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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 刚刚见一小子在公司走廊,我笑容满面的打个招呼说早晨好,不想他却爱搭不理的。回到座位,狠狠的查了查HR的database,瓦塞,co-op,Seneca刚毕业,刚到我的部门才四天。geeeeese.
    • 人家不见得讲中文,估计不知道你在讲什么早晨好
      • I certainly said: Good morning.:-) I am the only Chinese from mainland in this department.
        • 口音太重,他没听懂。
    • 好奇多嘴问一句,你们hr的数据库里会列出介绍人的名字吗?
      • I have the authority to see all databases: How an employee gets hired and how company then terminates him, all procedures and references.
        • 不过我不认为你有the authority 把你们HR databases的私人信息发布在网上吧?
    • He knew you were the COW BRO from rolia and he dislikes you.
      • Haha, he is a white guy. There are still a few of them that I feel like haven't knocked their head down yet.
        • 这小子可能看不起亚裔,以为你是什么小人物,所以不搭理你。应该给他一个教训
          • I feel better on your word, that is my initial pulse of anger to find a way to revenge a little bit. Well, forget that evil thinking now.
            • 你可千万别客气,要知道你教训他是致病救人,免的他将来犯更大的错误
              • lol
    • 哈哈哈,瞧你这小心眼儿的。
    • 如果你真有权利看Any database,那你的品行还真的不适合。
      • I never exposed any information, I will eventually supervise him in a few projects, he is pretty new and I haven't fully checked his data yet. I am now just complaining, OK? Actually I disagree hiring him. So many applicants from better background...
        • you took advantage of your position. you abused your priviledge.company data are there for bussiness use. not for curiosity.
        • Don't sign this guy, and find another such as me having mainland backgroud
        • by the way, r u still hiring? possible to slip my resume in the pile and make it on the top?
        • how come u disagreed hiring him and he still stole a job in ur department? u better watch ur back from now on. I know people like you won;t talk the same when distressed in real life.
          • He is a contract for two months, not big deal.
            • 怎么现在连no big deal 的事情牛哥说话也没什么分量了
              • 再看他怎么辩解,呵呵。
      • like always,we are in same ditch.... I doubted his behavior several times but he just wouldn't listen. Shouldn't play around with HR data,bottom line.
        • You betcha. Thanks for reminding but don't be so serious. I am the person whom HR begs all the time to improve their application in a higher priority. You just have no way to know the power if not being in the position.
          • To be a perfect professional and a perfect person, you have to decipline yourself any time, any where. You seem not a strict self-decipline person. That character might be harmful to you.
            • win(秋天的菠菜): You take it too seriously and further chat cannot be proceeded with you. No fun to talk about those craps in an informal style, and you are just adding your irritation too much. None of your business if I am in jail:-)
              • if you went to jail who gonna slide my resume on the top of the pile? come on....
              • 事情是你自己说的,大家也就是据此评论以下,好像还没有人说好的吧?如果你是“逗着玩”,那就当大家的评论也是“逗着玩”。你能做能出来说,人家还不能评了?虚怀若谷嘛。
                • 我只是被触动了那根比较敏感的神经,我有时是很好斗的,改不了了,唉!
                  • good medicine bitter mouth ahh..... so, we make up?
                  • 这不是好斗的问题。如果知错,就认错并以后改正,那么还是牛X。如果不知错,那么好好看看你们公司的规章制度以及一些General的全国和地方性法律法规。如果内心知错,嘴上还硬,那就有点Cheap了。
                  • 所以说你不Qualified。
                    • 他是over-qualified的
      • 严重同意。牛X自以为融入了西方文化,可连这个最基本的Integrity Issue,他尽然都不自知。
      • I am taking you guys' word serious now, and asking admin to delete this msg. Thanks! A lesson.
    • 可能刚被女友骂,理解,下次一定好。
    • 估计是白版的牛哥
      • lol
    • because you look disgusting.
      • 对别人还是说好话比较nice.
    • 人家是懒得答理你。萎萎缩缩的,丢人
    • 估计这位也经常上Rolia, 知道牛哥是啥样人
      • 很多时候人自己在想自己的心事。忽略了他人的招呼,小问题一个。明天就好了,俺经历过多次。别太上心这些小事。
    • good morning!
      • What a wonderful day for walking!
    • 小声的问句,你能否查工资啊?
      • 泡泡,这问题问的太Naive。连你刚来加拿大的时候不会用Transfer被补票的事都能查出来,何况工资?
        • 我还不是为你好,问清楚了,下次跳槽也有底气
        • 他是TTC的啊
          • 差不多吧,CTC, TNT, CCTV 啥的。
            • 怪不得有次他说要是高技术落在了坏蛋手里,会是什么后果
      • 这么说吧,你在NG面前就是光着的。
        • 11, 很黄,暂时还不暴力
          • 谢谢提醒,悬崖勒马。
      • 你是DBA, 有什么你不能查的。
        • Not anymore.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Oracle Database Vault addresses common regulatory compliance requirements and reduces the risk of insider threats by:
          Preventing highly privileged users (DBA) from accessing application data
          Enforcing separation of duty
          Providing controls over who, when, where and how applications, data and databases can be accessed.

          Payment Card Industry (PCI), Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), EU Privacy Directive and the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) all require strong internal controls on access, disclosure or modification of sensitive information that could lead to fraud, identity theft, financial irregularities and financial penalties.

          Oracle Database Vault Realms, Command Rules, Factors and Separation of Duty can be added to existing application environments without changes to the existing application code. Oracle Database Vault was recently validated with Oracle PeopleSoft Applications. Validation with the Oracle E-business Suite and Siebel is currently underway. Oracle Database Vault is available for both Oracle Database 10g Release 2 and Oracle Database 9i Release 2.

          俺也想偷看来着,结果客户这边正式环境克隆到测试环境后,把薪水都改了,CEO一年也就挣几百刀。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 不要说是测试环境了,就算是正式环境,数据库的Value也可以是encrypt的,普通的SQL都不可以,只有有Key的人才可以解,看来你们是out了
            • 不是out了,是从来就没有in过。
              • come on in then, I will take you to a magic world
            • 理论是这样的,但实际上有几个公司把理论付诸实施?大部分还是通过软控制,比如签data privacy guide line.
          • 我看到这个了,不知道有没有人用。有人在Apps 上用吗。 就那个VPD, 麻烦就够大了。再来个vault, 我们都可以放假了。
    • 两种可能: LZ太萎亵, LZ公司PAY的太低.
      • 为何不能文明一点呢?家教啊。
      • 萎缩萎缩。
    • 见面寒暄,兹事体大,不可小视。牛哥要不奔一个吧,让我们看看您什么样。那天在bloor名店街上见着了,咱一定笑容可掬抱拳拱手,除了心里舒服,您还在太太面前有面子。
    • 恭喜牛哥,您后继有人啦
    • 这种小事都记在心上,还回头查人家背景,呵呵。。。
    • 你这头傻牛,怎么在哪都不招人喜欢呢,连你老婆都跟你在这挨骂,你说你还有点男人样吗?
    • 很多刚毕业的小孩不知道大小。你知道就行了。
    • 牛哥生气了,后果很不严重。
    • 牛哥迫切需要别人的认同,在网上没得到就算了,居然在自己的地盘也没得到,能不在乎吗?
    • 牛哥害怕了,到站务区要求删贴了。
      • 得饶人处且饶人,别痛打落水狗了。
    • 娘的,牛哥不是部门经理吗,人到"我的部门四天"竟然不觉。
      • 牛哥是董事, 刚来的就能见牛哥这级别的?怎么也得等混成个部门经理才成吧,估计那小子现在也知道牛哥的身份了,正哭呢
        • 别太把自己当回事,我记得歪嘴首相笑脸握手,迎接的是个白色大蛋糕到笑脸上。中国要是有那末一天,就进步了。
          • 加拿大好像没有首相的
            • 汉朝的时候也叫总理。
          • "别太把自己当回事", 赞同
            • 根本就没那回事。
              • 其实就是一根葱, 而且是放了N天后的
                • 泡泡,别这样。这葱要是插到地里,还是可以继续支棱、甚至冒芽的。
                  • 还是牛粪好,里面的营养比较富裕
    • 其实很多学生很SHY,他们不是看不起你,而是不敢看你,心理发憷。但别人从表面看起来却是他们很傲气。
      • 你还真说对了,我才发现他不爱说话。刚去他的cubicle打个招呼,提醒他换掉name plate,否则大家会叫错名字。
    • 今早,刚被老子训,一肚火,见一神奇十足身影大摇大摆走来,不好!城管?纠察?身影掠过,其眼角瞟了我一眼,嘟嚷着!md,哪冒出来的牛人妮,大吼“站住!哪部门的?”nnd,此牛人居然爱搭不理的!啥人在我老爹的公司还介末神气尼?立马电话hr:查!挖塞,原来。。”哈哈
    • 我们这里IT部门每人的LAPTOP上, 都装了全公司人员DB检索工具(属于绝密软件, 网络上没有的), 不要? 不行! why? After hours trouble shooting and support !