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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Not sure it’s about VBA or just about cell reference to other sheet.

If it’s related to VBA code, you can view code by Visual Basic Editor: (By View -> Toolbars -> Visual Basic to show Visual Basic Toolbar)

If it’s about cell reference, same sheet reference is little bit different from other sheet reference.

Referring to same sheet: =ColumnRow. e.g. =B22

Referring to other sheet: =SheetName!$Column$Row, e.g. =Sheet1!$A$6

Functions can be used in reference, e.g.

= SUM(Sheet1!$A$2:$F$2)


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 学科技术讨论 / 向高手请教EXCEL VB问题
    头给了一个EXCEL表, 打开一看, 里面有调用别的SHEET的数据. 用Project explore 看到有几个SHEET, 但我却看不到里面的内容, 没办法UPDATE, 那位指点一下, 如何搞定...多谢.
    • 是不是隐藏了?
      • 如果是调用其他workbook的内用,那么被调用的workbook也要打开
    • Not sure it’s about VBA or just about cell reference to other sheet.
      If it’s related to VBA code, you can view code by Visual Basic Editor: (By View -> Toolbars -> Visual Basic to show Visual Basic Toolbar)

      If it’s about cell reference, same sheet reference is little bit different from other sheet reference.

      Referring to same sheet: =ColumnRow. e.g. =B22

      Referring to other sheet: =SheetName!$Column$Row, e.g. =Sheet1!$A$6

      Functions can be used in reference, e.g.

      = SUM(Sheet1!$A$2:$F$2)

      • 我用VB EDITOR, 在MS EXCEL OBJECT下看到被调用的OBJEC "SHEET2(CELL SITE), 但用VIEW OBJEC去看是, 菜单是灰的, 看不了.
        • Double click Sheet2. But I guess it’s empty. Many Excel features do not need code to achieve at all.
          If the content of Sheet2 is not visible, you can view it by
          Format -> Sheet -> Unhide...
          In Unhide window, select CELL SITE and click OK.
          • 多谢大侠指点, 终于看到它了...
    • format > sheet > unhide.