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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Toronto WinterCity Festival
齐来享受冬日节期间,每个周末的免费娱乐节目:看看荷兰街头剧团Close-Act如何把弥敦菲腊广场化作一个美人鱼居住的诡秘海底世界;观看星期六晚的The Stills演唱会,并同场欣赏Thunderheist和Shad的演出;到RBC的WinterCity Lodge里,在舒适的壁炉边,一面喝暖暖的饮料,一面看精彩表演;还有参加Tim Hortons Ice Breakers溜冰活动,包括适合任何年纪人士参加的互动周末溜冰派对,以及星期五晚,由著名唱片骑师Deko-ze和Gene King助阵的溜冰派对。此外,冬日节还设有多伦多名胜景点热身活动系列(Warm Up Series at Toronto Attractions),为大家提供一系列别具一格的室内活动,由阅读诗歌、美术工作坊,以至品茶赏茗,各适其适。小朋友们又可以到卡萨罗玛城堡(Casa Loma)寻宝,或者去加拿大国家电视塔(CN Tower)跟卡通人物Wonder Pets和Dora the Explorer见面等等!在冬日节期间,您还可以享有入场费折扣优惠,到市内一些最刺激的地方游玩呢!
地点:Nathan Phillips Square(City Hall)——100 Queen Street West

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 快乐单身 / 这个活动应该很好玩,谁有兴趣呀?
    Toronto WinterCity Festival
    齐来享受冬日节期间,每个周末的免费娱乐节目:看看荷兰街头剧团Close-Act如何把弥敦菲腊广场化作一个美人鱼居住的诡秘海底世界;观看星期六晚的The Stills演唱会,并同场欣赏Thunderheist和Shad的演出;到RBC的WinterCity Lodge里,在舒适的壁炉边,一面喝暖暖的饮料,一面看精彩表演;还有参加Tim Hortons Ice Breakers溜冰活动,包括适合任何年纪人士参加的互动周末溜冰派对,以及星期五晚,由著名唱片骑师Deko-ze和Gene King助阵的溜冰派对。此外,冬日节还设有多伦多名胜景点热身活动系列(Warm Up Series at Toronto Attractions),为大家提供一系列别具一格的室内活动,由阅读诗歌、美术工作坊,以至品茶赏茗,各适其适。小朋友们又可以到卡萨罗玛城堡(Casa Loma)寻宝,或者去加拿大国家电视塔(CN Tower)跟卡通人物Wonder Pets和Dora the Explorer见面等等!在冬日节期间,您还可以享有入场费折扣优惠,到市内一些最刺激的地方游玩呢!
    地点:Nathan Phillips Square(City Hall)——100 Queen Street West
    • 好活动~~
    • 对这种活动永远支持,看完后接着去CLUBBING(健身)。 ^ - ^
    • 什么是市内一些最刺激的地方?
    • thanks for the info, sounds a lot of fun to me, so many things to do :D
      comedy show :

      the show at nathan phillips square, by Dutch street theatre troupe : Close-Act

      this one needs reservation in advance, i'm looking for some nice and not-so-expensive restaurant :D

      not sure about the concert.
      will ask my buddies to go together.
    • 和一群同事去winterlicious :)
    • 顺便说句,Promise DJ 在 Lodge 放的音乐真的很棒 (8:00PM - 10:00PM), 去年就亲自感受过了。 ^ - ^
      • 你们都自组小帮派呀?没人组织大家一起去玩吗?不好玩。:(
        • let's go together.
          • 支持
          • ^_^
          • 顺便练习摄影
    • sounds good
    • Friday, Jan 30, 6:45pm, meet at starbucks, 394 bay street, then see the show at Nathan phillips (literally just across the street) square by Close-Act, btw, it's outdoor show, so it's gonna be cold. call me 416-399-8017 if you want to go together.
      • 那周六晚上还看吗?
    • some options after the outdoor show (8pm ish) : improvised comedy shows at bad dog company theater, 138 Danforth Avenue (broadview & bloor), at 8:30/10pm, or a tribute concert to Bon Jovi at Hollywood bar(1184 The Queensway, south etobicoke), 8:30pm
    • standing in the -20 windchill outside for a couple of hours....u guys are polar bears. lol
    • 呵呵,比想象的暖和,
      • hmmmmmm :-)
      • 是天气比想象的暖和还是其他什么原因比想象的暖和啊 :)
        • I'm not sure. I hope it's both though. :-) Also thanks to Danny for providing carpool on both events.
          • 没注意到是Danny, 也谢谢Kevin放电影给我们看,a nice weekend.
            • 哪里放电影?
              • i have a makeshift home theater : a projector, a 92'' screen and my own HD movie collection. To me, it's a decent substitute for real movie theater , specially in winter.
                • 这等好事,下次叫上我吧。我们可以组织个影评小组。
        • 因为,根本,就没在外面站几分钟
          • 知道了,此地既无金,也无银 :)
    • 那天拍的一些照片
      • 照片很漂亮,拍摄水平不错。顶!
      • good job!
        • have you got the 50mm f1.8 lens? if not, my suggestion is : you should RUN, not just walk, and get it! :D Seriously , for the cost, it's the best you can find on market. Danny, please confirm it! He is using a D80. :D
          • couldn't agree with u more, little guy makes u get the feel of professional right way.
          • 还没有。。呵呵,谢谢推荐!
          • 明天进一个30mm f1.4, 从此终于有一个标头了:D