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At my age, I must be money oriented. Else, I will have to rely on social security after retirement.

What I fear most is after I spent considerable time and efforts, SAP faded away.

I acutally have stronger background on financial side. IT is my fifth career. And I think I have enough education background on both financial and IT sides.

The problem I faces now is I do not have enough time and do not want to spend too much money on this fifth explore. To detail, I do not know if I should spend effort on Oracle ERP or SAP ERP. To answer your question, actually I do not have plan now. You seem are experience SAP professional. I need your advisory.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 学科技术讨论 / Is there any body interested in self-studying SAP MM Module? I don't want to go to any school coz their quality is terrible, but I need system to practice. Please PM me if you have same interest.
    • d
    • I am interested in it,pls email me:zlfu@hotmail.com, thanks
      • Hi, the thing is how to get the system? any idea?
        • 大部分自学者可以搞到安装盘,安装也很容易,但如果要配置好并跑一遍MM流程的话一个人肯定搞不定。
    • 顶一下。。。我也感兴趣
    • I am in Toronto
    • 我不懂MM,只懂一些纯技术的模块。但你要配的那些流程,没有业内人士的帮忙,查不到SAP NOTE的话很多东西都事倍功半。这就是自学的难度所在。
      • Thanks, how to get the system?
        and what's the requirement for computer's memory and hard disc? I plan to study by myself first and operate the system later, coz it takes time to master the system, so it's better to practise and learn byself first. I will appreciate if you can give me some idea how and where to get the system, it's better to install version 6.0 now, right?
        • 要找安装盘,一是在黑市买,二是找有S帐号的业内人士帮忙下载;如果要自己装系统又要自己学流程的话,相当于你要融会贯通TECHNICAL和FUNCTIONAL两块。。。新手只有天才能做到。
          • so it's better to study the theory for Function first , and let some experienced people install the system later, right?
            • 只学理论不实践是很郁闷的,大部分人也因此中途而废。我的建议是找个业内人士做MM的,拜它为师让它手把手教你。找不到的话就走这条路:
              找一个有SAP MM的公司,进去打杂。。去里面蹲一段时间,不舞正业,专心学习MM,当然被别人指责是免不了。但出来又是一条好汉。。。

              • Thanks for the advice, I am in the process now .
              • 呵呵,好汉,二十年后?
                • 是很难, 但还不至于高不可攀; 难度大, 竞争就少, 不是好事吗?
      • could you PM your telephone #, I want to talk to you.
      • 饭少,问个问题,怎样安全的删除ce10001 中的数据,27g,占了太多的空间,thanks。
        • WHAT IS 'ce10001 '?
          • it's a standard table in SAP, somebody told me that I can find some notes from SAP to delete the records within it.
            • 没找到这个表啊,相似的有ce1s001和ce1z001,后者比较大...定时做下REORG可以吧,实在要删些数据的话估计得用SARA或者用第三方公司比如OPENTEXT的ARCHIVING工具
            • 这是CO item 表。SAP的纪录通常不能直接删除的。因太多的纪录关联在一起。可以通过它自带的Archiving功能来删除。
              • 给个notes吧,没有经验做这活,这个是开发系统,只有我一个人在用,错了无所谓,thanks,
                • 既然无所谓,那就用数据库自带的删除纪录和reorg命令吧.
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛这样的话,你有可能就用不了IDES里自带的纪录了. 你可以试,

                  OSS note 69370:
                  1. If you use the archiving tool available in the CO-PA task level menu under menu option 'Tools', only use the 'Only archive line items' option on the selection screen. This allows you first to archive and then finally to delete line items from table CE1xxxx without having to create an own program for this. However, you should note that this procedure is only useful if you can determine exactly the quantity of the line items to be archived of the affected record type ('F' for incorrect billing data or 'B' for incorrect data from Financial Accounting) by specifying the period (fiscal year/period) on the selection screen. If such a restriction is not possible, line items correctly copied into CO-PA would also be removed from the line item table when you archive. If this is desired, make sure that this data is also posted into Profitability Analysis again later when posting.

                  2. You can delete faulty CE1xxxx records using a user-programmed ABAP/4 program. Such a solution has the advantage that the records to be deleted can be specified according to the error which has occurred. The incorrect records may in some cases also be deleted with program 'RKEDELE1'. If this program does not exist in the standard SAP system, you must first import it from an SAP server into the customer system. You can find more information on this in Note 75334.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • thanks, will post the result after done.
        • ce1xxxx are COPA line item tables. Officially you need to use COPA archiving function to reorg. If you don't care about data consistency,just go to SE14 do an adjustment without keeping data.Check oss note 69370 for fixing copa table inconsistency.
      • Hello Sir. May I ask what kind of job in SAP is highest? I am thinking about to switch to SAP. And I am thinking about once I need to learn complete new stuff, why not target to the hightest pay? Your answer will be very much appreciated.
        • 饭少, Da Lao, I have waited so many days. Would you please answer me.
          • 因为我也不知道啊
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛SAP这个领域那么大,我也就一小块懂点皮毛而已。

            你所说的"hightest pay",毫无疑问肯定是做销售的拿到钱最多。但如果人脉不广语言不灵,不说加拿大,就算是美国这个巨大的SAP市场估计都卖不出货。。。


            "工期短,技术含量高(就是没几个人能做)的工种" 又是什么?我也在研究中。因为如果作为SAP内部的员工,基本上技术细节没有什么秘密可言。不存在"解决这个技术问题只有我知道,你其他人都不懂"的这个问题。因为SAP NOTES有几百万条,慢慢搜索总能找到解决方案。所以要拿到高PAY也只有和行业经验,或者系统经验挂钩。举个例子,某药厂要上条新的流水线(生产伪而刚?),来料加工(MM,Purchasing)、人员调配(HR)、运输检测(Logistics, QA)等等。能实现这些功能的CONSULTANT必然是在医药行业混了很久的人,换了其他背景的人估计药厂也不会让他去做实施。再举个纯IT技术的例子:SAP整个系统在厂里进行OS/DB MIGRATION。要从AS400/DB2 400平台上转移到AIX/ORACLE平台。要有资格做这个的一般需要持有SAP OS/DB MIGRATION的专门认证,并且要有实现过一磨一样的系统迁移的经验。这样的人基本上极少,有可能SAP CANADA一个都没有。但SAP AMERICA有可能有。如果再没有还可以从SAP PARTNER里面找合适资格的,然后由SAP公司推荐到客户那里做。系统迁移/升级项目是典型的时间短,收入高的项目之一,但新手混进去的难度相当大。

            不管怎么说,这里又是个人脉的问题:如果自己能拉到项目,不通过中介,怎么样都是高的。就算是最最最底层的ABAP PROGRAMMER,年收入都比年薪10万的长工高的多很多。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • Thank you thank you thank you
              1. Does every SAP consultant need to know ABAP? Should I study ABAP as start point?
              2. How many SAP certifications do I need to be something, say SAP FICO consultant? How much for each of them?
              3. What is best routine to be there?
            • I remembered you setup a SAP self learning group before. Do you have any plan this year. I want learn SAP, but can not find the environment to support BI 7.0 and XI which only available by ECC 6.0, but noway to get it. Thanks!
            • 这种小儿科的事,SAP Canada 至少5个人擅长。大企业一般都直接找SAP Canada要人做migration。因为SAP的人做,最后总有SAP垫底不会出大娄子,而且现在SAP consultant的价格也不那么贵,找independent没有什么节约的作用。
          • SAP FICO functional consultant is higher than other other functional ones.
            • Thank you so much. That will be my direction.
              1. In comparison to Oracle Financial (if there is such thing), which one has higher pay?
              2. Will SAP disappear after say 10 years? Or Oracle will disappear?
              3. What is functional consultant? What is the duties?
              • What's you plan to learn SAP?
                You are too money oriented. You need to ask SAP consults to ask these detailed questions, actually they are difficult to answer. As far as I know, SAP occupies most of the world's market share among all ERP softwares. Personally, it's conceivable that SAP will disappear after Oracle or any other ERP if there's no longer any need for ERP. As for the Function, FICO consultant needs a financial background; MM needs material management background; HR human resource; if you don't have financial background I don't think you can be a FICO consultant. Therefore, there is an extremely higher barrier to access the SAP occupation although SAP is not difficult but complicated and stubon. Even you finished learning the theories, you still need the system to operate; to be a consultant, you must familiar with all possible problems and the logic. Last but not least, higher education is a plus to be a consultant. If you make a determined effort to learn SAP, could you share your plan?
                • At my age, I must be money oriented. Else, I will have to rely on social security after retirement.
                  What I fear most is after I spent considerable time and efforts, SAP faded away.

                  I acutally have stronger background on financial side. IT is my fifth career. And I think I have enough education background on both financial and IT sides.

                  The problem I faces now is I do not have enough time and do not want to spend too much money on this fifth explore. To detail, I do not know if I should spend effort on Oracle ERP or SAP ERP. To answer your question, actually I do not have plan now. You seem are experience SAP professional. I need your advisory.
                  • Depend on the module and experience.
                    For SAP technical and functional consultant, in average it is between 25 to 250 per hours. I've the same concern as you many years ago regarding "SAP will be faded away for the next ten years". But, it didn't. Both Oracle and SAP shouldn't fade away that easily. Reason: too many companies heavily invest in them. Unless Microsoft ERP product (Dynamics) can catch up. But, it still has a long way to go... or Bill Gates may buy SAP/Oracle and dissolve it. :)
                    • Do you know how much Oracle ERP consultants charge?
                  • 如果GM倒闭了,GM Dealers的修车工会不会担心找不到工作呢?
                    • ?
          • 这需要看企业.
            有的企业认为销售部对公司的业务很重要,它们会给SD/CRM的顾问很高的价钱. 有时看项目当时的需求.看过企业给8000刀/天给 direct BI/BW consultant. BTW. 越高的价钱,留在一个项目的时间越短.可能一年下来,用来找下一个工作的时间比工作时间长. 现在FI/CO顾问的价钱不见的高了.今天知道有两个独立FI/CO顾问没工作了.上星期也有三位FI/CO顾问离开项目了.现在还没着落.Accenture 和Bearing Point最近裁了一批SAP顾问. 现在看来,SAP市场不像以前这么好了.郁闷.
            • 帮朋友收集一下SAP业内人士的意见, 望知情者提供信息, 谢谢了.
              3yrs SAP MM experience in China, 2 years power user, 1 year consultant, OK in English communication; can he or she got a SAP job in Canada? How much is the salary for the person with above Background.
              • 找工是看运气的.
                • Thank you for your reply! What the approximate rates for a consultant with SAP experience of 3 complete circles of implementation, 2 in MM and 1 in PM?
                  I know the Canadian experience is unique even the SAP is introduced by Germany. But could you tell me the rates for SAP specialist with experience of equivalent background and experience as above?
    • I have been told SAP consultant does not need to know ABAP. Is that right? If that is right, then what business do IT professionals do with it? It sounds accountants and MBA are more suitable to be SAP consultants. Am I right?
      • Yes, you are right. The people must have business acum, little with IT.
        • There are 3 kind of SAP professional works: technical-programming, technical-administration and functional. Can anyone advise the career paths lead to these three different goals?