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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Feb 14, a special day for lovers, but I was not so happy guess my bf not happy either.

Last night, I asked him maybe we should have a great time on this Friday since the next day will be weekend. He sounded not happy but said yes. Before I went to bed, I reminded him not to forget to send me an email to say happy V-day, and he said okay. But this morning when I checked my email, I was so damn mad cuz he did not send me an email as I told him. I called him and asked him why he did not send me an email. He was mad and told me : what’s the deal to send me an email since I don’t want to spend this special day with him? Anyway, we are ok now. Romance is not formatted for the specific day, and it should be easy and spontaneous, right?

Sometimes, i think myself funny and silly since i ordered my bf to send me an email for the V-day:-)

Hey, everyone~~ don't be stingy with your compliments and say sth. sweet to your lovers~~

Happy V-day~~~~btw, is it right to change our plan for tomorrow?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / Feb 14, a special day for lovers, but I was not so happy guess my bf not happy either.
    Last night, I asked him maybe we should have a great time on this Friday since the next day will be weekend. He sounded not happy but said yes. Before I went to bed, I reminded him not to forget to send me an email to say happy V-day, and he said okay. But this morning when I checked my email, I was so damn mad cuz he did not send me an email as I told him. I called him and asked him why he did not send me an email. He was mad and told me : what’s the deal to send me an email since I don’t want to spend this special day with him? Anyway, we are ok now. Romance is not formatted for the specific day, and it should be easy and spontaneous, right?

    Sometimes, i think myself funny and silly since i ordered my bf to send me an email for the V-day:-)

    Hey, everyone~~ don't be stingy with your compliments and say sth. sweet to your lovers~~

    Happy V-day~~~~btw, is it right to change our plan for tomorrow?
    • 我觉得你做得对, 法律没有规定就今天情人可以在一起。 happy v-day!
    • your bf is childish
    • He's thinking if you are staying with someone else today. If you are not, make sure he knows. Personally, I think he's reasonable.
    • 这种索要节日问候会不会可能让男的觉得没劲呢?
      • Makes sense. But not every man has the habit to send email or text message to his lover, it's my lecture for him to show love. So next time, he will remember it and it's like a basic instict :-)
        因为他没有这个意识, 所以我在教他, 等到下一次, 我就不教他, 养成习惯, 看他心里有没有我。
        • 感觉他还。。。不如我呢?
        • hope he is a fast learner then..lol
      • 没这么简单呢!不过我不想多说。
        • i know what you mean. Some men are born being romantic, but some not. Simple words can mean a lot to me:-)
          • 说真的,MM,没其他计划今天还是和他一块儿过吧。我知道起码认识的人中有两个因为情人节而暴露了第三者的。他一定听说过这样的故事。所以他的想法也很正常。
            • 如果已经是男女朋友了,还是今天见他吧。
            • Tomorrow is Friday, not a free day. why we have to stay together on this specific day instead of tomorrow? romance is spontaneous not formatted~ btw, I only have one bf right now. if he doesnot trust me, that's his problem, not mine.
              • 同理,你为什么一定要他今天给你发email呢?你们两个都有理,如果是我,我会见他的,何必引起怀疑呢?
                • maybe i shouldnot ask him to send me an mail then. love is on the basis of mutual trust.
                  • Haha!! Love is never on the basis of mutual trust, but on the basis of mutual loyalty and understanding.
                    • i like your comments. totally agree.
    • he is not a ITer, is he? a little VB Script, or a little scheduled task in Outlook will do perfect job in this regard. Automatically each year, to multiple persons .... :-)))
      • 多用用脑子,少用用autosetting,容易忘记是衰退的一个体现
    • I am confused, is it my fault to change plan tomorrow?
      • not necessary, you both are sleeping together, what is he worrying about? moreover, he is supposed to respect your decision if it's reasonable
        • LZ 没有说是否 sleeping together
          • hmm, my fault. whatever :D I think her proposal is very reasonable. they can spend the long weekend in a cottage, more romantic, more love making, longer time together, why has to be today, right?
            • 你跟小女生,小男生的掺和个啥
              • 哈哈,我是觉得那个男的没有看到潜在的 value & benefit,好可惜啊
                • 不觉得,两个人都蛮小心眼的
                  • maybe
                    • 尤其是你 BF
                  • 小心眼那个point就不评价了,但是只要那个男的安排一个地方周末共渡,然后送上礼物哄一哄first,再表示14号那天很失望,因为没有人陪;女的一般在这个时候都比较软,然后就半推半就,要什么给什么。哈哈哈哈(邪恶的笑声)
                    • 晕,你还为那个男的开脱!
                      • 所以我才说那个男的没有看到“那个男的没有看到潜在的 value & benefit” 啊。此计乃上策,天机不可泄露
                        • 这么小心眼的男人,嫁了也不幸福
                          • 你心眼儿大?
    • 感情需要双方共同呵护的。赌气会伤害感情的。沟通是很重要的。如果真的有很充分的理由今天不能相见,温柔地和亲爱的好好说是不会产生误会的。如果没有了感情,要找借口不见是很容易的。至少现在就可能让人误会。
    • This reminds me of the expression "puppy love". He he... no offence.
      • no offence agree..
    • you are so cute and adorable. it's your bf fault for sure
      • Definitely!
    • if my memory serves me right, you posted something before, very similar story...it seems you always like to make trivial things into a big issue...what's the big deal....