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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛For employees in Canada – You have a role in fighting fraud and protecting your benefits plan Mar. 17, 2008

Did you know that as a group benefits plan member you have an important role to play in ensuring all costs incurred under your plan are accurate and legitimate?

March is Fraud Prevention Month and the Investigative Services team at Manulife Group Benefits wants employees to be aware of what’s being charged to their benefits plan and report anything that looks unusual by calling the confidential tip line at 1-877-481-9171. How You Can Help Prevent Fraud
Never sign blank claim forms
Report any provider that asks you to pre-sign a blank claim form
Do not submit a claim prior to receiving the treatment, service or product
Make sure you understand the treatments you are receiving as well as how your benefits plan works
Complete claim audit questionnaires
Notify and reimburse Manulife if items that you purchased through the plan are returned for a refund
Review your Explanation of Benefits OR online claims history and report anything you don’t recognize
If you suspect fraud or the possible abuse of your benefits plan, report your concerns to gb.investigative.services@manulife.com or anonymously by calling 1-877-481-9171. You can also visit www.manulife.ca/stopbenefitsfraud to learn more about how your benefits plan works and your role in fraud prevention.

“The vast majority of health and dental service providers are ethical,” says Jeff Alcock, Manager of Investigative Services for Manulife Group Benefits. “But, for a very small group, benefits plans can be tempting to exploit for personal gain.”

It’s that small group that is the focus of his team’s efforts. “Our plan sponsors — including Manulife in its role as an employer — depend on us to protect their investment in health care,” adds Alcock. “If inappropriate claims get paid, they can lead to negative impacts on the premiums paid by both employers and the employees themselves.”

Comprised of fraud examiners, data analysts, health/dental consultants and former law enforcement professionals, the Investigative Services team uses both proactive and reactive tactics to uncover benefits plan fraud and abuse. This ranges from investigating anonymous tips from concerned plan members to identifying unusual patterns of claim and payment activity through data analysis and profiling.

In addition, Manulife's claims and call centre employees are trained to spot things such as altered receipts, suspiciously high charges and unusual claims frequency.

As a result, Manulife has been able to identify inappropriate claims such as:

Claims by patients who tamper with documents to obtain reimbursements for payments they haven’t made.
Claims by health care providers who submit false information to obtain more money than they are entitled.

In the case of the latter, one major incident involved a dental provider who submitted claims for services that were never performed including fillings, root canals and extractions. The scheme was recognized when an alert plan member reviewed her Explanation of Benefits and reported the discrepancy to Group Benefits Investigative Services.

The dentist ended up pleading guilty to fraud over $5,000. He received a suspended sentence, 18 months probation, 100 hours of community service and was ordered to undergo counseling. He also had to make a $5,000 donation to Sick Kids Hospital and pay $8043.66 in restitution to Manulife. Eventually, the dentist voluntarily withdrew from practice.

“We have an obligation to maintain the trust and confidence of our customers,” says Joanne Keigan, VP of Group Operations. “They want to know that their benefits plan is protected. And, if a fraud or abuse does occur, they want to be assured that we can detect it and will take the steps necessary to address it. I am very proud of our track record over the years and the reputation we have earned because of it.”

When Manulife has reason to suspect a case of fraud or abuse, an investigation is conducted in an attempt to recover any money that has been obtained improperly. In cases where plan member fraud is identified, the employer will be contacted and provided details of the findings. And when the likelihood for a successful prosecution exists, a criminal complaint is submitted to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Since January 2004, more than $28 million has been saved by the Fraud Prevention Program controls initiated by Group Benefits. In 2007 alone, there were 1,632 tips sent to Investigative Services resulting in 26 referrals to regulatory bodies and six referrals to law enforcement services.

“Having employees play a role in fighting the fraud and abuse of their benefits plan reinforces our company’s PRIDE values,” says Patty Johns, Vice President of Human Resources Operations. “If an employee suspects something is amiss, we want to ensure that they know exactly what to do.”

Did you know?

Fraud is the intentional submission of false or misleading information for the purpose of financial gain.
Abuse occurs when a health care provider or consumer exploits the plan provisions or the health profession's guidelines. This includes over billing for services, providing treatment when it is not necessary, overusing services, or returning items after the plan has reimbursed the costs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / 有JM用公司的按摩保险报美容吗?
    公司的保险不包括美容,但是包括按摩。问了HR,需要医生的REFERAL NOTE。这很简单,医生写个小纸条就行了。现在我在一家私人地方做美容,很喜欢美容师的手法,她说认识专业按摩师所以可以弄到个receipt证明是做massage,我就可以去报保险,而实际上只是在她那做美容。她说那按摩师是有牌的,写RMT没问题。可是我男友非常不赞成我用按摩保险报美容,觉得我是欺骗保险公司,说我为了几百块将来出什么事了不值得。
    • 这算啥,我的牙医还把我没用的钱全取出来,放在他那里,我爹妈也可去补牙了。还真的不是为钱,看他高兴,多说两句就帮了。
      • 还很费劲得MATCHED 到角分,不知道他怎么同保险公司解释。不过,保险公司也不是什么好东西,钱赚得那么多,还很黑,保险的JJ很黑。
        • 能不能PM他的电话给我啊?先谢谢了
      • 给个联系电话行吗?
      • 大家别问了,我想他不会愿意大幅度得做,还是找自己的牙医想办法,其实通融都会有的。提前开BILL是我的同事告诉我的,没想到他做得更多。------牙医还可以讲价的,这大家知道吧。
        • 提前开BILL像保险公司要estimate是合法,合理,每个牙医都做。我的牙医还把我没用的钱全取出来,放在他那里,我爹妈也可去补牙了。抓到会连累到你的工作。
          • 得,要这样加拿大就没现金工了。再说影响的是医生不是我。
            • 如果是你同意的,绝对会影响到你,信不信由你。
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛For employees in Canada – You have a role in fighting fraud and protecting your benefits plan Mar. 17, 2008

              Did you know that as a group benefits plan member you have an important role to play in ensuring all costs incurred under your plan are accurate and legitimate?

              March is Fraud Prevention Month and the Investigative Services team at Manulife Group Benefits wants employees to be aware of what’s being charged to their benefits plan and report anything that looks unusual by calling the confidential tip line at 1-877-481-9171. How You Can Help Prevent Fraud
              Never sign blank claim forms
              Report any provider that asks you to pre-sign a blank claim form
              Do not submit a claim prior to receiving the treatment, service or product
              Make sure you understand the treatments you are receiving as well as how your benefits plan works
              Complete claim audit questionnaires
              Notify and reimburse Manulife if items that you purchased through the plan are returned for a refund
              Review your Explanation of Benefits OR online claims history and report anything you don’t recognize
              If you suspect fraud or the possible abuse of your benefits plan, report your concerns to gb.investigative.services@manulife.com or anonymously by calling 1-877-481-9171. You can also visit www.manulife.ca/stopbenefitsfraud to learn more about how your benefits plan works and your role in fraud prevention.

              “The vast majority of health and dental service providers are ethical,” says Jeff Alcock, Manager of Investigative Services for Manulife Group Benefits. “But, for a very small group, benefits plans can be tempting to exploit for personal gain.”

              It’s that small group that is the focus of his team’s efforts. “Our plan sponsors — including Manulife in its role as an employer — depend on us to protect their investment in health care,” adds Alcock. “If inappropriate claims get paid, they can lead to negative impacts on the premiums paid by both employers and the employees themselves.”

              Comprised of fraud examiners, data analysts, health/dental consultants and former law enforcement professionals, the Investigative Services team uses both proactive and reactive tactics to uncover benefits plan fraud and abuse. This ranges from investigating anonymous tips from concerned plan members to identifying unusual patterns of claim and payment activity through data analysis and profiling.

              In addition, Manulife's claims and call centre employees are trained to spot things such as altered receipts, suspiciously high charges and unusual claims frequency.

              As a result, Manulife has been able to identify inappropriate claims such as:

              Claims by patients who tamper with documents to obtain reimbursements for payments they haven’t made.
              Claims by health care providers who submit false information to obtain more money than they are entitled.

              In the case of the latter, one major incident involved a dental provider who submitted claims for services that were never performed including fillings, root canals and extractions. The scheme was recognized when an alert plan member reviewed her Explanation of Benefits and reported the discrepancy to Group Benefits Investigative Services.

              The dentist ended up pleading guilty to fraud over $5,000. He received a suspended sentence, 18 months probation, 100 hours of community service and was ordered to undergo counseling. He also had to make a $5,000 donation to Sick Kids Hospital and pay $8043.66 in restitution to Manulife. Eventually, the dentist voluntarily withdrew from practice.

              “We have an obligation to maintain the trust and confidence of our customers,” says Joanne Keigan, VP of Group Operations. “They want to know that their benefits plan is protected. And, if a fraud or abuse does occur, they want to be assured that we can detect it and will take the steps necessary to address it. I am very proud of our track record over the years and the reputation we have earned because of it.”

              When Manulife has reason to suspect a case of fraud or abuse, an investigation is conducted in an attempt to recover any money that has been obtained improperly. In cases where plan member fraud is identified, the employer will be contacted and provided details of the findings. And when the likelihood for a successful prosecution exists, a criminal complaint is submitted to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

              Since January 2004, more than $28 million has been saved by the Fraud Prevention Program controls initiated by Group Benefits. In 2007 alone, there were 1,632 tips sent to Investigative Services resulting in 26 referrals to regulatory bodies and six referrals to law enforcement services.

              “Having employees play a role in fighting the fraud and abuse of their benefits plan reinforces our company’s PRIDE values,” says Patty Johns, Vice President of Human Resources Operations. “If an employee suspects something is amiss, we want to ensure that they know exactly what to do.”

              Did you know?

              Fraud is the intentional submission of false or misleading information for the purpose of financial gain.
              Abuse occurs when a health care provider or consumer exploits the plan provisions or the health profession's guidelines. This includes over billing for services, providing treatment when it is not necessary, overusing services, or returning items after the plan has reimbursed the costs.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 牙医怎么讲价呀?我每次看完牙,单子都出来,只能签字了。是之前去讲吗?
          • 没有啥可以讲的,就是讲你付不付BALANCE,如果你的保险不是100%的话.
          • 是保险的就不好说了。如果自付费,可以同他商量可不可以用低的RANGE。
      • 我知道的是,不合法就不提了,重要的是,对你有什么不好影响,就是你不知道他是以什么名目报销回来的钱,比如伪造你做了根管治疗在某些健康的牙上,那下次你的牙齿真的有问题了,

        • 想象力不要这么丰富好不好,你以为就你是对的。别人都是贪小便宜?你以为医生对所有的病人都一样?你以为所有的岗位都是一板一眼的教条?作任何事情只要有合理合法的理由,你凭什么瞎猜疑人家!!!
          • 谢谢指教,可是你真是莫名其妙,黑白颠倒。是你自己说的“我的牙医还把我没用的钱全取出来,放在他那里,我爹妈也可去补牙了”这明显不合理合法,还说我什么“瞎猜疑人家”,你不要这么针对,好吗?知道你很激动,冷静一下,所以你有回复我也不会回复了。
    • 你男朋友是对的.
    • 这是 100% 的欺骗,被抓住是有可能判罪的。所以,。。。。。。
      • I am working at a law firm and we had a formal chinese client who used his insrance to cover his spa ( ha, hard to believe his is a man) expence and finally was found out by the insurance co. and lost his job.
        • 能不能说说怎么发现的?很感兴趣。
          • 估计是有人举报
            • the insurance co. called the doctors(Thyrapist) whose names were provided by the Spa's boss, then it turned out they had no such knowledge. Then the insurance co. notify the employer
              • 那个Thyrapist证书是怎么考的呀?
              • 是这样啊。还好,我的按摩师什么证书都有,经得住检查。多谢了。
                • 我也觉得一般没问题。按摩师就是又可以做按摩,又可以做facial,怎么能查她那次服务做的什么呢?上边那个case做的太假了,就是骗了。
                  • too many claims or suspicious claim pattern for the provider
    • 你男朋友100%是对的
    • 谢谢大家的意见.