpool Providers------------Carpool Users

      Red_cherry (blue berry)-----oem11g(oem)

      is4life(asis)---------------------zaishuiyifang(xiaoxiongweini), kek99(lei)

      j_n(Nestea)----------------------haoxia74(I like spring), Angela

      rollinger(大嘴张)----------------theman999(theMan), goldendeli(bluenight)

      Thank you very much, carpool providers.

      Carpool users, please PM your providers to arrange for pick up.
    • Just a reminder
      We use AA for the dinner. Please make sure you have enough small bills and changes in your purse or wallet.

      Also, please inform me ahead of time if you can not show up, especially for carpool providers.

      Last but not the least, I wish you all a merry christmas. All the best. See you all there.
    • The Map and Address of Star Walk Buffet--------- http://www.restaurantica.com/restaurants/1248/