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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 房价跌为什么要卖, 不卖不就得了, 又不是供不起, 美国的爆跌是因为贷款条件低, 那些贷到款炒房的人供不起房子只好卖. 而加拿大不一样, 有房的人都供得起房子, 失业率, 利率都这么低, 房价高能赚钱就卖, 赚不到钱谁还卖啊, 没房的人就慢慢等吧.
    • 股票跌为什么要卖呢? 我觉得是为了止损吧?
      • 股票跟房子没可比性, 股票没有使用价值, 而房子有.
      • 这跟股票不能比,股票买卖方便,而且北美的股票一旦下跌,跌到只有几分钱的可能都有,所以要止跌。也许你会告诉我,房子也有可能一跌就跌掉90%,那我也就无话可说了。一般来说,如果房子跌,我是不会卖房子的。
        • 跌掉50%是有的。
          • 价跌,量也跌,你可选择的房子很少,一般只有破产房可选择。
            • About 1.8 million Americans are being foreclosed. That's lots of choices.
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Las Vegas Review-Journal, June 13, 2008

              In Clark County, one in 96 homeowners gets notice in May

              By John G. Edwards

              Nevada led the nation in foreclosures for the 17th consecutive month in May, according to RealtyTrac, but local leaders say they can help some homeowners dig their way out of financial quicksand and sometimes save their homes.

              A group led by Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., will hold its third foreclosure prevention counseling program for homeowners today and Saturday at Cashman Center.

              The counseling sessions can help homeowners determine if they can avoid foreclosure and, if not, explain how homeowners can reduce the financial pain.

              "This resource center cannot solve everybody's problem," Reid said. "But it will provide useful information."

              About 1.8 million Americans are being foreclosed, Reid said in a press conference Thursday.

              "Sadly, a lot of them are in Nevada," he said.

              Statewide, one in every 118 households received a foreclosure notice last month, Irvine, Calif.-based RealtyTrac reported Thursday.

              In Clark County, the hardest-hit area of the Silver State, one out of every 96 homeowners received foreclosure notices in May. That's a 66 percent increase from May of last year and 21 percent more than in April, RealtyTrac reported.

              Foreclosure notices were filed on 7,880 houses in Clark County in May, including 4,286 notices of default, RealtyTrac reported.

              While Nevada leads in home foreclosure, "we also carry the highest consumer debt load of any city in the nation, and that drives bankruptcy, where we're number one," Michele Johnson, president of Consumer Credit Counseling Service.

              Yet, foreclosure isn't always inevitable.

              Teams of 20 lenders at the counseling sessions "are really geared to help people stay in their home," said Kirk Clausen, regional president of Wells Fargo Bank.

              Home lenders sometimes will refinance homes at lower rates, consolidate loans or freeze rates, Clausen said. He urged homeowners to contact counselors at Cashman Center or their lender as soon as they encounter financial problems, because foreclosure may be unavoidable if they wait too long.

              Other advisers will help homeowners deal with the repercussions if they cannot keep their homes, Johnson said. She mentioned short sales where lenders allow an owner to sell the home for less than the amount owed, and deeds in lieu of foreclosure where the borrower turns over the house without foreclosure.

              The counseling service outlines strategies homeowners can use to prepare for rental housing and reduce foreclosure-related expenses.

              The free counseling is being provided by the Foreclosure Prevention Resource Center and sessions will be held from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. today and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. The program will be conducted in the first-floor conference room at Cashman Center, 850 Las Vegas Blvd. North.

              Contact reporter John G. Edwards at jedwards@reviewjournal.com or 702-383-0420.

              Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 很有道理,我肯定不卖除非没工作或某种原因没钱还债。
        • 股票放在手里,你不用拿月耗(地税+养房子费);但房子你必须要月月拿钱出来。我再说一遍,我说的是投资房,不是自住的,自住的月耗一个月2亿,也是正常,不存在盈亏的问题。但如果是投资房,你一个月拿300出来,就可能面临亏本。
          • 你那意思现在市场上卖的都是投资房? 中国人有几家有投资房的?
            • 你看看在卖的房子,有几个是有房东在里面住的?房东不住在里面,难道都睡大街了?
              • 那就是先买后卖了, 现在换房的人比较多.
    • 卖房有很多种原因,比如工作换到另一个城市,不一定是应为房价涨了,对于只有一个house的人来说,房价涨了并没有太实际的利益。因为你卖了之后再买不也比以前多花钱吗
      • 如果工作换到另一个城市房价便宜的城市,房价涨了应该有很实际的利益。
    • 不少人是在炒房子的,死得是那些人。慢慢等没什么不好吧,别这样咬牙切齿的。再者,你是不是想卖房?
      • 加拿大哪有什么炒房子的人, 光税就交死你, 炒房子不如去美国和中国, 加拿大人连自己住都买不起, 拿什么炒. 我是想卖房, 但是我不急着卖, 房价不好我不会卖的, 大不了出租或自住.
        • 跟在加拿大相比,在美国炒房子有什么好处?
        • 听起来好像全天下就你那房子在卖
        • 要紧牙,千万别卖
          • 就是握在手里天天涨,到时候把整个安大略省给买下来!!!!
            • .
        • 呵呵,就凭你这么说,买谁的也不买你的!!!慢慢等~~~~~~~~~
          • 就凭你这么说, 你买我也不卖给你.
            • 哈哈哈!!!!你握着吧!!等升值到10000000000000万,买个多伦多!!!
        • first of all you are wrong,
          first of all you are wrong, for most of those jj they will hold 2-3 houses at least.
          what are those houses used for, for investment. that is the reason 1. jj want to sale out their house right now as they know housing market is slow down 2. they still encourage sb to buy but the fact is that for now Ontarion Economy is bad.
          • 我在最近看房过程中就遇到好几个经纪在卖房。我关注的房子都是比较hot的区,但最近房子真的卖得很慢,可以很明显感觉到的萧条。我准备暂时观望,迟些时候看形势再说。
        • 你又不炒房,又不是供不起,有房子多好不用住地下室,为什么要卖呢?真是此地无银三百两。
          • 因为我想换大的.
            • 估计你是已经买了大房,小房卖不出去着急了吧。否则,即使换房,也可以慢慢换嘛!
              • 我才不急呢, 今天JJ说我们周围三家跟我们一样的房子都卖掉了, 就剩我们一家了, 看样子买房的人还是不少嘛. 我的房子比他们好, 价格比他们高, 我就不降价, 爱买不买.
                • 如果你不急,为什么在这儿忽悠半天.
                  • 楼主这是逗大家开心呢~~~~谢了~~~~
                • LZ又不是有几栋房子在投资,就一栋房子自住的有什么好讨论的,浪费时间。
    • 加拿大人都富的流油,或者后院能挖出石油。打工只是业余消遣。失业率和房价完全没有关联。只有美国那样的穷国才靠打工还贷款。:)))))))))
      • lol
      • 同LOL.
    • 既然这么说,那您老为什么还卖自己的房呢?
    • 不过没房的人,等房价跌了,可以买破产房,应该比现在的破产房多一点。但肯定没美国的破产房多。因为加拿大的银行在批房贷的时候还是相当保守的。
      • 房子为什么要卖呢?因为经济不好,很多人没工作了,供不起房子了。
        • 不再争论这个问题了,只能说明每个人处于不同的群体,看见的情况都不一样。我认识的几十个拥有房子的移民家庭没有一个出租房子的。
          • 几十个 or 十几个 or 几个? never rented? Wow!!
          • "只能说明每个人处于不同的群体" - Bingo!! I see the same thing - even more. In Markahm and RH areas, most house owners don't have 出租房子.
    • 加拿大的5%或0首期,40年的贷款,难道还算保守?就算25岁买房,也得还到65,更不用说3,40岁的人了,到退休都还不完。记得本坛“重来不说”的贷款额是收入的7倍,可见加拿大的贷款并不是那么的保守。另外,失业率,利率跟美国相当吧,而且经济还不如美国好。
      • 加拿大也有很多贷款专家专门帮你作假,想贷多少都有办法的。
      • 这种事情千万不要去做,重蹈覆辙。美国次贷就是这么来的。
    • 不是因为房价跌了要卖,而是因为太多要卖的才跌价。你因果关系搞反了。
    • 你这个日经帖啊,一听你说话那味,就是个那个自己要卖房还让别人往里钻的...,你的房子就慢慢留着住吧.
      • 我慢慢的卖, 你慢慢的等, 不急.
        • enjoy yourself! HaHa!